My son (21) has inherited my mental health issue (mainly severe depression and anxiety), and he struggles on a daily basis. Thank you to those members on chat this morning who gave me some ideas to calm him down from his latest panic attack. He's doing better tonight. He was suicidal a few years ago, and the thought of him harming himself still haunts me to this day. I see a handsome young man with a beautiful mind and great potential if he would only be open to treatment.
I also see him as my greatest failure. If I only saw it sooner, maybe something would be different...
But for myself, I still see ctb as an option for a lifetime of silent pain. I've attempted several treatments and therapy, but have not found anything that works. My age and poor physical health just complicates everything. I would need to find a way to ctb without him, or anyone else feeling any level of responsibility. I'm saying I will ctb, but I haven't ruled that option out.
Am I being selfish and hypocritical? Definite maybe...