for more than 40 years people simply "offd' themselves" without even searching for a database on info.. if it's available on the internet (such as as the "revolution manual" or the "daesh management of savagery" or even the old-school "anarchy's cookbook" ... even better.. "from dictatorship to democracy" "The blueprint of democracy"
1- what happened in serbia
2- what happened in tunisia
3- what happened in yemen
4- what happened in libya
2- what happened in egypt
3- what happened in syria (haha good try)
4- what happened in ukraine
5- whats currently happening in the western nations
so, whats the point here one should ask?
The goverment has been for decades instructing "us" the "common average people" how to rally cries for democracy... wait.. isnt democracy the "power from the people?" what if part of the people (which is not a minority so to speak) decides to take matters on their hands ??
Don't you think its a little weird we're not allowed to????? what can a crippled unfit-for-paying taxes (as contrary to unfit for work. work is not a relevant thing if we re not talking about GDP and taxes... (yeah yeah of course , go figure how the "american revolution paid for its continental army" then the "taxpayers money" to "fight there to keep the threat away from "here" or what was the correct rhetoric??? according to the PNAC (Project For The New American Century) ??? fight them there so we won't have to fight them here? "fight whom???????" a huge F*** you to ourselves. Maybe its why they're clamping hard on everyone.. IT looks bad from a "propaganda POV"
never before we "western civilized nations" have been trying to "take matters unto our own hands" for we have no "idealistic future views, neither patriotic values, let alone "human values" - the main culp´rit lies here;; we're feeling "way to human to take part in this"
MAID ? for people in their last "6 months of life?" those sure can't raise hell and criticize the "reality" that was brought on us
young ones? sure, they re tax income sources, future "(brainwashed) thinkers" of course no "western government" would like to the transparent on how these ideas of "democracy freedom flawed economical systems" (remember... we havent produced much more than "planos for democracy" and "industrial military complexes". the american dream is now a waking nightmare and us 3rd world countries have been bullied for so long to "learn to speak american or else...." hence thats the result: if the american dream turned out to be a nightmare, our "utopic idealistic" views of "success/happiness/freedom" weren't based in facts , but rather large scale psychological experiments
even us who aren't in the brink of suicide, of despair, "we've" started to feel "hopeless" , as much as we "wouldn't wanna die" .. we wouldn't wanna go through this life either.
So what? if our westerm model has failed into providing healthy or "inspiring" mindsets ... are they going to back down on "birth control"?
no they are not. Once you establish a compromise, there is no easy way of backing out from it. Apparently it seems that upholding "western values of freedom and democracy" are flawed to the core thus if the media doesn't "oversee - from a totalitarian stand" we can see all them cracks .. NOW it would be very awkward to "imagine a "Berlin Mauer" except the ones now are us western children from 3 decades ago, prying on the peepholes and "curious" to know the "other side of the coin" (which is no more than the opposite of the same object/concept/thing"
"OH NO ANOTHER LEFTIST/POLITICAL THREAD!!!!" - think my friends, would have we bern miserably stuck in this loophole hadn't it been caused by the turmoil of the petrodollar"?