"Do you love me?"
I've never thought the big "leap of faith" in religion was believing in a God. A higher life form, who designed life on Earth.
Do bacteria conceptualize ants? No. Ants are a significantly more complex lifeform than bacteria. Can ants conceptualize squirrels? No. Again, far more complex beings. Do squirrels conceptualize bears? Probably not. Almost no squirrels ever come in contact with a bear. Do bears conceptualize humans? Again, not really.
It's incredibly naive for humans to think we are the highest lifeform. Especially since it's so readily apparent that lower lifeforms don't readily conceptualize higher ones, even in the same presence. It's not even unrealistic to believe in one god, as intelligence is inversely correlated with population size here in earth. It's not a jump to say the apex is one, ultra intelligent life form.
There's so much we don't understand. The vast infinity of the universe. Where we all came from. And why. We can answer some "why's" with our understanding of evolution. We feel "love" as a natural instinct to find a mate. Our emotions, instincts, etc are deep rooted in natural selection. Our intraspecies competition to reproduce and pass on our genes. But the overarching "why" of our existence... The existence of humans and life and biology and everything is just weird. It almost seems like art, and every piece of art has an artist. Are we really to believe it's all just random? and there's other aspects of being human that aren't explained, like our love for music and humor. And why humans are drawn to nature.
But the biggest jump isn't to the existence of a God. It's to the existence of a God who cares. Christians believe God "loves us". That's the jump. That's the leap of faith. Maybe there's a God. I wouldn't discount it at all. But the notion that he cares about you or me. That breaks all trends. We don't care about ants or squirrels. We don't direct their lives or send them to paradise after they die. To believe a higher lifeform cares about us is wishful thinking.
But that's why religion is rooted in faith. And it would be really nice if it were true. So maybe I'll choose to have that faith too. Give me hope. Who knows.