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i feel tired…maybe I’ll get wings
Feb 26, 2023
I eat unhealthy and don't walk at all, shouldn't that make my body easier to die?

I mean, poor general health would make you more susceptible to the effects of oxygen deprivation in the brain, but keep in mind that everyone is different. So it's a bit difficult to say.

For the intensity, how hard should I press for the best result?

Generally, firm and continuous pressure should be fine. But since you said that your general health isn't the best, pressing a little harder should get the desired effect. However, don't press too hard. This can be both uncomfortable and painful. You really don't need to be aggressively pressing to restrict the blood flow.

Any idea on how to make it through this feeling until I pass out?

Mentally or physically?

Mentally, just try to push through. If you stop enough blood from reaching your brain, you will eventually lose consciousness.

Physically, it's tough to say. If you've been pressing for multiple minutes and still haven't lost consciousness, you're either not pressing hard enough or you're pressing on the wrong artery.

When I do night night I don't want a risk for brain damage I want to die.

I added that last part mainly to warn you of the possible consequences if you're just experimenting with this method. Obviously, if you're ready to CTB, brain damage would increase your chances of death.

Here's another spot to try if you're having trouble in the neck area. Just know that this will probably take a little longer and be a little more painful than the regular method.

Just to the side of the jaw hinge is a branch of the external carotid artery called the facial artery. This artery is generally about 1-2 centimeters below the surface of the skin. However, since you may have more tissue in this area, it may be a little more than 1-2 centimeters.

Once pressure is applied here, it may prevent enough blood from getting to your brain, but this can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes.

If the facial artery is completely restricted, it can lead to a condition called facial ischemia (restricted blood supply to the face). Here's a general timeline of what can happen:

  1. Immediately the area surrounding the artery may turn pale or bluish in color due to lack of oxygen.
  2. Within a few minutes, you may start to feel a tingling sensation or numbness in the affected areas.
  3. As blood flow is completely cut off, the affected areas may begin to swell and become painful.
  4. After several minutes, you may start to experience dizziness, confusion, and disorientation due to lack of oxygen in the brain.
  5. If blood flow is still restricted after this time, you may lose consciousness and go into a coma. This can lead to permanent damage or death.


Keep in mind that this isn't the common carotid artery, so it will be more difficult to prevent oxygenated blood from reaching the brain.

This is a slightly riskier method, I'll admit, but it could possibly work. Just be careful, please. You don't want to be seriously injured instead of dying.


Wants to sleep
Apr 24, 2023
Generally, firm and continuous pressure should be fine. But since you said that your general health isn't the best, pressing a little harder should get the desired effect. However, don't press too hard. This can be both uncomfortable and painful. You really don't need to be aggressively pressing to restrict the blood flow.
But if I do it normally I don't black out, I am ok with pain if it helps me to die in the end.
Mentally or physically?

Mentally, just try to push through. If you stop enough blood from reaching your brain, you will eventually lose consciousness.

Physically, it's tough to say. If you've been pressing for multiple minutes and still haven't lost consciousness, you're either not pressing hard enough or you're pressing on the wrong artery.
Both, mentally I just try to go through it but physically it hurts much.
How can I press on the wrong artery? I can't find any other arteries.
I added that last part mainly to warn you of the possible consequences if you're just experimenting with this method. Obviously, if you're ready to CTB, brain damage would increase your chances of death.
I want it to work 100%, I don't need an increased chance I need guaranteed death, if I end up alive with brain damage I am in hell on earth I would then have to live with my trauma plus disablity for 60+ years, this fucking scares me to the bone.
Here's another spot to try if you're having trouble in the neck area. Just know that this will probably take a little longer and be a little more painful than the regular method.
But why should I use that spot if it is more painful and more dangerous?


i feel tired…maybe I’ll get wings
Feb 26, 2023
How can I press on the wrong artery? I can't find any other arteries.

There are many arteries in the neck that branch off to give multiple paths for blood to reach the brain. Some arteries, like the common carotid arteries, are more centralized than others.

Applying pressure to only the common carotid arteries would greatly reduce the amount of blood flowing to the brain.

Applying pressure only to the internal carotid arteries would only slightly reduce the amount of blood flowing to the brain.


I want it to work 100%, I don't need an increased chance I need guaranteed death, if I end up alive with brain damage I am in hell on earth I would then have to live with my trauma plus disablity for 60+ years, this fucking scares me to the bone.

The NN method is not really a 100% guaranteed death from what I've seen other forum members say. That's why SN is often discussed here. Your chances of dying are much higher.

Also, there isn't really a "guaranteed death" with any method. Even with a direct bullet to the head. I've read many online reports from people who know someone who shot themself in the head and survived. The reasons all vary from the caliber being too small or the trajectory of the bullet missing the critical part of the brain.

I'm sorry if I scared you. There's just a lot of factors involved with any method. I don't want you to mess up and risk a lifetime of debilitating injuries.

But why should I use that spot if it is more painful and more dangerous?

Judging by your previous posts, you should have lost consciousness at least once by now. I'm not quite sure why you haven't, and that's why I suggested this spot as an alternative.

More risky, I know. I just wanted to respect your chosen method and give you enough information to do it safely/peacefully.


Wants to sleep
Apr 24, 2023
There are many arteries in the neck that branch off to give multiple paths for blood to reach the brain. Some arteries, like the common carotid arteries, are more centralized than others.
Dumb question but would partial hanging restrict every artery on the neck?
Applying pressure to only the common carotid arteries would greatly reduce the amount of blood flowing to the brain.

Applying pressure only to the internal carotid arteries would only slightly reduce the amount of blood flowing to the brain.
Which arteries would be blocked with night night?
The NN method is not really a 100% guaranteed death from what I've seen other forum members say.
What about partial hanging?
I could do that in my closet.
That's why SN is often discussed here. Your chances of dying are much higher.
The problem with SN can take up to 4 hours afaik and I don't have so much time alone and also it can feel painful.
Also, there isn't really a "guaranteed death" with any method. Even with a direct bullet to the head. I've read many online reports from people who know someone who shot themself in the head and survived. The reasons all vary from the caliber being too small or the trajectory of the bullet missing the critical part of the brain.
What about a proper nitrogen setup or an overdose on a high dose of bdo/gbl/ghb without being found?
I'm sorry if I scared you. There's just a lot of factors involved with any method. I don't want you to mess up and risk a lifetime of debilitating injuries.
You didn't scare me, the truth scared me, I don't want to live with a disablity because I am too dumb to kill myself.
Which method could you recommend for my exact situation?
More risky, I know. I just wanted to respect your chosen method and give you enough information to do it safely/peacefully.
I will go with partial if Night Night is so unreliable.
I don't have a spot for full.


i feel tired…maybe I’ll get wings
Feb 26, 2023
Dumb question but would partial hanging restrict every artery on the neck?

Probably not every artery. The vertebral artery is surrounded by the cervical vertebrae (the neck bones of the spine). It's unlikely that you'll be able to constrict this anytime soon.


But other than that, every other artery, including the veins, will probably be constricted enough to prevent any blood from moving in or out of the brain. Just make sure the ligature you use is tight enough and stays that way for a while until you eventually CTB.

What about partial hanging?
I could do that in my closet.

Partial hanging might work. But the same symptoms I listed earlier for the blood choke would apply.

Below is a general timeline of events that may occur during a blood choke:

  1. Within a few seconds of applying a blood choke, blood flow to the brain is reduced, which can cause a rapid drop in blood pressure. This can cause symptoms such as dizziness, lightheadedness, and a feeling of pressure in the head.
  2. As the chokehold continues, the person may experience a sensation of tunnel vision, seeing stars, and a loss of peripheral vision.
  3. Tingling or numbness in the fingers and toes may occur as blood flow to these areas is restricted.
  4. Confusion, difficulty thinking, and difficulty breathing may also occur as the brain and body are deprived of oxygen.
  5. If the chokehold is not released, the person may lose consciousness. However, this varies in time from person to person. (edit - some american police departments tell their officers to never use a blood choke for more than 15 seconds)
  6. If the person does lose consciousness, they may experience seizures, which can further increase the risk of brain damage or death.

Also, something I researched a while back, in the old Wild West days of America, convicted criminals were often executed by hanging. These executions often involved the criminal standing on a platform with a noose around their neck. When the platform was removed, the weight of the body would cause the noose to tighten around the neck, resulting in death by asphyxiation (suffocation due to lack of oxygen).

In some cases, the force of the drop would cause the neck to break, resulting in a quicker and more painless death. This method was known as a "long drop" or "standard drop" hanging (aka, complete hanging).

However, if the length of the rope was not calculated correctly or if the drop was not long enough, the convict would not die immediately from a broken neck, but would instead slowly suffocate over several minutes. This method was known as "short drop" hanging (aka, partial hanging).

As you can see, partial hanging isn't always peaceful either. If done correctly, you will definitely CTB. But again, both complete and partial hanging involve various factors to be successful.

Which arteries would be blocked with night night?

In the original method, the hacky sacks are placed on the left and right sides of the larynx (voice box). If enough pressure is applied, the internal and external carotid arteries are constricted.

Depending on the size of the hacky sack used, the jugular veins may also be constricted.

The problem with SN can take up to 4 hours afaik and I don't have so much time alone and also it can feel painful.

What about a proper nitrogen setup or an overdose on a high dose of bdo/gbl/ghb without being found?

I haven't done much research on these methods yet, so I can't really provide much information on them.

Which method could you recommend for my exact situation?

Honestly, I can't really make a recommendation. I'm still researching all the methods myself, so it's hard to recommend something I don't know enough about.

I hope you understand. I wish you the best of luck though :)

Even with a direct bullet to the head. I've read many online reports from people who know someone who shot themself in the head and survived. The reasons all vary from the caliber being too small or the trajectory of the bullet missing the critical part of the brain.

It bothered me that I didn't provide sources to back up my claims here. I researched gun suicides years ago.

I've included some sources below if you want to check them out for yourself.


Sanctioned Suicide Firearm Megathread

Outcome of self-inflicted gunshot wounds of the brain

Gunshot wound to the head not a death sentence


Wants to sleep
Apr 24, 2023
Probably not every artery. The vertebral artery is surrounded by the cervical vertebrae (the neck bones of the spine). It's unlikely that you'll be able to constrict this anytime soon.

View attachment 110757

But other than that, every other artery, including the veins, will probably be constricted enough to prevent any blood from moving in or out of the brain. Just make sure the ligature you use is tight enough and stays that way for a while until you eventually CTB.

Partial hanging might work. But the same symptoms I listed earlier for the blood choke would apply.

Also, something I researched a while back, in the old Wild West days of America, convicted criminals were often executed by hanging. These executions often involved the criminal standing on a platform with a noose around their neck. When the platform was removed, the weight of the body would cause the noose to tighten around the neck, resulting in death by asphyxiation (suffocation due to lack of oxygen).

In some cases, the force of the drop would cause the neck to break, resulting in a quicker and more painless death. This method was known as a "long drop" or "standard drop" hanging (aka, complete hanging).

However, if the length of the rope was not calculated correctly or if the drop was not long enough, the convict would not die immediately from a broken neck, but would instead slowly suffocate over several minutes. This method was known as "short drop" hanging (aka, partial hanging).

As you can see, partial hanging isn't always peaceful either. If done correctly, you will definitely CTB. But again, both complete and partial hanging involve various factors to be successful.

In the original method, the hacky sacks are placed on the left and right sides of the larynx (voice box). If enough pressure is applied, the internal and external carotid arteries are constricted.

Depending on the size of the hacky sack used, the jugular veins may also be constricted.

I haven't done much research on these methods yet, so I can't really provide much information on them.

Honestly, I can't really make a recommendation. I'm still researching all the methods myself, so it's hard to recommend something I don't know enough about.

I hope you understand. I wish you the best of luck though :)

It bothered me that I didn't provide sources to back up my claims here. I researched gun suicides years ago.

I've included some sources below if you want to check them out for yourself.


Sanctioned Suicide Firearm Megathread

Outcome of self-inflicted gunshot wounds of the brain

Gunshot wound to the head not a death sentence
Right now I am currently planning to ctb with bdo and rc benzos in a private place but I will still experiment with partial hanging as a last resort.


May 6, 2023
Probably not every artery. The vertebral artery is surrounded by the cervical vertebrae (the neck bones of the spine). It's unlikely that you'll be able to constrict this anytime soon.

View attachment 110757

But other than that, every other artery, including the veins, will probably be constricted enough to prevent any blood from moving in or out of the brain. Just make sure the ligature you use is tight enough and stays that way for a while until you eventually CTB.

Partial hanging might work. But the same symptoms I listed earlier for the blood choke would apply.

Also, something I researched a while back, in the old Wild West days of America, convicted criminals were often executed by hanging. These executions often involved the criminal standing on a platform with a noose around their neck. When the platform was removed, the weight of the body would cause the noose to tighten around the neck, resulting in death by asphyxiation (suffocation due to lack of oxygen).

In some cases, the force of the drop would cause the neck to break, resulting in a quicker and more painless death. This method was known as a "long drop" or "standard drop" hanging (aka, complete hanging).

However, if the length of the rope was not calculated correctly or if the drop was not long enough, the convict would not die immediately from a broken neck, but would instead slowly suffocate over several minutes. This method was known as "short drop" hanging (aka, partial hanging).

As you can see, partial hanging isn't always peaceful either. If done correctly, you will definitely CTB. But again, both complete and partial hanging involve various factors to be successful.

In the original method, the hacky sacks are placed on the left and right sides of the larynx (voice box). If enough pressure is applied, the internal and external carotid arteries are constricted.

Depending on the size of the hacky sack used, the jugular veins may also be constricted.

I haven't done much research on these methods yet, so I can't really provide much information on them.

Honestly, I can't really make a recommendation. I'm still researching all the methods myself, so it's hard to recommend something I don't know enough about.

I hope you understand. I wish you the best of luck though :)

It bothered me that I didn't provide sources to back up my claims here. I researched gun suicides years ago.

I've included some sources below if you want to check them out for yourself.


Sanctioned Suicide Firearm Megathread

Outcome of self-inflicted gunshot wounds of the brain

Gunshot wound to the head not a death sentence
What you think of nitrogen exit bag?
Right now I am currently planning to ctb with bdo and rc benzos in a private place but I will still experiment with partial hanging as a last resort.
Bdo and benzo is it painless method?
Right now I am currently planning to ctb with bdo and rc benzos in a private place but I will still experiment with partial hanging as a last resort.
Nitrogen with proper setup works ?
Last edited:


May 6, 2023
If you ctb with nitrogen, a proper scba mask is recommended instead of a self made bag.


Yes but it is too expensive.
What you think about high dose of sodium oxybate with High dose of benzo, is it a good method ?


Wants to sleep
Apr 24, 2023
Sodium oxybate is another name for gbl, do you know about gbl?
I know what gbl is.
Sodium Oxybate seems like a medication, so is there gbl in it or what?


Wants to sleep
Apr 24, 2023
Yes you are right, but is it lethal ?
Gbl/ghb/bdo is lethal in high doses.
But I am currently trying to figure out the best dose and how long it would take.
@Proper Overdoser knows much about this but he isn't online since more than 1 week, I hope he is alive he has much knowledge about this method.


May 6, 2023
Gbl/ghb/bdo is lethal in high doses.
But I am currently trying to figure out the best dose and how long it would take.
@Proper Overdoser knows much about this but he isn't online since more than 1 week, I hope he is alive he has much knowledge about this method.
I am waiting for him too, I don't know what happened to him?
Gbl/ghb/bdo is lethal in high doses.
But I am currently trying to figure out the best dose and how long it would take.
@Proper Overdoser knows much about this but he isn't online since more than 1 week, I hope he is alive he has much knowledge about this method.
Is gbl painful?


Wants to sleep
Apr 24, 2023
I am waiting for him too, I don't know what happened to him?
Maybe he ctb'd.
Do you know anyone else here who knows about overdosing who isn't inactive?
Is gbl painful?
It should put you in a coma before it kills you so it should be painless afaik but I need to do more research.


May 6, 2023
Maybe he ctb'd.
Do you know anyone else here who knows about overdosing who isn't inactive?

It should put you in a coma before it kills you so it should be painless afaik but I need to do more research.
I don't know anyone else

I don't think cbl will be painful like sn or hanging because it is a seductive and party drug


Wants to sleep
Apr 24, 2023
I don't know anyone else

I don't think cbl will be painful like sn or hanging because it is a seductive and party drug
I am pretty sure it is more peaceful than sn and hanging, it is a strong sedative drug and induces heavy sleep in high doses, that is why @Proper Overdoser recommends it.


May 6, 2023
I am pretty sure it is more peaceful than sn and hanging, it is a strong sedative drug and induces heavy sleep in high doses, that is why @Proper Overdoser recommends it.
Have you heard of soma?


May 6, 2023
I am pretty sure it is more peaceful than sn and hanging, it is a strong sedative drug and induces heavy sleep in high doses, that is why @Proper Overdoser recommends it.
Do you think proper overdoser know what he talking about because I am scared of taking drug ctb idea from random person?

He gave a lot of different ideas to ctb, do you think he is right?


Wants to sleep
Apr 24, 2023
Do you think proper overdoser know what he talking about because I am scared of taking drug ctb idea from random person?

He gave a lot of different ideas to ctb, do you think he is right?
I think people who died from overdose can't talk with us and I don't know much other people who are at better help than him.


May 6, 2023
I think people who died from overdose can't talk with us and I don't know much other people who are at better help than him.
Because high dosage of pills especially gbl or soma if they don't kill, for sure they gonna give brain damage, I don't want that

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