I understand your points. I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Your argument about it being a political problem or a problem of the state is interesting because you say you don't want your money going to pay for the euthanasia of a 24-year-old girl or any person with a mental illness, if I'm understanding you correctly. I agree that it sucks when your tax dollars go to pay for things that you don't agree with. My tax dollars go to pay for many things that I don't agree with. I would say that's probably the case for a lot of people. For example, I live in the United States, and our Congress has waged wars all over the world that I don't agree with that have caused many soldiers and civilians alike to be maimed and killed for what I consider to be absolutely no reason at all. Yet, there's nothing I can do about it, except try to vote for someone who won't do that. I feel this is the same thing. I understand why you wouldn't want your tax money going to something that you disagree with. It's very frustrating.
I respectfully disagree with you that mental illnesses should rank as less important than physical illnesses. Having had both in my life, I can tell you they are equally as painful. In fact, I would say in many cases, psychological illnesses are more painful because they aren't taken as seriously as physical Illnesses. You can live with a mental illness and be in severe psychological pain where every day of your life is pure and complete torture for decades with not one person lifting a finger to help you because they don't think your pain is that important. People assume they can throw some pills at you, or put you in therapy, or ask you to go exercise, or meditate, or do a myriad of other things that are not helpful (at least none of those things were ever helpful to me).
At least when a person is in physical pain, their pain is usually acknowledged and is assumed to be real. I've had so many people, including many medical professionals, treat me as if I'm not really in any pain. I'm just making it up. Or I need to just suck it up, snap out of it, or get over it. Many people dismiss psychological pain.
I realize some people in physical pain have also had these experiences, but I think it's more common with people who have mental or psychological pain. For anyone else who has had this experience as I have, no matter what kind of pain you're in, I am truly sorry you were dismissed and your pain was not acknowledged for what it is- something very real and very important - and I completely sympathize with you because I'm in the same boat.
Again, I think everyone's entitled to their opinion and everyone has their own reasons for their opinion.