So according to you, the word neurotypical is some kind of 'name' or slur?
Regarding the hellhole comment, it's in the wording. It rubbed me up the wrong way but I said nothing till you started going off about my use of a commonly used word with a strange diversion onto childhood mobbing. It just crossed a line for me. Don't really know what else to tell you, and I don't think we're achieving much here by going back and forth. Can we just put it aside now? I have nothing against you as a person. I don't like arguing or unpleasantness especially here. Perhaps we are both a little oversensitive and/or have too much time on our hands? We do have a diagnosis and difficult mothers in common remember. I wish you well.
You asked me about mobbing, which I had only mentioned to explain context. So I tried to explain it..
And many people object to the language fashion (or fad depending on point of view) to "force" a certain view by giving old conditions new names.
Heteros are now called "cisgender", handicapped people are "physically challenged" and mentally healthy folks are to be reffered to as "neuro-typical".
Yes, that *will* rub some folks the wrong way, specifically because many of these new terms were introduced as a kind of "verbal payback" for past prejudices.
If you like it that way, then knock yourself out. But I wrote that *I* don't.
My biggest issue - besides my inhereted bi-polarism - are my inferiority complexes, caused by the experience of never ending racism during my childhood.
I only got two options here: Hate them right back and end up going out killing someone over it eventually -
or I try to make peace with them however I can.
Now how am I supposed to accomplish this if the first thing I do when sitting down with "one of those folks" is to look him in the eye and call him "old white male", "racist oppressor", "whitebread" or what not?!
I tried very hard most of my adult life *not* to end up killing somebody and came very close to failing a few times. So whenever I get a chance not to pour gasoline into some fire, I try to take it.
You know the author H.P. Lovecraft? He is considered one of the grandfathers of fantastic literature and as a kid I used his books as a means of escape from my ugly reallity.
But he was also a stone cold racist, as was Rudyard Kipling - another one of my childhood favorites.
Now my african cousins would just throw their works out of the library if they could. But I yearn for a chance to sit down with these two men and make them recognize me as their equal - as impossible as that may seem.
So that is why I try not to call the "other side" names, because I don't want to be called any myself.
I wish you well of course - and hope you'll find luck your way. I am the first to admit that mine is still alluding me, but I am too old to change my ways.