I wanted to start an organization that helps homeless and formerly incarcerated people find employment, shelter, medical care, transportation, and various other resources, with a focus on improving prisoners' rights while incarcerated and reducing recidivism. I hate the way the justice system is run and it should be illegal to profit from this industry. They don't help people coming out because they want them to go back to jail so they can make more money. Almost everyone incarcerated has some sort of undiagnosed learning disability or mentall illness, but have no access to mental health resources unless they're on suicide watch. I also want to facilitate better communication between the incarcerated and their legal representatives. Lawyers can't answer their phones in court, but prisoners have no access to email, so I'd want them to be able to call my organization and have a representative email their legal team on their behalf. It'd also act as a safe location for people to store their legal documents if they so wish, because paperwork is really hard to hold onto when you're couch surfing and people steal from you.