I would rather not exist a trillion times more than exist .
non-existence means no pain , zero suffering, no problems , no bad memories ever .
all the thousands of horrible things in life and this world are absent in non-existence
in life / existence / consciousness there is always the chance of constant unbearable pain while that is not possible in non-existence . That alone makes non-existence superior . but also the 1000's of horrible things like diseases, oppression, old age , extreme pain etc. many of these reasons sum up on top of each other, for example the hard labor and daily suffering only to exist to be under threat of extreme torture all for no reason since life is meaningless suffering.
I hate and fear existence / life / consciousness with every fibre of my being, every single part of evil life and this evil world
nothing matters except avoiding extreme pain. all else is meaningless and no one can convince me to think that anything else matters or that anything else is important in life or this evil world.
This is an evil imposition . no one asked to be here. then you're born and have to feed yourself 3 times a day . all the labor work stress problems to feed that amount of food into this body : just this is unfathomable how everyone thinks this is ok . every animal has to do this continously eat, usually killing other animals to eat . i have to work all day at a job , groceries chores etc to have a few hours per day to do meaningless garbage like youtube
There is however a really good video that shows people say I can take the brazen bull for "this" i really like this i'll be put in the brazen bull if i can do "this" "good" thing . the brazen bull is a metal giant bull that people were put into to be tortured. fires were lit under the bull so that the metal of the bull would get scaldingly hot and slowly burn all the person's skin inside. but after a few minutes the person would say i want out i can't take it no i won't trade that for this unbearable pain. people really don't know how bad that kind of pain is. they think they can take it and that some meaningless garbage including evil life is worth the worst pain. it's not and it's all meaningless garbage . nothing is worth extreme pain.
After Death is non-existence forever, the ultimate bliss , the ultimate peace
I don't think rebirth is possible because your concsciousness is totally anchored only embedded in your brain and body, your consciousness is your brain and body
I have good news to those that say it's better to not exist . i did some research and thinking reading about evolution , brain science books, cell biology books and that and for many other reasons imo after Death is non-existence forever. anyone can figure this out if they read books like that
wow 94% so far say it's better to not exist . i agree . finally i see some humans that i agree with on something. seems like this site is starting to getting back to the way it was in 2018 2019 2020 before the ny times article and you know what else .
the video is linked in this reddit thread