

How soon is now?
Oct 19, 2020
I'm gonna suicide cause I'm gay, and would like to be feminine and having a bisexual boyfriend. That is all I want and can't have it so I'll cbt. Anyone can relate?
I really need someone to talk about it cause driving me tottaly nuts. I'm sure that I'm meant by nature for another kind of role in life, and it is becoming so exhausting not having the things I need and not to be able to be the way I think I should...
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The 't' is silent
Jul 15, 2020
Are you confused? Because I'm confused.

Gay, ok. But what do you mean by being feminine? And why do you want a bisexual bf?

If by feminine you mean trans, then you could score a straight bf. But if you just mean as an act or accessories-wise, then what's wrong with a gay bf? Regardless, I don't see why it'd be impossible to find that bi dude for you.

Hard? Maybe. Exhausting? Sure. Impossible? No.

Good luck out there!
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Jan 31, 2021
Which country are you from? If you live in a Western country, there are organisations who not just offer counceling, but can bring you in contact with tons of people who are gay and/or are struggling with similar things.

It really saddens me to hear people are suicidal because of their sexual orientation in 2021. This should have become a non-issue by now :meh:
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Aug 8, 2020
My ex-best friend was a gay male who only went for straight guys or bisexual guys. Even if they had girlfriends, he didn't care. And he even thought he could turn them gay or bi or whatever. It was one of the things about him that I just couldn't tolerate anymore.

My advice to you: find a gay man. There are lots of great ones out there:)
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Mar 22, 2020
Well, it's hard to find the kind of person we want but not impossible. We just gotta look everywhere and be persistent until someone shows up.

I think you shouldn't give up! I bet there's someone for you!

Hugs and love,

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Aug 7, 2019
Do you think maybe you might possibly be trans*?
Or at least that it's something you might want to explore a little?
I mean, plenty of men are feminine without being trans, and obviously that's valid too.
And bisexual men do exist! There's no reason I'm aware of that you can't hook up with one if you want to. And be feminine with him, if you both want.
Whoever you are, it's ok to not know for sure right now, and it's also ok if you do know and if what you are puts you in a minority, as scary as that may feel. Others have walked and are walking this path too. Solidarity is real. Hope you find some soon.
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How soon is now?
Oct 19, 2020
I'm not trans it is just used to be kinda fem as a child like many gay men


Aug 7, 2019
Where are you based? As in which country/continent?
Is there a gay scene where you are?
would like to be feminine and having a bisexual boyfriend. That is all I want and can't have it

Why can't you "have it"?


Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
This is the ice age of relationships for many.
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How soon is now?
Oct 19, 2020
This is the ice age of relationships for many.
What do you mean?
Where are you based? As in which country/continent?
Is there a gay scene where you are?

Why can't you "have it"?
It's very complex... But tanks for your support. I really appreciate people trying to help and nderstand but just want to talk with someone ith the same problem...
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Mar 15, 2019
Which country are you from? If you live in a Western country, there are organisations who not just offer counceling, but can bring you in contact with tons of people who are gay and/or are struggling with similar things.

It really saddens me to hear people are suicidal because of their sexual orientation in 2021. This should have become a non-issue by now :meh:
Look at our systems and designed stigmas deep embedded and brainwashed, with many for probably very long time, it's about experiences
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How soon is now?
Oct 19, 2020
First of all if you are yourself if you don't act masculine you won't fit in society. Second thing, I believe gay men are meant by nature for bisexual men. That's all..
Terr are tons of bi men but they prefer to be dead before someone knows
This is a monstrosity for gay people
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How soon is now?
Oct 19, 2020
I just know it. In pre hystorical times things used to work different. Fem men had relationships with bi men not bt them...
Gay men act masculine and bullshit and believe they are meant to be a fake ting
Everything is a lie
Gay men love the traits they don't really have because at the end they are not masculine I can tell by myself and hundreds of gay men
I'm not crazy I'm just able to tell a heavy truth that the whole gay community is denying. Any gay rllay intelligent can see it.
You know I look even more masculine than some straight men, but I'm just a good actor and my role has became myself. But I know the truth. And I see millions of gay men acting masculine. That doesn't make sense. The worst of all is that if they are natural, they don't like bt each other. You see? There is something very weird here, thing what is it!
And don't tell me tat we like masculine straight men cause of the fact that we've been surrounded by them in our childhood and they are the object of or fantasy cause of that cause that is bullshit. We like straight masculine men cause we are feminine full stop. Everybody is believing lies and acting
Opposite attracts
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Jan 31, 2021
I'm sure not where you get these views from, but they are far from reality. I'm afraid you won't be able to accept yourself as long as you cannot see gay people as what they are: people who happen to be attracted to people of the same sex, and nothing more than that.
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Jan 30, 2020
I think you have a very minimal view of what dating in the gay sphere is like. Sure, there are bisexual guys and most of them are rare to find. Trust me I had this massive crush on a bi guy and he started dating this girl for years and I realized i'll never get my chance. Since then i've moved on and have dated a lot. I feel like you should take an opportunity to have some fun maybe. Get your mind off of this "perfect idea" of a relationship. When you try to mold the world around an idea you are severely limiting yourself to any potential happiness beyond that. Maybe take this opportunity to have meaningless sex or something. Who know's maybe someone will be perfect and you never knew it.


How soon is now?
Oct 19, 2020
I'm proud of saying that I'm extremely experienced in sex in so many ways... I'm very sure about my ideas
I don't want to keep living just to wait to see if there is someone for me...
I don't want someone actually. I just want tons of bi men to have sex and fun
If I can't have way I want there is no point on living. It is boring and achausting
Sorry my screen is broken
I think you all are crazy. You don't have any idea or you are just blind. Gay men are actors and they even discriminate another gay men which are not machos or actors like them us whatever
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Narcissistic gay NEETcel
Apr 4, 2021
I can't get any boyfriend of any kind cuz I'm a narcissist, have poor social kills, am ugly and I'm also insufferable
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How soon is now?
Oct 19, 2020
That's your problem dear
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Narcissistic gay NEETcel
Apr 4, 2021
I just know it. In pre hystorical times things used to work different. Fem men had relationships with bi men not bt them...
Gay men act masculine and bullshit and believe they are meant to be a fake ting
Everything is a lie
Gay men love the traits they don't really have because at the end they are not masculine I can tell by myself and hundreds of gay men
I'm not crazy I'm just able to tell a heavy truth that the whole gay community is denying. Any gay rllay intelligent can see it.
You know I look even more masculine than some straight men, but I'm just a good actor and my role has became myself. But I know the truth. And I see millions of gay men acting masculine. That doesn't make sense. The worst of all is that if they are natural, they don't like bt each other. You see? There is something very weird here, thing what is it!
And don't tell me tat we like masculine straight men cause of the fact that we've been surrounded by them in our childhood and they are the object of or fantasy cause of that cause that is bullshit. We like straight masculine men cause we are feminine full stop. Everybody is believing lies and acting
Opposite attracts
what about jack donavan? also, femboys are all the rage within the gays. highly coveted.


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Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I just know it. In pre hystorical times things used to work different. Fem men had relationships with bi men not bt them...
Gay men act masculine and bullshit and believe they are meant to be a fake ting
Gay men love the traits they don't really have because at the end they are not masculine I can tell by myself and hundreds of gay men
I'm not crazy I'm just able to tell a heavy truth that the whole gay community is denying.
What about gay men who are "masculine" & only wanna have sex with "feminine" gay men? What about "feminine" gay men who are only sexually attracted to other "feminine" gay men? How do they fit into your incredibly conservative "theory of gayness"?
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motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
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the stars will aid my escape
Dec 18, 2019
I'm sure that I'm meant by nature for another kind of role in life
Nature is not a being but a nebulous concept that can mean anything. Is natural shitting on the ground because that's what we did for most of history? Is natural only caring about what is in the natural world, rather than the supernatural? Is natural what "evolution" wants?

Evolution is mindless and doesn't plan or want anything. It is a process that has existed and continues to exist, like the precipitation cycle, but nobody stands out in the rain because that's what's natural. Also, evolution hinges on organisms being different. If not, we'd all be single cell clones. There is no perfectly natural human, because we're all natural.

"Nature" is full of bad shit, like disease. Also, where does it begin and end? Buildings are definitely a part of the natural world. Is planting a seed natural? What about planting a field of crops slightly out of the range the crops normally grow?

"Nature" is not the ideal, nor does it have a clear meaning. Don't worry about being natural too much. That's how you end up drinking overpriced water full of dirt.

Also, I'm sorry about your situation <3 I can't relate to your exact circumstances, but I feel deprived in other ways.
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Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Conservative? The examples you're talking about well.. The first one doesn't exist, there are no gays attracted to fem boys just bi. The second thing, fem boys attracted bt them and gays, that's so ridiculous.. Tete is no real xxx desire here. Don't bother if you can't relate thnx
:)) Your knowledge of gay sexuality is obviously minimal. This might come as a surprise to you, but you're not the only gay guy in the world & you don't get to dismiss the behaviors & desires of hundreds of millions of other gays :smiling:
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How soon is now?
Oct 19, 2020
Of course whatever you say s nice bye
You must have a lot of experience
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Narcissistic gay NEETcel
Apr 4, 2021
Conservative? The examples you're talking about well.. The first one doesn't exist, there are no gays attracted to fem boys just bi. The second thing, fem boys attracted bt them and gays, that's so ridiculous.. Tete is no real xxx desire here. Don't bother if you can't relate thnx
Conservative? The examples you're talking about well.. The first one doesn't exist, there are no gays attracted to fem boys just bi. The second thing, fem boys attracted bt them and gays, that's so ridiculous.. There is no real xxx desire here. Don't bother if you can't relate th

You should learn from him and start recognizing how inssufrable you are too.
ouch, that hurt ;-;

what's stopping you from getting a bi bf?


How soon is now?
Oct 19, 2020
ouch, that hurt ;-;

what's stopping you from getting a bi bf?
Stop crying tell everybody you are making fun of it at the end.
You all know how difficult it is, they don't want people to know their true orientation.
  • Hmph!
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