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drinking plastic jug vodka
Mar 19, 2024
to preface: if you are someone who takes care of their body, more power to you. this is not a personal attack on you.

now that I've gotten that out of the way...hey folks, just got off work, went for a drive to the spot I want to jump off from, backed off and drove away yet again, and now it's the start of my weekend. long term alcoholic here so shutting myself out from the world and drinking alone in my apartment is really the only thing that makes me feel better. anyway, to the topic at hand: everyone in my life needs to shut the fuck up about being healthy and taking care of your body. I am so, so tired of coworkers talking about how often they've been going to the gym, eating healthy, cutting back on alcohol/caffeine, etc. it really sucks because i know that they aren't trying to make me feel bad (well, I'm pretty sure at least), they're just trying to express their contentedness with the effort they're putting in to hopefully prolong their inevitable death. or feel better on a day to day basis. maybe both, maybe a secret third thing. I don't fucking know them. maybe they're also actively suicidal and better at lying than me.

personally though, i just don't wanna fucking hear it. like ok so you wasted money on a gym membership when you could be going for hikes for free, good for you. this obsession with health actually makes me pissed off if you couldn't tell, i think mostly because i have never, not once in my life, thought I should be healthier. even if i did want to get healthier, where do folks even find the motivation to make it happen? maybe it would clear up some emotional issues, but for that to happen, so much change would need to happen in my life that i get physically ill thinking about all the effort i'd have to put in. hell, i'm not even gonna put any effort into my own suicide, just gonna drink some plastic jug vodka, smoke my last cigarette, and let gravity do the rest. unfortunately it seems i still can't step over the ledge and finally be rid of this hellish nightmare, so i'm sorry, but now i'm here instead.

I should add that this anger also comes from seeing long-term alcoholic friends quit drinking and start leading active, healthy lifestyles. active alcoholics and recovering alcoholics can be friends, sure, but every damn time i try to talk to a friend who's in AA or fresh out of rehab, it's always the same thing. they say they're concerned about me as if they weren't in the same position just a few months ago, then eventually they'll move away and we become more distant, until we get to the point where they completely ignore me altogether. at this point it would be more strange to me if this wasn't the exact sequence of events for my one remaining friend. but i'm ashamed to say the social isolation has really been crushing me down, way more than it normally does. I don't know why i backed away from the ledge today. i'm not sure if this even had a point.

thanks for reading.
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Missed my appointment with Death
Mar 9, 2024
This tends to be the worst in workplaces, idk why. It bothers me too though.
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Why, do the birds, go on singing??
Mar 14, 2024
Workplace is kind of a "put-your-best-face-foreward" type competition. That's why the only way I could be a sarcastic s.o b was when I was wearing a shit ton of makeup because then it was "cute" and I wasn't the bitter, miserable shrew of the bunch. They say you have three faces... The most superficial one is literally the one in the workplace for the most part. It's trendy to be health-conscious, it increases their motivation, it validates their efforts, it solidifies their stance in society, it compensates for their lack of personality, etc. It's bullshit.
This post makes me want to watch that "Office Space" movie, and I don't even like that movie... I'm sorry they took your Stapler... but,
"Damn it feels good to be a gansta'!!"
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I couldn't agree more. So sick of people trying to push the Cult of Exercise on me. I do not pray to the same insane gods of fitness and health.
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Apr 5, 2024
I don't mind when other people take care of their bodies or try to reach their full potential, I just hate it when they try to get me to change my habits as well, at this point there's no reason for me to do anything that doesn't involve instant gratification when I'm going to die soon anyway, if I won't live to reap the fruits of my labor then I'm not doing it.
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Apr 26, 2024
Exactly, it's eventually pointless and bullshit. Idc about anything here so like, not when I decide to put effort into something I put it into having more time here lol
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Jun 15, 2024
I couldn't agree more. So sick of people trying to push the Cult of Exercise on me. I do not pray to the same insane gods of fitness and health.
HONESTLY. im so fucking sick of every single advice thread in existence (outside of here) just being like "EXERCISE". then if u say u fucking cant, u dont even have energy for things u actually enjoy let alone smthn u hate, and being sweaty n exhausted will jst make u 10x more suicidal bc ur disgusting but unable to shower, then they all hate u n act like ur problems are entirely ur fault for being too "lazy" to change

like holy fuck. exercise does not solve ur life problems. some of us have fukcing anhedonia so how r we gonna get those fucking dopamine when we literally dont get dopamine from anything. how r we gonna go for a walk or lift weights if we arent even capable of eating 3 meals a day

the health shit just feels like kicking u while ur down. like ur barely capanle of meeting basic needs n getting thru each day, and ppl expect u to put in 100x more effort otherwise they have zero sympathy for u. we should have our best effort recognised even if that's nothing but showering once a week, living off instant noodles, and being mostly bedbound

ETA bc idk if im allowed to post twice in a row, but who the fuck wants a long life anyway. who wants to become incontinent, arthritic, too weak to do things, needing a carer to survive (and prob not getting one bc $$$). here's how life ends if ur a health nut: ur 85, spend 24/7 in a nursing home bed, brain turned to mush bc u cant do anything but stare at a tv. the nurses r overworked and dont gaf, so when u pee ur nappy, ur forced to sit in ur own waste for hours, getting rashes n bedsores. u might have dementia and be constantly scared n confused. and then u die feeble and disabled just like all us unhealthy shits
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New Member
Jun 17, 2024
to preface: if you are someone who takes care of their body, more power to you. this is not a personal attack on you.

now that I've gotten that out of the way...hey folks, just got off work, went for a drive to the spot I want to jump off from, backed off and drove away yet again, and now it's the start of my weekend. long term alcoholic here so shutting myself out from the world and drinking alone in my apartment is really the only thing that makes me feel better. anyway, to the topic at hand: everyone in my life needs to shut the fuck up about being healthy and taking care of your body. I am so, so tired of coworkers talking about how often they've been going to the gym, eating healthy, cutting back on alcohol/caffeine, etc. it really sucks because i know that they aren't trying to make me feel bad (well, I'm pretty sure at least), they're just trying to express their contentedness with the effort they're putting in to hopefully prolong their inevitable death. or feel better on a day to day basis. maybe both, maybe a secret third thing. I don't fucking know them. maybe they're also actively suicidal and better at lying than me.

personally though, i just don't wanna fucking hear it. like ok so you wasted money on a gym membership when you could be going for hikes for free, good for you. this obsession with health actually makes me pissed off if you couldn't tell, i think mostly because i have never, not once in my life, thought I should be healthier. even if i did want to get healthier, where do folks even find the motivation to make it happen? maybe it would clear up some emotional issues, but for that to happen, so much change would need to happen in my life that i get physically ill thinking about all the effort i'd have to put in. hell, i'm not even gonna put any effort into my own suicide, just gonna drink some plastic jug vodka, smoke my last cigarette, and let gravity do the rest. unfortunately it seems i still can't step over the ledge and finally be rid of this hellish nightmare, so i'm sorry, but now i'm here instead.

I should add that this anger also comes from seeing long-term alcoholic friends quit drinking and start leading active, healthy lifestyles. active alcoholics and recovering alcoholics can be friends, sure, but every damn time i try to talk to a friend who's in AA or fresh out of rehab, it's always the same thing. they say they're concerned about me as if they weren't in the same position just a few months ago, then eventually they'll move away and we become more distant, until we get to the point where they completely ignore me altogether. at this point it would be more strange to me if this wasn't the exact sequence of events for my one remaining friend. but i'm ashamed to say the social isolation has really been crushing me down, way more than it normally does. I don't know why i backed away from the ledge today. i'm not sure if this even had a point.

thanks for reading.
Real shit.

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