yes i would. even though my life is still quite 'privileged' & comfortable enough, but unfortunately, the reality is it still doesn't really matter that much, if almost ALL areas of my life are still a failure(s). I'm a middle-aged NEET (42/M) in Indonesia) for more than 10 years, I'm still single (despite even my looks & privileges & talents etc2), etc2. Heck, I even probably can't write/express myself freely/honestly even here in this website/forum, because somehow I'm paranoid/afraid that some people in real life (IRL) might secretly find out & see this post & my comment, & therefore only judge me negatively.
All those things, especially when coupled with what's called the "existential depression" (try google it), which I've also had for a (very) long time. I've also been diagnosed with Major Depression back in 2020. But, I seriously think/feel that my 'mental health' issues are still a *lot* more than just only that, but unfortunately still remain undiagnosed, eg: OCD, ADHD, anxiety (including social anxiety), social awkwardness, & even perhaps some degree/spectrum of autism/aspergers, etc2.
my life just feels so meaningless, tbh. I can't reach my dreams, expectations, idealisms, & visions. even Thanos said it right: "Reality is often disappointing". but, i guess some people are just lucky, while some people are not. Life is not fair. Life is absurd too, life is full of irony & tragedy. Heck, i don't even understand *WHY* somehow it seems like 'bad lucks / bad things' always keep happening when i feel just a little bit happy?? WHY reality always in the end eventually destroy, crush, & kills all my dreams, expectations, hopes, & happiness?? if there is a god, or universe, etc2 whatever it is, WHY it seems so cruel & as if it's playing/experimenting/toying around with my life?? WHY there is no help, when i've even already prayed, hoped for it??
i don't know...
but, i'm tired... very tired, especially mentally & existentially...
i wish Thanos was real & could just snap his finger so i could stop existing & just immediately turn into dust & disappear into oblivion, non-existence...
but, reality is cruel...