For me I think it is inevitable. I have been sure I would die from suicide since I was very young. I never pictured myself becoming an adult. I am too sensitive; things that wouldn't bother normal people eviscerate me. I have always hated myself and I don't know who I am without my depression. I have never been able to feel loved or cared about. However, I am still unable to give up on my dreams. I know they will never come true, but there is still one thing I would like to have experienced in my short life. In my own opinion it is foolish for me to keep going, I'm sure I'll regret it, but every time I have tried to ctb I couldn't force myself to go through with it. I know this world will eventually crush me and I'll kill myself. But there's one thing I still care about deeply and I've decided I'm going to die trying to get it. Even if my wish did come true, nothing lasts forever, and it would never be enough to sustain me. So I guess it could be days, or months, or years, but I will definitely end up killing myself.