I was talking to my therapist the other day about suicidality (I've been pushing myself to be semi-honest with them) and they said something along the lines of like, "you can be suicidal because you don't want to live, and you can be suicidal because you don't want to be in pain, and sometimes it's both, but which one are you?" And I guess it's not ~that~ profound but it still made me pause. Because I think it is the pain for me, knowing that this is my life and this is how I react and that I will always feel things with such an intensity that will never be understood or felt the same. It makes life unbearable. But without that pain my life would probably be fine, which I guess it looks like to everyone else because I'll be damned if they realise lol. Anyway I thought about this community and there are so many reasons that people turn to this site, and I've been on sites like this since the early 2000s. I'm just wondering... like which one is it for you guys is it life or is it the pain of living?
well, do you mean physical pain or emotional pain & mental anguish? i have lower back ache pain, and it sucks, but it comes and goes. but there are people who have real bad physical chronic pain, like from auto or work accident or from some debilitating disease. i feel really bad for such people, nobody deserves to be in pain. and right now i'm resisting the urge to go into karma and god and all that shit. maybe some other time.
i have tinnitus that sounds like a firetruck in my ears, and i have anxiety, confusion, depression and ocd. my vision is failing and my hearing difficult. but those are not physical pain, they are all in my head. even the firetrucks. i wish i could have my inner ears removed and stop the shrill noise, but then i'd be deaf, and i'm not sure if that's a good trade-off.
my best days are behind me. i've had a good long career, houses, cars, and all the trappings of middle-class life. but i don't see life getting any better. i'm over-the-hill. my wage-earning days are in the rear-view-mirror, and i'm racing toward a brick wall. am i supposed to hang onto life just to avoid causing my family and friends the grief and difficulty of my suicide? i don't think so. i'm gonna die anyway, maybe even today. every time i drive my car, could be my last. but with my luck, i'll live to a ripe old age suffering from poverty and lonliness.
i just don't want to live anymore. i'm done. had enuff.