Just so I can have some perspective why would you take the uncertainty of death first? and how do i know the misery in life is certain? I experience friendship sometimes, its just very short lived so maybe one day it will last. not sure if ill ever find love though.
You make my point in your response. Firstly, death is uncertain. The human mind has been conditioned to synonymize uncertain with "bad." Its why you see posts on here posing questions like, "Well, what if its WORSE!?" Implying that there's some human-concocted penalty for ctb. And not that I encourage suicide (I don't for anyone but myself), but the act is a taboo in this culture. That wasn't always so in other cultures. So, implying or questioning that things may be worse after doing it is a bit misguided to me. Because that question is being developed within a fearful and negative context. I mean, the people who jumped from the ships filled with captured Africans headed for the Americas committed suicide. Are they in hell for doing so? It is WORSE for them? The natives who jumped off the side of cliffs to escape the Spaniards and other exploiters... are they in hell because they didn't die the "right" way? And even if it IS worse, then that's inevitable. We're all going to die. So, that worse is coming whether you cease this part of the suffering or not. I already know what's here. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing (hoping, in this case...) and expecting different results.
I've experienced brief friendships. I've experience romantic connections. Yet, none of them developed into long lasting relationships that are worth holding onto. I guess that would be okay if I ultimately found long lasting relationships (however few they may have been). To me, it's just not worth being in a situation where I plodge along in life to suffer for most of it (without any explanation nor reason) only to bask in few and limited joys. As if a pointless life can impose default suffering on me for no reason other than "it's life."
Just my perspective, but that's a bit disordered.