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May 21, 2022
meh i would actually have to leave the house in order to see if it would help. same thing applies to my curioristy to see if drugs would work


Oct 14, 2022
helps alot with anxiety u should try, but addiction is very fast couple weeks and u cant live without, but its really good feeling, nicotine thats one thing that helped me stay alive till today its paradoxal but cigarrets becomes a friend, can stop smoking in future its not easy but is doable and is better option that making wrists for sure, should give a try
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Vapor Self
Apr 11, 2023
It can help with some stress and boredom, but will drain your bank account.


Aug 11, 2018
May I ask how 0% nicotine helps with anxiety and an ED? I tried 0% nicotine and I got bored of it and quit.
When I vape I am taking proper breaths and when I get anxious is helps to have a few puffs of it. ED wise, I have a puff when I want to eat food cause my vape tastes like strawberry lol


Nov 13, 2021
When I vape I am taking proper breaths and when I get anxious is helps to have a few puffs of it. ED wise, I have a puff when I want to eat food cause my vape tastes like strawberry lol
Ahhh okay! That's very cool, and I'm glad you found a way to manage that!


libertas quae sera tamen
Nov 24, 2022
Trust me, no! Once you get addicted to nicotine, it's the hardest thing to stop AND you will be smoking more and more because of the tolerance and resistance. I have been smoking cigarettes for the last 4 years and honestly it doesn't help with my anxiety anymore. Actually I get anxious because I am not smoking.


All the effort for nothing...
Apr 5, 2023
Please don't try it. It has no positive impacts on your health at all and it's just a waste of money.


Out of time...
Mar 30, 2023
i'm trying recover and get better but no coping mechanisms helps me. i hate the pain of making my wrists bleed and age regressing doesn't just work anymore (prob because my mental health's too bad for it). i started to think would smoking or vaping actually make me feel better, especially since my two friends have been begging me to try it for a long time but i've never actually even tried once. but if it really helps I'd be down for it because even a few minutes of feeling better would change a lot. so I'd appreciate other people's experiences about smoking!:D
It's a slippery slope take it from me. Lung cancer at 18 and I never even smoked or vaped once. I most likely got Cancer from excessive exposure to second hand smoke from my grandparents as a kid. As a kid I had the choice of either spending time breathing in second hand smoke or stay at home getting beaten to a bloody pulp by my stepdad. The closest I've ever come to smoking was when my sister let me hit her blunt once. I didn't enjoy it. I have to say it's not a great coping mechanism. In addition like all (most) chemical based coping mechanisms they degrade over time. They slowly deplete the brain's (pituitary gland) dopamine levels. This is because the brain can only produce x amount of dopamine in a year. Nicotine is a stimulant which in part causes dopamine levels to surge. Once that's not enough it can cause depression or worse. You might seek out other drugs for a "better high". Anhedonia is real. Trust me my biological father was a drug dealer and a true kingpin until he got high off his own supply. He's got 20 years and he tells me he regrets his actions every day. My uncle started with cigarettes and he's now on cocaine and heroin. I tell him to stop whenever I see him, but I fear he's too far gone.

As far as coping mechanisms go I would stay far away from any addictive drugs.

Stay safe
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damnatio memoriae

damnatio memoriae

i like the color green.
Feb 24, 2023
Never smoke I hate myself even more cause I started and now I can't stop

I smoke about a pack a day, in my country a pack is 35tl.

I've spent around 6,300tl just smoking in 6 months


Feb 21, 2023
Why would you ever want to start smoking? Vaping is even worse because it's always at hand and a lot easier to overuse than cigarettes. At least with drinking you aren't sober. You're still sober when you smoke. It's not worth it.


Oct 14, 2022
op is tryng something to replace the impulse of making wrist, not sure why saying its bad for heatlhy gonna help something its pretty obvious
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Oct 16, 2021
Personally I find Nicotine/weed to be comforting and have been a frequent user for a decade but I wouldn't recommend daily usage (especially Nicotine, which will most likely happen!) to anyone. Everyone has their own coping mechanisms and there are definitely better ways to go about it, difficult part is actually caring about that.

There are worse things out there. Cigs also smell gross and can make you feel gross after!
honestly wouldnt recommend it. i work with a lot of people who have lung cancer. its an awful disease. if the cancer doesnt kill you, you have a whole life of living with actual vomit-inducing cancer meds. please dont use this as a coping mechanism, i say this for your sake.


trying to live
Apr 17, 2023
personally, the answer is a straight up no. it's def not worth it for the small instant relief it provides. even then it's disappointing. once you do get hooked, it'll stop making ur head buzz in a pleasant way. it makes you smell too. people will know you smoke and they will judge you. i started smoking in grade 10 when i was 15. now i'm turning 19 and i'm really sick. it's awful for my already terrible health. but i'm already addicted and i can't just stop where i'm at. it sucks. don't smoke kids.


Jun 9, 2022
Ich rauche jetzt seit 45 Jahren , habe bereits Copd, eine fortschreitende Lungenerkrankung und rauche tüchtig weiter...
Auch wenn du viel Zeit, Geduld und Geld investiert kommst du wahrscheinlich früher oder später in die Situation, dass du so krank wirst, dass du Sterbehilfe beantragen kannst und dir dann auch geholfen wird ...
Es ist also ein verdammt langer Weg zu gehen ...


Apr 3, 2023
i'm trying recover and get better but no coping mechanisms helps me. i hate the pain of making my wrists bleed and age regressing doesn't just work anymore (prob because my mental health's too bad for it). i started to think would smoking or vaping actually make me feel better, especially since my two friends have been begging me to try it for a long time but i've never actually even tried once. but if it really helps I'd be down for it because even a few minutes of feeling better would change a lot. so I'd appreciate other people's experiences about smoking!:D
Tobacco withdrawal can cause or exasperate depression


Falling...into the abyss...
Apr 19, 2023
Tried smoking and then vaping - honestly, didn't do anything for me. Didn't get addicted too, no idea why, perhaps because I never really cared about it? I am a food addict though, bah, and can get wild with alcohol. Both don't recommend, lol


its gonna be ok
Mar 26, 2023
No. You're just creating a problem for yourself if you start smoking cigs or vaping. Lots of your money will be wasted. It's terrible for your mental and physical health. And on top of that large corporations will profit off of your nicotine addiction.


Apr 7, 2023

I use swedish snus, kinda regret starting.

Like TheSadStranger said, you can't get anything for free with stimulants, its a trade off.

Morning sunlight is the best source of free dopamine

These threads have good info on how to get a little more in a healthy way, or repair after stim use


New Member
Mar 29, 2023
sometimes vaping puts me in even a worse place, but that's usually when i get nic sick/smoke too much at once. other times the rush of the buzz makes it worth it, but the more you smoke the harder it is to get the buzz. it really is hard to say.


stuck somewhere between hell and earth
Mar 26, 2020
cigars...? might be...
used to help with my anxiety & helped my sleep back then
to me it was only efficient at first tries though...
and i already smoke very rarely because i see it as self harm more than anything
i dont really smoke nowadays, because it just wasnt as efficient as when i first try it (maybe i just need to smoke more packs? dunno but i dont like the taste enough to want to do that) and because of some teeth issues that make it more painful whenever i smoke...so yeah
but every once in a blue moon sometimes i do still smoke a cig or two
i like to do it accompanied with coffees
but other than help with my uh...digesting system & help me chill a little bit the little benefits it does isnt really as worth it as when i first try it now...
maybe weed would be better but i dunno, i never try it myself...absolutely illegal here where i live lol dont know where to even get it


Oct 31, 2021
zero benefits
wasted money, bad smell, changed taste, getting tired faster, addiction...


with insomnia nothing is real
May 5, 2023
honestly not rlly ive been smoking as a coping mechanism and my addiction has been getting worst its getting its what i jus spend my money on


May 10, 2023
Never. There's no high, only chasing feeling normal. Your body build tolerance so you'll have to use more over time.

The only time smoking helps is if you grew up in a house of smokers, cause when you move out you suddenly aren't getting it second hand. A lot of people have this problem and don't realize it. If you're just looking for something, don't touch nicotine if you've never been addicted to it, no light in that tunnel.


flying with doves, floating with swans
Apr 25, 2023
i'm trying recover and get better but no coping mechanisms helps me. i hate the pain of making my wrists bleed and age regressing doesn't just work anymore (prob because my mental health's too bad for it). i started to think would smoking or vaping actually make me feel better, especially since my two friends have been begging me to try it for a long time but i've never actually even tried once. but if it really helps I'd be down for it because even a few minutes of feeling better would change a lot. so I'd appreciate other people's experiences about smoking!:D
if you're going to smoke or vape then please head these warnings!!
the biggest danger with vaping is the flavoring. cinnamon is the worst and i think mint is up there too but i recommend doing your own research before trying it.
with smoking i recommend rolling your own and/or buying herbal smokes. no nicotine or tobacco!! you can use coffee filters to roll if you dont have rolling paper and any organic teas (with herbs you have researched are safe to smoke) work best
please do stay safe and realize that this could cause a lot of other health issues. its your body and your choice and i just started smoking today (lol took me a while to get down a proper rolling method) so i wont/cant judge you!!
again, stay safe please!! wishing you well!


Nov 20, 2018
Vaping both nicotine and weed make my life bearable.


Pull u close & OD, I'll love u 'til I'm comatose.
May 7, 2023
No. Waste of money.

Since you're in the recovery section I assume you somewhat want to stay around so it's also worth noting that it's a really bad habit to pick up that most people can't quit.

On that note, would you put a band aid on a broken leg and expect it to be fixed?

Furthermore weed also isn't a good choice at all, especially if you already suffer from anxiety (since it can induce psychosis) and/or depression or general laziness/feeling tired often/having problems maintaining a "normal" life (this ranges from doing chores like cleaning to important stuff like working (or school I guess) to sometimes even the simplest things like personal hygiene, etc.). Smoking makes it incredibly hard to get your ass up and do anything besides well.. smoking (or eating/sleeping). You'll sober up and feel incredibly guilty for wasting your time, then you often end up smoking some more and the cycle repeats. It's also an incredibly hard habit to quit.


"Nothing's gonna hurt you, baby."
Jul 9, 2021
As someone who took on vaping as an alternative to self-harm - it's the lesser of two evils. I've since quit vaping (and it's much easier to quit vaping than smoking). Just b prepared for the insane sin taxes your state might have.


I deserve nothing but the worst
Oct 16, 2022
As someone who started vaping cuz I knew it was bad for me- I can't say I reccomend it. Vaping and smoking cigs gets expensive. All the money adds up.

I suppose it might(???) be a better alternative to self harm via cutting but I'm not sure of the answer to that myself. I will admit that I used to self harm, and now I smoke instead of cutting, but I don't think that would work for everyone.

I think you should weigh the pros and cons. Starting is a personal choice. Of course I can't say I reccomend it, but who am I to talk? Do your research, weigh your options, and watch ur finances

Also if u need other alternatives to self harm then I would reccomend by thinking about why you continue doing it. Is it for the pain or the visual stimulation? From there you can brainstorm alternatives. Before I started vaping I liked drawing with a semi sharp pen (like a thin gel pen - bonus if it's a red pen lol)


Nobody knows what I see
Mar 6, 2023
Personally I was always against smoking, but since I'm gonna CTB anyway, I'm for sure gonna give it a try.

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