- Jul 18, 2023
- 30
Since I was 14 I struggled with low self esteem, a distorted self image and no thick skin since chloemay16 cyberbullied me on deviantart. I gave her so much of my attention and energy and let her have so much power over me because I was mad that she cyberbullied me and got away with it and she was happy and having so much fun while I was suffering. I accepted what she said about me as true about me and really took it to heart and really internalized it. The whole 'I am a princess' thing when I was a teen was my attempt to rebuild and improve my self esteem, self image and thick skin. I think all I'm meant for is a miserable and stressful life and to die young and thats what I deserve. All I'll ever be in life is working a minimum wage job, that's all I will ever be in life. I'll never be anything big in life. No one is a prince or princess everyone is a worthless piece of crap and deserves to die. I'm not a prince Im a worthless good for nothing piece of crap Im unspecial and worthless and have no reason to live and that's all I am and all I EVER will be. I always dream that I'm a prince and live in a castle and am surrounded by flowers, cute animals and my prince charming or princess but that's not real and will never happen I exist just to have dreams that will never come true. I'm not a prince Im a worthless piece of crap I know it and I will go kill myself because It's so much better to die than live in pain and knowing you'll never be a prince and live like one and to do this world a favor and end your life so the world will be rid of worthless pieces of crap who take up space and harm the world. Imma go drink bleach or take pills to end my life soon. At least in death I'll be free from my suffering.