if we can stand outside the borders of time
- Sep 21, 2018
- 255
I've been suicidal for around 10 years now, give or take. Severe depression, anxiety, eating disorder, the works. I've long ago made peace with dying but the only reason I haven't gone through with any solid ctb plans for the past few years is because I wanted to spend more time with my family and earn some money for them before I die. From 2020 to end of 2022 I didn't leave the house once due to severe social anxiety and agoraphobia. I've also been on the receiving end of what I believe is physical and emotional abuse from my parents, some of which I've detailed in this thread: My dad just beat me up again because I was upset that he's neglecting my cat, but until recently I had chosen to forgive them and move on for my own sanity's sake.
This particular incident happened last June after I got into a fight with my mum over her religion. She had recently become a devout Buddhist and would constantly listen to speeches from her "master" on full blast and brag about it to me. One night I asked her to explain what the speeches were about. I admit I held some animosity towards Buddhism because she told me multiple times that I'm doomed to keep reliving this life in an endless cycle unless I believe in Buddha and pray to Buddha so that he can come save me. As a suicidal person who overthinks everything this did not help me one bit, however this time I was genuinely interested in what she was listening to. But she suddenly got very defensive and said it was impossible to explain and told me to listen to them myself. I was confused and asked her what was so hard about it, she listens to them on repeat all the time so couldn't she explain some of the teachings to me? That set her off and she started screaming at me about how I wasn't being sincere. Fast forward to two weeks later, I come back home one afternoon to find that she removed everything from my bedroom to turn it into a prayer room. I got upset and demanded that she return my things, and I grabbed and threw an empty baby lotion bottle out of the room in an attempt to get her to leave.
My mum has done this thing for years where if I felt upset about anything or overwhelmed by my depression, she would make a big dramatic show of taking out her phone right in front of my face and dialing either the psych ward or the police, while verbally threatening to lock me up until I practically begged her on my knees to stop. This time though, she actually made the call to the police. I got scared as I obviously didn't want to be locked up so I tried to take the phone from her, but she wrenched it away from me and the call went through. She proceeded to tell the person on the other side that I was mentally ill and having an "episode" and that she didn't feel safe, and then agreed to something the other person said, which I presume was to send officers over to the house because half an hour later two police officers arrived at the doorstep. By this time I naively thought her whole show was over and I was sitting down in the kitchen, just about to eat dinner.
The police officers went upstairs with my mum and talked, and after a while they each came down to talk to me individually. I don't know exactly what she told them, but from the get-go the way they spoke to me showed they were on her side, starting by telling me that things didn't look good for me, that I don't live in a good area. Telling me that I disrespected my mum's religion by objecting to the prayer room, that I had assaulted her (when I tried to stop her from calling them) and that I had destroyed her property (the baby lotion bottle). I tried to tell them that I didn't assault her but I did throw the bottle, only so that she might leave my room because I came back home today to see that she had thrown all my things out. They replied that this was her property and that she could do whatever she liked with the room and my things. They also said that my mum was scared of me, that she said I've been bullying her for years and that in cases of domestic violence they usually separate the people involved so I would need to find another place to stay temporarily. I started to feel like I couldn't breathe and my vision got blurry and I couldn't speak. I was shaking all over. I was being accused of domestic violence by the woman who would beat me for things like accidentally spilling water? Not to mention my eating disorder started 10 years ago because she and my dad told me I was too fat and she gave me a calorie counting book. I digress.
Now, as someone who couldn't leave the house for two years and didn't speak to anyone apart from my family during that time, it's fair to say my social skills were down the toilet. I was so, so stressed, put into this absurd situation by someone I trusted, and treated like a criminal immediately. When they asked me questions I froze and couldn't speak or look them in the eye and they would stare at me like I was stupid, until I managed to stutter out an answer. I guess they thought I had an attitude and weren't impressed. They gave me a time limit to tell them if I could find another place to stay, if not they would arrest me. At this point I almost had an out-of-body experience, I was not "there" at all and couldn't comprehend what was happening. All I could think about was if I could somehow get to my N, which my mum had taken from me, and drink it before anything else happened. I went on autopilot and with shaking hands opened my laptop to search for cheap Airbnbs. I guess I forgot about the "telling them" part though, because a few minutes later they came to me again. One of them said "Alright, time's up", took out a pair of handcuffs, and proceeded with the rights speech. I was still on autopilot and just... numb. He handcuffed me really tightly (I still have scars on my wrists from it) and put me in the back of the police car. On the way to the station he lectured me nonstop about the area I lived in and how my situation wasn't looking good, like I didn't already know that. At the station, we were joined by a bunch of other officers and I remember one of them asking me "Do you know where you are?" really slowly as if I didn't know how to speak English. (I was born and raised in the UK but I'm ethnically Asian.) I thought he meant like did I know the address? So I shook my head no, and again he and the other officers looked at me like I was dumb and told me "You're at the police station".
I was booked for assault and destruction of property. At the counter, the officer once again repeated that my mum claimed I had "bullied her for years". I truly don't know what to make of this. I know I'm not a fun person to be around and there were times when my depression got so bad I couldn't do anything but cry my eyes out. I tried to ctb (impulsively, without planning) multiple times and each time my mum would either get angry at me and threaten to lock me up, or threaten to lock me up and give me the silent treatment. I would ask her for help constantly since she was the only person I could go to, and when she got sick of my pleas she would either scream and say "I can't help you" or, you guessed it, threaten to lock me up. I understand it must not have been easy to have someone rely on you like that, but I was just asking for help because I was suffering so much. Was that bullying? I would've tried harder to die sooner if I knew how much she and my dad despised me but every time I attempted they would always find a way to stop me so I don't know what the hell they want me to do.
The officer behind the counter noted that I had a history of depression. She asked me whether I currently had thoughts of harming myself, of course I said no although I doubt they would've cared either way. She asked me whether I've harmed myself before so I said I've attempted suicide. She then made me list out loud every single suicide attempt and which methods I used. Afterwards, I was taken to a cell. They left me in there for a while before taking me out again to get my fingerprints on file and mugshots taken, and then I was returned to the cell. It was night by now, and all I could do was lie down on the blue mat with my head turned away from the camera and cry myself to sleep.
This was without a doubt one of the most traumatic experiences in my life. I find it so ironic that after constantly being beat up throughout my childhood up until now, I was the one put in a cell by the same person who abused me? Even typing it out now doesn't make any sense. But after confiding in my dad and my aunt about this, the only family I had left, and they made no effort to stand up for me and even blamed me for it, I can't help but wonder if I'm truly the person in the wrong here. I just don't understand. This post took me days to write because I had to keep stopping and composing myself. Remembering all these details is too painful. I just need to hear from someone removed from the situation if I really am the evil person my family has always told me I am? Because I honestly don't know anymore.
This particular incident happened last June after I got into a fight with my mum over her religion. She had recently become a devout Buddhist and would constantly listen to speeches from her "master" on full blast and brag about it to me. One night I asked her to explain what the speeches were about. I admit I held some animosity towards Buddhism because she told me multiple times that I'm doomed to keep reliving this life in an endless cycle unless I believe in Buddha and pray to Buddha so that he can come save me. As a suicidal person who overthinks everything this did not help me one bit, however this time I was genuinely interested in what she was listening to. But she suddenly got very defensive and said it was impossible to explain and told me to listen to them myself. I was confused and asked her what was so hard about it, she listens to them on repeat all the time so couldn't she explain some of the teachings to me? That set her off and she started screaming at me about how I wasn't being sincere. Fast forward to two weeks later, I come back home one afternoon to find that she removed everything from my bedroom to turn it into a prayer room. I got upset and demanded that she return my things, and I grabbed and threw an empty baby lotion bottle out of the room in an attempt to get her to leave.
My mum has done this thing for years where if I felt upset about anything or overwhelmed by my depression, she would make a big dramatic show of taking out her phone right in front of my face and dialing either the psych ward or the police, while verbally threatening to lock me up until I practically begged her on my knees to stop. This time though, she actually made the call to the police. I got scared as I obviously didn't want to be locked up so I tried to take the phone from her, but she wrenched it away from me and the call went through. She proceeded to tell the person on the other side that I was mentally ill and having an "episode" and that she didn't feel safe, and then agreed to something the other person said, which I presume was to send officers over to the house because half an hour later two police officers arrived at the doorstep. By this time I naively thought her whole show was over and I was sitting down in the kitchen, just about to eat dinner.
The police officers went upstairs with my mum and talked, and after a while they each came down to talk to me individually. I don't know exactly what she told them, but from the get-go the way they spoke to me showed they were on her side, starting by telling me that things didn't look good for me, that I don't live in a good area. Telling me that I disrespected my mum's religion by objecting to the prayer room, that I had assaulted her (when I tried to stop her from calling them) and that I had destroyed her property (the baby lotion bottle). I tried to tell them that I didn't assault her but I did throw the bottle, only so that she might leave my room because I came back home today to see that she had thrown all my things out. They replied that this was her property and that she could do whatever she liked with the room and my things. They also said that my mum was scared of me, that she said I've been bullying her for years and that in cases of domestic violence they usually separate the people involved so I would need to find another place to stay temporarily. I started to feel like I couldn't breathe and my vision got blurry and I couldn't speak. I was shaking all over. I was being accused of domestic violence by the woman who would beat me for things like accidentally spilling water? Not to mention my eating disorder started 10 years ago because she and my dad told me I was too fat and she gave me a calorie counting book. I digress.
Now, as someone who couldn't leave the house for two years and didn't speak to anyone apart from my family during that time, it's fair to say my social skills were down the toilet. I was so, so stressed, put into this absurd situation by someone I trusted, and treated like a criminal immediately. When they asked me questions I froze and couldn't speak or look them in the eye and they would stare at me like I was stupid, until I managed to stutter out an answer. I guess they thought I had an attitude and weren't impressed. They gave me a time limit to tell them if I could find another place to stay, if not they would arrest me. At this point I almost had an out-of-body experience, I was not "there" at all and couldn't comprehend what was happening. All I could think about was if I could somehow get to my N, which my mum had taken from me, and drink it before anything else happened. I went on autopilot and with shaking hands opened my laptop to search for cheap Airbnbs. I guess I forgot about the "telling them" part though, because a few minutes later they came to me again. One of them said "Alright, time's up", took out a pair of handcuffs, and proceeded with the rights speech. I was still on autopilot and just... numb. He handcuffed me really tightly (I still have scars on my wrists from it) and put me in the back of the police car. On the way to the station he lectured me nonstop about the area I lived in and how my situation wasn't looking good, like I didn't already know that. At the station, we were joined by a bunch of other officers and I remember one of them asking me "Do you know where you are?" really slowly as if I didn't know how to speak English. (I was born and raised in the UK but I'm ethnically Asian.) I thought he meant like did I know the address? So I shook my head no, and again he and the other officers looked at me like I was dumb and told me "You're at the police station".
I was booked for assault and destruction of property. At the counter, the officer once again repeated that my mum claimed I had "bullied her for years". I truly don't know what to make of this. I know I'm not a fun person to be around and there were times when my depression got so bad I couldn't do anything but cry my eyes out. I tried to ctb (impulsively, without planning) multiple times and each time my mum would either get angry at me and threaten to lock me up, or threaten to lock me up and give me the silent treatment. I would ask her for help constantly since she was the only person I could go to, and when she got sick of my pleas she would either scream and say "I can't help you" or, you guessed it, threaten to lock me up. I understand it must not have been easy to have someone rely on you like that, but I was just asking for help because I was suffering so much. Was that bullying? I would've tried harder to die sooner if I knew how much she and my dad despised me but every time I attempted they would always find a way to stop me so I don't know what the hell they want me to do.
The officer behind the counter noted that I had a history of depression. She asked me whether I currently had thoughts of harming myself, of course I said no although I doubt they would've cared either way. She asked me whether I've harmed myself before so I said I've attempted suicide. She then made me list out loud every single suicide attempt and which methods I used. Afterwards, I was taken to a cell. They left me in there for a while before taking me out again to get my fingerprints on file and mugshots taken, and then I was returned to the cell. It was night by now, and all I could do was lie down on the blue mat with my head turned away from the camera and cry myself to sleep.
I woke up early the next day and paced around the cell for hours in a daze, obsessing over how to kill myself when I got out. I think it was midday when they finally let me out, saying my mum didn't want to press charges, that I could return home if I have nowhere else to stay but she was still scared of me so she wouldn't be there. (She went back just a few hours later.) I went home and immediately tried to find the N that my mum took from me. No luck, so I ate my dinner from the night before and then bought a train ticket to Eastbourne with the intention of jumping off Beachy Head.
That was definitely an impulsive decision and not well thought out. The train was late in the evening and it would be almost night by the time I arrived at Eastbourne. It was impossible to get an Uber, so I decided to walk from the station all the way to the cliffs. Bad idea. I barely made it halfway before I almost collapsed with exhaustion and it took everything in my power not to burst out crying in the middle of the street. I had to accept that today was not the day. It was past midnight when I got back, my mum was already there and I passed out on the sofa downstairs. 3am, I'm woken up by banging on the door. My mum goes to open the door and lets in yet another police officer, and they have another chat in the kitchen. The officer then comes into the living room where I'm sleeping and starts telling me off for "looking for poison" - apparently my mum came home and found that I'd been searching for the N and that I was missing, and called the police again. I truly don't understand, if I'm a monster that needs to be locked up, why bother? Is it just to cause me more stress and pain, or is it that she doesn't want to be held liable in case I do succeed in an attempt?
That was definitely an impulsive decision and not well thought out. The train was late in the evening and it would be almost night by the time I arrived at Eastbourne. It was impossible to get an Uber, so I decided to walk from the station all the way to the cliffs. Bad idea. I barely made it halfway before I almost collapsed with exhaustion and it took everything in my power not to burst out crying in the middle of the street. I had to accept that today was not the day. It was past midnight when I got back, my mum was already there and I passed out on the sofa downstairs. 3am, I'm woken up by banging on the door. My mum goes to open the door and lets in yet another police officer, and they have another chat in the kitchen. The officer then comes into the living room where I'm sleeping and starts telling me off for "looking for poison" - apparently my mum came home and found that I'd been searching for the N and that I was missing, and called the police again. I truly don't understand, if I'm a monster that needs to be locked up, why bother? Is it just to cause me more stress and pain, or is it that she doesn't want to be held liable in case I do succeed in an attempt?
This was without a doubt one of the most traumatic experiences in my life. I find it so ironic that after constantly being beat up throughout my childhood up until now, I was the one put in a cell by the same person who abused me? Even typing it out now doesn't make any sense. But after confiding in my dad and my aunt about this, the only family I had left, and they made no effort to stand up for me and even blamed me for it, I can't help but wonder if I'm truly the person in the wrong here. I just don't understand. This post took me days to write because I had to keep stopping and composing myself. Remembering all these details is too painful. I just need to hear from someone removed from the situation if I really am the evil person my family has always told me I am? Because I honestly don't know anymore.