The protocol requires fasting anyways. The goal is to have your stomach empty by the time of ingestion of SN.
High cholesterol levels can affect digestion negatively, I am really not sure why you would want to do that..
I did not mean having it immediately before. I'll probably give up all junk food like one or two weeks in advance and make sure my digestion, gi tract are OK in the lead up to ctb day.. I was asking more like in say one to two months before, would increasing cholesterol levels by taking stuff like burger, pizzas, ice cream etc in the months prior help with ctb or would it be better to keep it within normal levels..
One way I think is the higher cholesterol will make the blood thicker, this combined with SN possibly could speed up ctb or could make the symptoms more unpleasant or could do both.. On the other hand being in the healthy range might take longer to ctb while symptoms may not be as pronounced.. not sure..
I've been having lots of junk food of late.. Just wanted to know if there might be any value in this or if I should avoid it.. I'll possibly look to go in a few months time..