One negative always weigh more than 2 points of positive. No matter how you look at it, the suffering of one person always outweighs the good life of two individuals.
How so? You're automatically assigning value to experiences held by different individuals. One man's suffering might be another's positivity; no two humans are the same, we've known that for hundreds, if not thousands of years. For someone saying to others that they're making dumb takes, your's seems not only based mostly on your own assumptions of life and philosophy, but also without any foundational evidence to build your argument upon. If you offered an explanation for this, then I wouldn't be so harsh with a rebuttal of your statement(s), but your take as a whole comes off as incredibly naive and arrogant; you believe you're right, yet you provide no reason for your righteousness. These things aren't just obvious, and it's not a case of "No matter how you look at it". Few others hold this belief; how will they perceive what you apparently do?
For two people to enjoy both their life but for the cost of one person having a lifetime in a wheelchair -
I bet you would say it's still worth it wouldn't you? I can feel you're one of those people who would say that
You know, I know a girl who actually had to spend several years in a wheelchair. She lost the ability to walk for a very long time after she collided with another car and went straight into a tree at some pretty intense speed - I want to say 60mph or so, but take that with a grain of salt. She was pretty miserable at first too, but to say she was suicidal because she was in a wheelchair would be nothing short of blindness despite vision. I'd actually argue that she had her life enriched afterwards. The whole cliche "taking these basic human abilities for granted thing." She's doing a lot better now, was in physical therapy for a bit to relearn how to walk and last time I checked she was either getting there or could fully walk again. That aside, she
never felt suicidal. She felt rough at first, because she thought she had lost her mobility. Then she realised that she could still think, still move her upper torso, could still enjoy life. It didn't impede her in basically any way after the first few months besides the obvious small inconveniences - she had grown accustomed.
I'm not one to assume things about people, but given your own beliefs here, I'm willing to bet you haven't ever experienced nor talked to how being stuck in a wheelchair, or having other physical disabilities, for that matter, impedes or ruins other people's lives. For God's sake, there are people
without limbs on this planet, and they can literally swim and live almost all by themselves save for carers driving them and buying stuff. They're content. Never liken physical disability to being something 'negative' again. I'd argue it's quite insulting to those who actually are. And in the event you are physically disabled in some way, then you need to change your outlook on life considerably, because others are thriving with far worse than what you may have.
All parents have done the same crime though? Your parents are not better than mine , they all deserve to face judgement in the after-life
I almost regret putting as much effort into writing the last two paragraphs, even if that regret stems from the fact that I have to waste it on someone who produces such an edgy comment. Reproduction isn't a 'crime', or else everyone else would be suffering from it. You're in the minority here. Go get some therapy, and talk to some people IRL. Your outlook will change considerably.
And to actually answer the question that OP, I wouldn't. The fact that so many people are answering "Yes" is indicative not of suicidal tendencies only, but also of a narcissistic and self-centric view of life. Just because your life is misery, it doesn't mean that you have to prevent others from enjoying it. I'd wager a very tidy sum of money on that behaviour stemming from the jealousy of the rest of society that this site's userbase has, but it doesn't make it reasonable regardless. It's even funnier when you read it from people claiming to be doing it out of "justice", to prevent allowing "suffering" in the first place. Like, we all know that's not the reason you're doing it, it's because you're insufferable, your life is insufferable, and you want to make sure that your life wasn't 'worth' less than those who actually had a positive experience. Don't bother veiling it, no matter how frivolous the attempt may be.
I'd also bet some of you would lose those "suicidal tendencies" if you constructed a functional life for yourself and got some much-needed therapy.