- Feb 2, 2019
- 1,224
I disagree with how these jack booted thugs handled this - the guy was fatally shot, execution style and it turns out he was Innocent. There were other police with him, they could have easily assisted in handcuffing the suspect. Plus the suspect was wearing attire that would not be able conceal a weapon. As to the suspects behavior, well the guy was quite spooked - you'd be too if you were staring down the barrel of a rifle and being told you will be shot to death.oh, how strange logic works in such situations. if I didn't give up (I didn't do what the policeman said), they would have cut me down and not killed me. and the casual guy got hurt. although, on the one hand, it is possible to understand the capture group, he could easily have got his hand back behind the gun
Suicide by cop must be an easy thing to do in the U.S.
Depending on the country, but many psychological treatment infrastructures are government run, which means the more inmates, the better chances of getting refinancing each year. This is a motivating factor for many places to take someone against their will.I don't recommend mentioning CTB at all and definitely not about having plans, a method, nor a time and place. Mentioning any of those three things will have a high chance of you getting locked up against your will. If you do mention things death or suicide, it is imperative that you follow up and downplay any real intention of acting on it. This is very important, because all it takes is one misunderstanding and your life would be ruined very quickly.
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