Hey there, to introduce myself, I'm an 18 year old female from the US currently living in South Korea with my military family. I have autism (PDD-NOS), anxiety, clinical depression (atypical depression/persistent depressive disorder), and ADHD.
i'm gay and my parents are homophobic.
I'm on meds, I work out every night, and I have a girlfriend. No matter how good life can be, I'm just waiting for the day I have the balls to ctb. I feel like a fucking failure to everyone around me and I just see the future going to shit, my family WON'T accept the fact I'm gay, and the homophobia thing is really what makes me feel hopeless, other than for the fact I was never fucking acknowledged by my peers as an equal growing up, or managed to get a drivers license. My dad emotionally abused me as a kid and I grew up in a conservative area.
If I KNEW for damn sure people would fucking grieve over me catching the bus someday, I wouldn't be thinking of suicide. I think otherwise, though. I'm also a "psychonaut." I find peace and understanding in altered states of mind. sometimes it'd just take a good DXM trip to feel okay about myself again, but it's kind of hard to get robitussin without someone else knowing around here. It's some weird sort of rebirth.
I just wish i had some sort of relief to the ambiguity and watching my future go to shit that plagues my mind every day and clarity concerning what my existence means to other people. If I were able to step into a time machine that would show me the results of hypothetical scenarios, I could make an informed decision on whether or not to kill myself before 21. I already regret living past 15, and somehow I still try to squeeze every little bit of happiness out of life I can.
My hobbies include herbalism, poetry, EDM production, working out, skateboarding, Libertarian activism, and vaping.