I am absolutely going to end up killing myself. Probably between the age 60-65. Maybe I'll decide to live to 70 if something exciting is happening in the near future, like a new grandchild or a great grand child even... assuming I'll have my health still.
I don't want to get very old.
I don't want to have assistance in all I do.
I don't want to have to leave my house, or live in nursing homes or hospitals.
I don't want to whither away slowly and painfully.
I want to die when I CHOOSE to die. And so, that leaves me with suicide at a "decent" age. My life is fine I guess. I live like a leech, a failure living off governmental support. I soend my days trying to get better as well as trying to create a happy functional young person (and I'm doing well, my child is very happy and seems to have good control over emotions❤) I couldn't leave my family now. I have no reason big enough today. I just took up a new hobby, and I'm not gonna let it get away from me
I guess my rule of thumb
for myself is that when my health starts
permanently declining, I'll have to go. I might even make it known to my family when the time comes.
Although I hope assisted suicide will be legalized (maybe even normalized
) by the time I need to CTB.
It's about 4-5 decades onwards from today so I guess that's one more thing be hopeful for, the potential of N coming back on the market in the time I have allotted myself
Sorry for the long rant to the easy question. I just needed to talk a bit. Sorry, I'll shut up