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Dec 17, 2021
imo the ones i've seen from a reliable fresh SN source 100% if haven't been found by the ER hospital. the ones i've seen survive is if they called the ER hospital or if someone finds them and calls the hospital. the ER hospital will give them the antidote. the key is a reliable SN source not nitrate not years old or from an unreliable source . by reliable SN source i mean from an industrial company that i know the company. also i haven't seen any confirmed medical cases of permanent damage but remaining alive.
Hi. I didn't know if you would be involved, but I bought my sn right before Amazon took it all off their menu. It's over a year expired. I'm looking to see if anyone has a source for it. I would like to be able to read reviews or something about their organization, but I'm looking for a fresh supply. Is there a supplier on here we're now using? Thanks so much
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Apr 15, 2022
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May 24, 2019
Rest in Peace
There's not many medically documented cases period but there ARE cases on here of people who have survived after getting help and have said that they have been left with: 1) brain damage 2) heart damage 3) bladder issues.

I think it's false to act as if this is a 100% method as long as you don't call for help or get long as your SN is fresh, etc. First, we don't know that because many people don't come back to report. This forum seems to discourage the ones that do... I've seen the people get raked over the coals by people saying they didn't follow protocol, or they failed because of this or that reason....or they are "pro-lifers" who were faking it, despite there being no evidence of that. Some of these folks DID follow the protocol exactly but after 40 minutes, were still not unconscious and had to make the decision to get help because they were concerned about permanent damage otherwise.

I'm not saying this as a "pro-lifer" as this is a method I am seriously considering... but I have done tons of research, searches, etc on here. I think people should be informed of the possibilities of what could happen, what to expect, etc.
From what I've read during my time as a member here is it is 100% lethal if you have high grade SN and follow protocol including taking second cup if you vomit. The others either called for help, were found, or it was found to be a fake goodbye thread by mods. If you can dig up a goodbye thread that proves otherwise I would love to see it

Anyways, we probably shouldn't be having these kind of discussions on a goodbye thread as have been noted previously in other goodbye threads.

Rest in peace op
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Jul 18, 2024
Rest in Peace

From what I've read during my time as a member here is it is 100% lethal if you have high grade SN and follow protocol including taking second cup if you vomit. The others either called for help, were found, or it was found to be a fake goodbye thread by mods. If you can dig up a goodbye thread that proves otherwise I would love to see it

Anyways, we probably shouldn't be having these kind of discussions on a goodbye thread as have been noted previously in other goodbye threads.

Rest in peace op
There was one person who failed and then immediately took SN again upon waking up. I believed this account as the person didn't report negative symptoms. They also stopped responding after the second go.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Rest in Peace

From what I've read during my time as a member here is it is 100% lethal if you have high grade SN and follow protocol including taking second cup if you vomit. The others either called for help, were found, or it was found to be a fake goodbye thread by mods. If you can dig up a goodbye thread that proves otherwise I would love to see it

Anyways, we probably shouldn't be having these kind of discussions on a goodbye thread as have been noted previously in other goodbye threads.

Rest in peace op
Thanks for sorta confirming what i saw also. i especially remember all the threads were like that in 2019 , 2020, 2021 , as i what i posted. I see you are from 2019 also. and also no medically confirmed cases of permanent damage etc.

i did an analysis of a medical study Vizzy posted. and the PPH posted a study of 25 SN cases. all these examples 100% with the requirements i posted earlier fresh industrial SN no ER hospital etc.

again as i said in my other posts this is all only my opinion . no one is an expert on this or infallible
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Apr 15, 2022
Rest in Peace

From what I've read during my time as a member here is it is 100% lethal if you have high grade SN and follow protocol including taking second cup if you vomit. The others either called for help, were found, or it was found to be a fake goodbye thread by mods. If you can dig up a goodbye thread that proves otherwise I would love to see it

Anyways, we probably shouldn't be having these kind of discussions on a goodbye thread as have been noted previously in other goodbye threads.

Rest in peace op
Last msg as I hear what you say about this convo in a gbt. OP didnt follow protocol. OP didnt take meto. And OP didnt take 2nd glass presumably. Couldnt have made it to small intestine in 2 minutes imo. Very little absorption through stomach.
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From milkyway
May 7, 2024
Thanks for sorta confirming what i saw also. i especially remember all the threads were like that in 2019 , 2020, 2021 , as i what i posted. I see you are from 2019 also. and also no medically confirmed cases of permanent damage etc.
I too haven't come across articles that report permanent damage with this method. There was even one case where they successfully transplanted liver when the patient became brain dead. (They had called ambulance after taking SN)
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Aspiring Corpse
Aug 26, 2024
if OP really vomited that quickly, i doubt it would kill them.
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My own worst enemy🌹💔
Aug 10, 2024
Hi. I didn't know if you would be involved, but I bought my sn right before Amazon took it all off their menu. It's over a year expired. I'm looking to see if anyone has a source for it. I would like to be able to read reviews or something about their organization, but I'm looking for a fresh supply. Is there a supplier on here we're now using? Thanks so much
SN is very stable. It could be that what you have is still usable?🌹💔


Sep 17, 2024
It's ready as soon as you stir it in and dissolve it sufficiently, only needs to be sufficiently dissolved so it doesn't end up stuck to the cup you're drinking it from
It's ready as soon as you stir it in and dissolve it sufficiently, only needs to be sufficiently dissolved so it doesn't end up stuck to the cup you're drinking it from
So it should be ready technically even 5 mins after mixing it?? I think the real reason people wait 20-30 after mixing is to wait for the AE to kick in…is that correct?


Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
This forum seems to discourage the ones that do.
We do?
Example please.
There are a few people here who survived. What would be the reason for us to keep them out?
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Jul 6, 2023
So it should be ready technically even 5 mins after mixing it?? I think the real reason people wait 20-30 after mixing is to wait for the AE to kick in…is that correct?
I don't think the mixing has anything to do with time, probably the AE. I would wait a little longer on the AE than 30 mins myself. Maybe 45.
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Sep 17, 2024
I don't think the mixing has anything to do with time, probably the AE. I would wait a little longer on the AE than 30 mins myself. Maybe 45.
Gotcha… because I was also wondering if you mix it and leave it too long does it go bad?? Sorry for all the questions but when I make an attempt I want to get it just right and want to educate myself and do as much homework as much as possible. After all this life and death we are talking about😊


Jul 6, 2023
Gotcha… because I was also wondering if you mix it and leave it too long does it go bad?? Sorry for all the questions but when I make an attempt I want to get it just right and want to educate myself and do as much homework as much as possible. After all this life and death we are talking about😊
You want as little time as possible between mixing and drinking, it will go bad.
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Apr 15, 2022
It doesn't go bad that fast. How would anyone here know that, anyway, unless they performed chemical analysis on the SN mixture?
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Jul 6, 2023
It doesn't go bad that fast. How would anyone here know that, anyway, unless they performed chemical analysis on the SN mixture?
Right no one knows, so mix it and drink it
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You either run from things, or you face them
Aug 20, 2024
I hope you are at peace, violetviolence


Jun 2, 2024
We do?
Example please.
There are a few people here who survived. What would be the reason for us to keep them out?
I reported his post - is it not a rule violation to make these unfounded claims?
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May 12, 2024
rest in peace, violet. Let's respect the fact that someone may have just passed away and not derail this thread.
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Aug 1, 2024
I hope you found the peace you were looking for @violetviolence
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Apr 15, 2022
How confused? Look at the time stamp when the OP said they took the SN. Then look at the time stamp when they reported vomiting. 2 minutes, or even less time, passed between them taking the SN and them reporting vomiting.

I asked the QUESTIONS, "It came up THAT fast?". "Within 2 minutes?"

My questions were clearly questioning the amount of time that passed between the OP reporting they took the SN and when the reported vomiting it.

My other question and statement clearly indicates that I don't believe 2 minutes is enough time for SN to empty into the small intestine, where it needs to go in order to get absorbed into the body.

What's not clear?

It does not take long to vomit? I am confused at your statement.
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May 8, 2024
We do?
Example please.
There are a few people here who survived. What would be the reason for us to keep them out?
@Myforevercharlie I will send you a PM with the examples, if that's ok, cause I don't want to rehash anything for the users that are on here still. It's not the mods that I am referring to.


died a long time ago
Aug 13, 2023
We do?
Example please.
There are a few people here who survived. What would be the reason for us to keep them out?
@Myforevercharlie I will send you a PM with the examples, if that's ok, cause I don't want to rehash anything for the users that are on here still. It's not the mods that I am referring to.
@Myforevercharlie please let us know if the information they send you is legit. It is obvious to me that this account is a pro lifer trying to make the site look bad and attempting to make ppl scared of SN because it is the most peaceful and effective method that is available atm. Their comments are ridiculous in general, but on a goodbye thread?! so disrespectful.
I have seen accounts from people on here who have vomited it all and it didn't work. A couple of others who vomited so much of it that if they hadn't of gotten help, it probably wouldn't have killed them, but just caused serious harm (based on information they got from the doctors).

I'm praying for OP.
Links??? where are the links for this information? Oh yeah, it doesn't exist. This is super disrespectful to be discussing on a goodbye thread, get off of here!
There's not many medically documented cases period but there ARE cases on here of people who have survived after getting help and have said that they have been left with: 1) brain damage 2) heart damage 3) bladder issues.

I think it's false to act as if this is a 100% method as long as you don't call for help or get long as your SN is fresh, etc. First, we don't know that because many people don't come back to report. This forum seems to discourage the ones that do... I've seen the people get raked over the coals by people saying they didn't follow protocol, or they failed because of this or that reason....or they are "pro-lifers" who were faking it, despite there being no evidence of that. Some of these folks DID follow the protocol exactly but after 40 minutes, were still not unconscious and had to make the decision to get help because they were concerned about permanent damage otherwise.

I'm not saying this as a "pro-lifer" as this is a method I am seriously considering... but I have done tons of research, searches, etc on here. I think people should be informed of the possibilities of what could happen, what to expect, etc.
Links??? The cases don't exist. I've looked myself and also have done a ton of searches on here and so much research on sn. It is obvious that you're a pro lifer. Just stop.

The cases where mods have said the accounts are fake are because they have evidence that proves so. They have access to a lot more information about the accounts and their activity than we do. It says on the actual thread that the mod has reason to believe the account of this incident is fake. Trust me, the mods here are excellent. They aren't going to do that unless they have objective facts that it is fake.

This all just goes to show how much time and research we do put into things and why we can tell you are a pro lifer for example and all your stuff gets called out as bs.
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