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Jul 17, 2024
Seriously. I have been browsing for more than a week hoping to get more and more info, and while I eventually got it, I still don't have sources.
I don't want to waste money or enrich scammers. I am spending my days in anxiety trying to find a website that convinces me but how can I ever trust a website that sells stuff they shouldn't sell, without someone who actually got it confirms it?

I need SOURCES. I know where to get my SN. They ask for an ID (Europe) for some reason, but I can get it.
It's the rest. In the book from EI I have got a list of anti emetics and B blockers but I don't know where to get them from. I need them in a couple of weeks.

I read in another thread that a guy wouldn't send sources unless the user had written 40 posts. Are we crazy?? I want to ctb, not spending my time writing.
I could even get the job done myself, but I really don't want to be scammed.

How can I advance quickly in making myself trustworthy QUICKLY?
I don't have much time, thinking of doing it in about 2 weeks and I don't want to die in my country but before having to come back
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Global Mod | Serious Health Hazard
Jul 12, 2022
People are generally protective over sources for a good reason, as bad actors exist who will try to shut down these sources.
Therefor it's not often given to people who joined within a week.
Furthermore, ctb is a big decision to make and itll be your final so rushing it is generally not a good idea.

If you hate the site still, you're free to leave.
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Apr 5, 2024
you'll be getting closer to getting sources exposing yourself like you did in this post. can't really give you any tip other than that. people who can do it may do it if you can get to them or vice-versa. good luck with that.

and remember that with SN method the essential thing is the sn itself. ofc you might prefer having meds, but unfortunately or not everyone who contemplates ctb will need to advance on this plan with what they have in hand. good luck with that as well, I hope you can get closer to what you seek.
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I want out
Jul 12, 2024
I'm new too and desperately trying to ctb but I understand why people protect themselves here. So man anti-suiciders have already had this site shut down at least once. And sources get arrested easily. The "prolifers" will do anything to make it harder for us to make our own decisions. So people have to be responsible with what they share here. Very responsible. If that's not okay with you, don't let the door hit ya on the way out… ijs. I'm willing to bide my time and/or do what I have to do to ctb without exposing anyone else
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Oceanic Member
Feb 6, 2024
a website that sells stuff they shouldn't sell
If someone offered you to buy anything, they're breaking the rules. This site sells nothing, and has strong rules against sellers here. If that's the case, please report them.
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Jul 17, 2024
People are generally protective over sources for a good reason, as bad actors exist who will try to shut down these sources.
Therefor it's not often given to people who joined within a week.
Furthermore, ctb is a big decision to make and itll be your final so rushing it is generally not a good idea.

If you hate the site still, you're free to leave.
I was expecting such answer.
The funny thing is that I am trying to leave, and not only from the website, but from life.
Sorry if that was unclear


Jul 17, 2024
I'm new too and desperately trying to ctb but I understand why people protect themselves here. So man anti-suiciders have already had this site shut down at least once. And sources get arrested easily. The "prolifers" will do anything to make it harder for us to make our own decisions. So people have to be responsible with what they share here. Very responsible. If that's not okay with you, don't let the door hit ya on the way out… ijs. I'm willing to bide my time and/or do what I have to do to ctb without exposing anyone else
I hate prolifers as well.
They pretend to be so wise, yet they are so apathetic, and don't realize that they're condemning people to living, against their will.
In Italy they banned it. That's just bu##s##t, use a VPN and that's it. The funny thing is that newspapers portray it as a heroic act, when it's actually so stupid, and not that effective either...

I get the protecting thing. It just makes me feel frustrated that even to get resources to die I have to struggle that much... I guess I'll just accept it
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Jul 17, 2024
If someone offered you to buy anything, they're breaking the rules. This site sells nothing, and has strong rules against sellers here. If that's the case, please report them.
It's unfair that some people actually get sources and many other can't.
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I want out
Jul 12, 2024
I hate prolifers as well.
They pretend to be so wise, yet they are so apathetic, and don't realize that they're condemning people to living, against their will.
In Italy they banned it. That's just bu##s##t, use a VPN and that's it. The funny thing is that newspapers portray it as a heroic act, when it's actually so stupid, and not that effective either...

I get the protecting thing. It just makes me feel frustrated that even to get resources to die I have to struggle that much... I guess I'll just accept it
We don't have much choice. At least for now. Download an untraceable browser and research methods for the time being. Maybe you'll luck out and find something and now hafta wait 🤷‍♀️ I've been consistently researching methods on DuckDuckGo. No vpn involved (so no trouble with Italian law!!) it clears all your browser history on exit and you are free to research whatever you need to


Apr 30, 2024
I have found that community engagement is the answer to finding sources. Building rapport with other members of the website.
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Jul 19, 2024
Find that this forum is obsessed with SN as the only way out and majority of threads are about it. Personally giving serious consideration to inert gas / exit bag, and not sure why this method isn't more popular.

Anyway I also share your frustrations re sources and like you I would be in the same position...
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Reactions: MyTimeIsUp, RejectMetamorphosis, astr4 and 1 other person


May 14, 2024
I find it interesting that you are starting to hate the only place on the internet that's actually trying to help us all share and carefully plan without asking us for anything in return. If you don't wanna do what everybody has to do to get sources, then by all means good luck finding another site that makes it easy but you only have yourself to blame in this case and your impatience.
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memento mori
Mar 27, 2019
you also do have options that aren't sn! so you can see why your urgency for someone to reveal a source comes off as suspect, no?
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Jun 2, 2024
I find it interesting that you are starting to hate the only place on the internet that's actually trying to help us all share and carefully plan without asking us for anything in return. If you don't wanna do what everybody has to do to get sources, then by all means good luck finding another site that makes it easy but you only have yourself to blame in this case and your impatience.
Came here to express this. It's one of the most CARE-fully (as in, with actual care) space like this that exists as it is on the clear web. If you find that it no longer serves you, there's a whole internet out there.


Jul 11, 2024
Find that this forum is obsessed with SN as the only way out and majority of threads are about it. Personally giving serious consideration to inert gas / exit bag, and not sure why this method isn't more popular.

Anyway I also share your frustrations re sources and like you I would be in the same position...
Yeah the SN has become a fixation even I can get pulled into if I dwell on it. If I approach the subject rationally and ask myself what I would do if I had no resources and needed to ctb in as short a time possible, I know there are methods. A correctly done partial hanging or night-night only takes a few minutes and combining them with a bag or drugs would further insure against survival.

Urgent requests for sources sets off red flags in people. Desperate people do irrational things and no one want's to be the bag holder for enabling someone's reckless behavior nor we want this space to be jeopardized.


Jul 17, 2024
I really can relate your rant, cause we all found this site in a very difficult time in our life and the site gives hope and then you realize .. you are living in the wrong country (cause in Europe it's so hard to get anything) and it seems like nobody want to help you. But yes of course I also understand why the users have to be careful with sharing links. Anyway I'm glad to found this page ..even if I won't get any SN resources here
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Jul 17, 2024
Find that this forum is obsessed with SN as the only way out and majority of threads are about it. Personally giving serious consideration to inert gas / exit bag, and not sure why this method isn't more popular.

Anyway I also share your frustrations re sources and like you I would be in the same position...
I would consider the bag option if it didn't require some technical skill. For example the helium method on the PPeH (or is it the same thing).

I think that people like SN because it's a chemical substance, just like N...

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