
Mar 12, 2024
I hope someone could tell me otherwise, but there really is no real pain fee and quick way of ending it all. I mean I have no money and no way to get anything for the most part I'm basically homeless. I'm just trying to spare myself the suffering of being on the street and dying in the severe heat on the east coast of the United States.
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Jul 30, 2020
When my time comes I intend to fade away from hypothermia, out in the wilderness. It's not painful, it's peaceful, it's fairly fast (though obviously not instantaneous), and there is not much that can go wrong provided it is planned properly.
It's not something you can do in summer, obviously, but much of the east coast, and certainly the north east, has winters that are cold enough, especially in the mountains.
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Mar 12, 2024
When my time comes I intend to fade away from hypothermia, out in the wilderness. It's not painful, it's peaceful, it's fairly fast (though obviously not instantaneous), and there is not much that can go wrong provided it is planned properly.
It's not something you can do in summer, obviously, but much of the east coast, and certainly the north east, has winters that are cold enough, especially in the mountains.
True, I just don't want to suffee. Having said that I want to go in the next few weeks , before I'm truly on the streets and die from heat stroke/exhaustion.
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Dec 14, 2023
When my time comes I intend to fade away from hypothermia, out in the wilderness. It's not painful, it's peaceful, it's fairly fast (though obviously not instantaneous), and there is not much that can go wrong provided it is planned properly.
It's not something you can do in summer, obviously, but much of the east coast, and certainly the north east, has winters that are cold enough, especially in the mountains.
Don't think that's painless cuz it's not. You will suffer for a few hours and death is no guarantee. Someone could find you and get you to a hospital. You could lose limbs and other body parts to frostbite. Where in the world did you get the idea that it's not painful? If you try it I would recommend lotsa drugs and alcohol to make it less painful. But understand it's not quick and definitely not painless. It's gonna take hours. Try to get like lots of benzos and opiates if you can. No amphetamines or stimulant drugs cuz you'd rather not be awake. Slam tons of alcohol behind the drugs till you pass out and the end may not be that painful. Don't do this sober.
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Jul 30, 2020
Don't think that's painless cuz it's not. You will suffer for a few hours and death is no guarantee. Someone could find you and get you to a hospital. You could lose limbs and other body parts to frostbite. Where in the world did you get the idea that it's not painful? If you try it I would recommend lotsa drugs and alcohol to make it less painful. But understand it's not quick and definitely not painless. It's gonna take hours. Try to get like lots of benzos and opiates if you can. No amphetamines or stimulant drugs cuz you'd rather not be awake. Slam tons of alcohol behind the drugs till you pass out and the end may not be that painful. Don't do this sober.
I have been travelling out in the wilds a lot since I was 12 and I'm now 71. I understand hypothermia very well, because most of my life I have needed to take care to avoid it. If you know what you are doing, then everything I stated in my post is accurate and reliable. If you don't know what you are doing of course you can mess it up, but that applies to just about everything.
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Dec 14, 2023
But please tell me you know that if you do it completely sober it's not gonna be painless. If you get fucked up enough to lose consciousness it probably won't be all that bad
I have been travelling out in the wilds a lot since I was 12 and I'm now 71. I understand hypothermia very well, because most of my life I have needed to take care to avoid it. If you know what you are doing, then everything I stated in my post is accurate and reliable. If you don't know what you are doing of course you can mess it up, but that applies to just about everything.
I've lived in cold places a lot and I am 70. I love the cold ❄️ 🥶 but there's a point where it can be too cold and to slowly freeze to death stone cold sober I guarantee you that's not gonna be painless. Ideal conditions would be very ❄️ 🥶. Like 20 degrees F or lower without much wind. The less wind the more bearable it will be. I get that you have experience in cold weather and it isn't a bad idea. You're going to have to wait a few months tho. It's only June. And hope that global warming doesn't throw a monkey wrench 🔧 into your plan. If I did it I would at least have a bottle of hard liquor and that's coming from someone who's never been much of a drinker.


Looking for Understanding
Mar 7, 2024
I have never considered Hypothermia as a way to ctb but it seems like a viable option if done right.
I appreciate if it goes wrong it could be a very painful few hours but if you were somewhere remote enough with no way back it would ultimately work.
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Jul 30, 2020
But please tell me you know that if you do it completely sober it's not gonna be painless. If you get fucked up enough to lose consciousness it probably won't be all that bad

I've lived in cold places a lot and I am 70. I love the cold ❄️ 🥶 but there's a point where it can be too cold and to slowly freeze to death stone cold sober I guarantee you that's not gonna be painless. Ideal conditions would be very ❄️ 🥶. Like 20 degrees F or lower without much wind. The less wind the more bearable it will be. I get that you have experience in cold weather and it isn't a bad idea. You're going to have to wait a few months tho. It's only June. And hope that global warming doesn't throw a monkey wrench 🔧 into your plan. If I did it I would at least have a bottle of hard liquor and that's coming from someone who's never been much of a drinker.
When I was at school, a friend told about the experience of his mother, who was Russian, during WW2. For some reason that I forget, she had to go on a long march, and she became exhausted. Eventually, all she wanted to do was "lie down in the nice warm snow" (her words). Her friends forced her to keep going which is how she lived to tell the tale. That's how I know it's peaceful. After a while, you stop feeling cold.
Actually one of the fastest ways to die of hypothermia (in air) is at temperatures a degree or so above freezing, with rain and wind. That is much more dangerous than 20F with no wind, and many people die accidentally in those conditions. (There is no danger of frostbite either.)
Yes, alcohol messes up your heat control, and makes death from hypothermia come faster. I don't plan to use it. I would prefer to leave this world in control of my senses.
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losing hope

Apr 27, 2022
When I was at school, a friend told about the experience of his mother, who was Russian, during WW2. For some reason that I forget, she had to go on a long march, and she became exhausted. Evntually, all she wanted to do was "lie down in the nice warm snow" (her words). Her friends forced her to keep going which is how she lived to tell the tale. That's how I know it's peaceful. After a while, you stop feeling cold.
Actually one of the fastest ways to die of hypothermia (in air) is at temperatures a degree or so above freezing, with rain and wind. That is much more dangerous than 20F with no wind, and many people die accidentally in those conditions. (There is no danger of frostbite either.)
Yes, alcohol messes up your heat control, and makes death from hypothermia come faster. I don't plan to use it. I would prefer to leave this world in control of my senses.
What you've said there does sound relatively peaceful. Also heard it was quite easy / common for Russians to die within their car if it broke down during their winters. Espcially back in the days of Lada's and if they had drunken Vodka to keep warm. Might be urban myth though?

Because if it was such a good method, surely it would be covered in the PPH or talked about here more shouldn't it?

Not trying to attack you, just trying to understand why more people haven't seemly considered this?
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Dec 14, 2023
When I was at school, a friend told about the experience of his mother, who was Russian, during WW2. For some reason that I forget, she had to go on a long march, and she became exhausted. Evntually, all she wanted to do was "lie down in the nice warm snow" (her words). Her friends forced her to keep going which is how she lived to tell the tale. That's how I know it's peaceful. After a while, you stop feeling cold.
Actually one of the fastest ways to die of hypothermia (in air) is at temperatures a degree or so above freezing, with rain and wind. That is much more dangerous than 20F with no wind, and many people die accidentally in those conditions. (There is no danger of frostbite either.)
Yes, alcohol messes up your heat control, and makes death from hypothermia come faster. I don't plan to use it. I would prefer to leave this world in control of my senses.
Ok. Hope it works for you. But you're gonna be around a few more months so we can all benefit from your wisdom. The Russian woman you spoke of, if it was windy, it probably was warmer in the snow ❄️ 🥶 🌨️.
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Jul 30, 2020
What you've said there does sound relatively peaceful. Also heard it was quite easy / common for Russians to die within their car if it broke down during their winters. Espcially back in the days of Lada's and if they had drunken Vodka to keep warm. Might be urban myth though?

Because if it was such a good method, surely it would be covered in the PPH or talked about here more shouldn't it?

Not trying to attack you, just trying to understand why more people haven't seemly considered this?
I don't know why more people haven't considered it. To me it always seemed an obvious method, perhaps because I spent so much time out in the wilds and always had to be aware of the danger posed by hypothermia.
Perhaps a lot of people assume that because feeling cold is a bit uncomfortable, then dying of hypothermia is unpleasant. That overlooks the fact that when your core body temperature has fallen a few degrees, you stop feeling cold. If you are exercising (and not just standing around waiting to die) you may not even be aware that hypothermia is creeping up on you.
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Dec 14, 2023
What you've said there does sound relatively peaceful. Also heard it was quite easy / common for Russians to die within their car if it broke down during their winters. Espcially back in the days of Lada's and if they had drunken Vodka to keep warm. Might be urban myth though?

Because if it was such a good method, surely it would be covered in the PPH or talked about here more shouldn't it?

Not trying to attack you, just trying to understand why more people haven't seemly considered this?
I knew a guy who was a habitual drunk years ago. One night he got drunk (as usual) but passed out in his car and froze to death ☠️ 💀 overnight. Not intentional ctb but I don't think he could've felt much. Linda's idea is actually a very good 1. She has thought it out well. I don't know why more people here aren't talking about it. Maybe we need to. Maybe most of us aren't as wise as Linda. But practically we probably don't need to talk about it as a viable option on the 1st day of summer. Or is 2morrow the solstice?
I don't know why more people haven't considered it. To me it always seemed an obvious method, perhaps because I spent so much time out in the wilds and always had to be aware of the danger posed by hypothermia.
Perhaps a lot of people assume that because feeling cold is a bit uncomfortable, then dying of hypothermia is unpleasant. That overlooks the fact that when your core body temperature has fallen a few degrees, you stop feeling cold. If you are exercising (and not just standing around waiting to die) you may not even be aware that hypothermia is creeping up on you.
I like you cuz you're smart and Linda was my late sister's name. I will seriously consider your idea if I am still breathing in January but I hope I can be gone b4 August.
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Looking for Understanding
Mar 7, 2024
When I was at school, a friend told about the experience of his mother, who was Russian, during WW2. For some reason that I forget, she had to go on a long march, and she became exhausted. Eventually, all she wanted to do was "lie down in the nice warm snow" (her words). Her friends forced her to keep going which is how she lived to tell the tale. That's how I know it's peaceful. After a while, you stop feeling cold.
Actually one of the fastest ways to die of hypothermia (in air) is at temperatures a degree or so above freezing, with rain and wind. That is much more dangerous than 20F with no wind, and many people die accidentally in those conditions. (There is no danger of frostbite either.)
Yes, alcohol messes up your heat control, and makes death from hypothermia come faster. I don't plan to use it. I would prefer to leave this world in control of my senses.
I have started to do a little reading on hypothermia and it seems in the later stages people have been known to take thier clothes off because they have complained of being too hot as the body loses control of its own temperature?

losing hope

Apr 27, 2022
I think people (like me!) wrongly assumed this is a more painful method than it actually is. Even with SN you WILL experience a feeling of cold (based on goodbye posts) as well as all the other unpleasant symptoms. Just been reading this which makes it seem ok; https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1999-mar-16-mn-17821-story.html#:~:text=Last year alone, 557 people,little evidence of official alarm. Especially if one adds Vodka / drugs into the mix...

last year alone, 557 people froze to death on the city's streets, in just an average year for hypothermia.

I am another who hopes Linda's will share her wisdom with us when she is able to. Great Thread.

EDIT; forgot to ask, what are the risks if you are unsuccessful? frostbite & possibly removal of limbs?
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Jul 30, 2020
I have started to do a little reading on hypothermia and it seems in the later stages people have been known to take thier clothes off because they have complained of being too hot as the body loses control of its own temperature?
Yes, that goes by the name "paradoxical undressing". It's not rare. It doesn't happen in the early stages of hypothermia, but only when more severe hypothermia is setting in. I think it happens when your core body temperature has dropped to the point that your temperature control systems are completely messed up, and you feel too hot even though in reality you are close to dying from low body temperature.
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Kill off the old me before I decide to kill myself
Nov 8, 2023
I hope someone could tell me otherwise, but there really is no real pain fee and quick way of ending it all. I mean I have no money and no way to get anything for the most part I'm basically homeless. I'm just trying to spare myself the suffering of being on the street and dying in the severe heat on the east coast of the United States.
Being low on money doesn't mean you have to make it painful. Partial hanging is an option and one I've been considering for myself. It's more about cutting off blood flow rather than strangulation.

there's a megathread for that I think.

I hope you're doing okay out there man. Those streets are wild and you still have value. Almost more-so then most 'civilians' in my eyes


Jul 30, 2020
I think people (like me!) wrongly assumed this is a more painful method than it actually is. Even with SN you WILL experience a feeling of cold (based on goodbye posts) as well as all the other unpleasant symptoms. Just been reading this which makes it seem ok; https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1999-mar-16-mn-17821-story.html#:~:text=Last year alone, 557 people,little evidence of official alarm. Especially if one adds Vodka / drugs into the mix...

I am another who hopes Linda's will share her wisdom with us when she is able to. Great Thread.

EDIT; forgot to ask, what are the risks if you are unsuccessful? frostbite & possibly removal of limbs?
If the temperature is below freezing, frostbite is a danger. You definitely don't want that becaus, as you clearly know, it can lead to amputations. You can avoid the danger by using a temperature that is above freezing, or only slightly below. You can also avoid it by ensuring that you will not be found until you are well and truly dead.
The other danger is possible brain damage if you are revived from very deep hypothermia. Again, you can avoid that by ensuring that you are not found and revived.
In my case I will be far out in the wilderness, and I would be at more risk of being found by something that would want to eat me than by someone who would want to revive me. (The risk of either would be very small.)
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Mar 17, 2024
When my time comes I intend to fade away from hypothermia, out in the wilderness. It's not painful, it's peaceful, it's fairly fast (though obviously not instantaneous), and there is not much that can go wrong provided it is planned properly.
It's not something you can do in summer, obviously, but much of the east coast, and certainly the north east, has winters that are cold enough, especially in the mountains.

I wish I had your competence and confidence.
I'm intending to go via full hanging, but I'm terrified of the pain involved.
I also reckon I'm too heavy at 220lbs.
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Apr 15, 2024
Yes, that goes by the name "paradoxical undressing". It's not rare. It doesn't happen in the early stages of hypothermia, but only when more severe hypothermia is setting in. I think it happens when your core body temperature has dropped to the point that your temperature control systems are completely messed up, and you feel too hot even though in reality you are close to dying from low body temperature.
Isn't hypothermia more deadly and faster when done in cold water?
If the temperature is below freezing, frostbite is a danger. You definitely don't want that becaus, as you clearly know, it can lead to amputations. You can avoid the danger by using a temperature that is above freezing, or only slightly below. You can also avoid it by ensuring that you will not be found until you are well and truly dead.
The other danger is possible brain damage if you are revived from very deep hypothermia. Again, you can avoid that by ensuring that you are not found and revived.
In my case I will be far out in the wilderness, and I would be at more risk of being found by something that would want to eat me than by someone who would want to revive me. (The risk of either would be very small.)
Interesting. Do you have a post detailing how the hypothermia method may work or what not to do? I tried being outside back in November drunk with only a t-shirt lying down on cold stone hoping I would die. It was slightly above freezing. But I got bored after an hour, then walked home (still in only a t-shirt and pants). I felt good going to bed, like refreshed. What did I do wrong?
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Mar 12, 2024
Being low on money doesn't mean you have to make it painful. Partial hanging is an option and one I've been considering for myself. It's more about cutting off blood flow rather than strangulation.

there's a megathread for that I think.

I hope you're doing okay out there man. Those streets are wild and you still have value. Almost more-so then most 'civilians' in my eyes
Thank you, I don't know if hanging is an option for me.


Kill off the old me before I decide to kill myself
Nov 8, 2023
Thank you, I don't know if hanging is an option for me.
Partial haning isn't full suspension. You can use your belt, wrap it around a pole and lean into the belt with your neck and just pass out
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Mar 12, 2024
Partial haning isn't full suspension. You can use your belt, wrap it around a pole and lean into the belt with your neck and just pass out
I see at this pont anything. t end it all because I'm beyond help or hope.


Kill off the old me before I decide to kill myself
Nov 8, 2023
I see at this pont anything. t end it all because I'm beyond help or hope.
You're never beyond help or hope. You have innate value. You have potential. There is no ideal way to be or live. You're not doint 'it' wrong
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Mar 12, 2024
You're never beyond help or hope. You have innate value. You have potential. There is no ideal way to be or live. You're not doint 'it' wrong
Thank you. As much as I want to believe that after suffering for well over thirty five years with these disabling mental illness and now facing being in the streets, well no one can convince me death isn't better. I'm exhausted from fighting to survive and even be alive.
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Apr 15, 2024
Thank you. As much as I want to believe that after suffering for well over thirty five years with these disabling mental illness and now facing being in the streets, well no one can convince me death isn't better. I'm exhausted from fighting to survive and even be alive.
I get this 100% my friend. For some of us there is no hope or future without suffering all day every day. My story is similar and I am exhausted of trying. I have lost everything that meant anything to me and the medical community is a joke. They have done more harm than good to me. I feel your pain.
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Mar 12, 2024
Thank you. I'm so glad someone understands my pain and hopeless situation. No one here around me cares or even believes I'm really suffering. They think mental illness is not legit. and I'm lazy and stupid.
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Jun 15, 2024
This post made me wonder why someone hasn't built a giant freezer and given people alcohol and sleeping pills before they go lay themselves down in the freezer.
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Mar 12, 2024
This post made me wonder why someone hasn't built a giant freezer and given people alcohol and sleeping pills before they go lay themselves down in the freezer.
Goods pont. If only being out t sleep like a dying dog were possible. It would make life for those of us suffering non stop at least know there was a way out.
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Apr 15, 2024
Thank you. I'm so glad someone understands my pain and hopeless situation. No one here around me cares or even believes I'm really suffering. They think mental illness is not legit. and I'm lazy and stupid.
Same here brother.
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