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That's the hell I live with
Apr 19, 2018
Hello, I'm an alcoholic.
I don't drink every day, maybe like 4 days out of 7.
I can get VERY intense cravings for it, the kind that makes you feel sick to your stomach.
I have recently starting hiding bottles of vodka from my partner, and it's getting out of hand, but i can't away away from alcohol.
Any tips?
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Aug 22, 2019
I heard from a recovered alcoholic that they went sporting every time they had the urge to drink. Maybe that will help you too?
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Memento Mori
Aug 25, 2019
You really do just have to work on replacing it with activities. Stopping to drink is one of the hardest things you could try doing. Find a new hobby, maybe jogging, knitting, throwing darts, just anything that requires extreme focus. Don't leave yourself with extra time, stay busy, stay active with as many things as you can. It's not a necessity but AA really helped me when I was in a hole. There's a lot of likeminded people there
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Feb 8, 2019
Take some Dihydrocodeine, its good for Alcohol withdrawals.
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Mar 21, 2019
I'm also interested in this.
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Nov 12, 2018
I believe that Alcohol is probably the hardest substance to quit. Not only is it socially acceptable, but it's socially encouraged.
Avoiding it is nigh on impossible.
I've gone through periods of drinking very heavily but somehow managed to avoid a habit. But many of my friends have been there and I've seen patients in detox going through withdrawal. It looks like absolute hell and from what I understand, unlike other drugs that make you feel like you're dying when you're not, withdrawing from alcohol has a very real danger of death.
One thing that seems to happen a lot is drinkers forget to replace the alcohol with another drink. So often they think they're craving alcohol when they're mostly just thirsty. Stock upn me fancy soft drinks. There's an astonishing variety these days, so try some new stuff.
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Jul 2, 2019
4A7F877B 6D06 48BE BA5D B9787A146669

Google photos of what your liver will look like if you continue to drink too much! Imagine those photos when you're about to pour yourself a drink!
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Aug 21, 2019
phenibut/kratom would help a fuck-ton if you can use it responsibly.
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Eternal Oblivion
Dec 26, 2018
I'm feeling a pull to have a drink right now too and trying to avoid it. I've had some luck keeping a dream journal and prioritizing sleep, which is incompatible with alcohol usage. The dreams are more interesting than being drunk once you remember them reliably and clearly
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New Member
Sep 1, 2019
It would appear that we are in a similar boat at this point . I manage to collect a year here, 6 months there in the sobriety realm, though I can always count on my usual fuck up... Currently on drinking every other day but no more than 3 without, given my past withdrawal issues. I suppose first you should maybe analyze the amount you are drinking based on your height/weight/gender because that can significantly effect what type of withdrawal you are subject to. Some people get nauseated, some get the shits and shakes.. In my case as a 120lb woman drinking roughly a liter of vodka a night for years,.. 72 hours without sent me into DTs, extreme hallucinations and a massive alcoholic seizure, so while distractions are well and good-- I'm not really a fan of the cold turkey method. It can be very dangerous. I know the last time I had already reduced my consumption and was able to go to a Dr. and get a prescription for Librium, which also aids in withdrawal if you are not at risk for the severe type. I guess if I had any real advice, it would be to actively work to reduce your amount of drinks.. it doesn't have to be massive.. If you normally drink 10 drinks, have 8, then 6 the next time, and so forth. If you have insurance, perhaps go to the Dr, just to see if you can get a prescription or what their analysis is based on your drinking history... Last bit of advice of the unwanted variety...Don't bother hiding it. You're hiding the bottle but not the effects of it. I've found if anything, the secrecy frustrates loved ones even further and worse, if you ever did have an emergency, no one would have any idea as to why (been there done that). Regardless, it is helpful to get and maintain a support system outside of regular family and friends whether that be AA or some sort of outside release that has no real connection to your ordinary personal relationships.
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Dec 14, 2018
Hello, I'm an alcoholic.
I don't drink every day, maybe like 4 days out of 7.
I can get VERY intense cravings for it, the kind that makes you feel sick to your stomach.
I have recently starting hiding bottles of vodka from my partner, and it's getting out of hand, but i can't away away from alcohol.
Any tips?
Good question. I wish I had a better answer than it might be better to slow it down instead of completely stopping at once. Practice better habits and drink less until you no longer experience the physical symptoms of dependency. Maybe you can reach a point that you stop or only have a drink on occasion. Look to local groups and organizations that can help with that for support. Most are free or low cost.
You're doing the right thing by acknowledging that you have a challenge to overcome and want to start taking the steps forward to change it. Even if it doesn't happen today or tomorrow, continue to focus on recovering from it and when you're ready to try, do so.
In the meantime maybe pick up some new hobbies or practice healthy habits like taking care of your home, activities you enjoy, reading a book, or whatever your interests are.
Good luck.
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Chronic people pleaser
Mar 13, 2019
My dad is an alcoholic from before I was born, he as told me alot of times lately that it's just something to do now (boredom) He is completely house bound now, just sits in his chair and drinks all day and all night. When he was in hospital he was unable to drink, and after a few days of not drinking. He was hallucinating and didn't know where he was. He was ill for quite a whille from withdrawal. After years of trying/begging him to stop, I've just had to accept alcohol is his priority.
Just suggestions but keeping busy and active is great, take up a hobby. Try Keep away from situations that might involve a drink. Gradually cutting down the amount you drink aswell. I hope this helps, and its really great you want to sort this out.
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“Leaving this world is not as scary as it sounds.”
Mar 3, 2019
phenibut/kratom would help a fuck-ton if you can use it responsibly.
I've been using phenibut as of late, albeit not responsibly: I figure if I'm going to ctb, fuck it. I tried kratom before but cannot legally acquire it in my state anymore.
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Aug 21, 2019
I've been using phenibut as of late, albeit not responsibly: I figure if I'm going to ctb, fuck it. I tried kratom before but cannot legally acquire it in my state anymore.

That's okay, neither am I and I have the same reasoning.

Sucks about the kratom, when taken with phenibut the effect is incredible. I like kratom because dependency comes much slower than phenibut and it goes so damn well with it.

How much are you taking? I've been using it for a year now and daily since october/november of last year. Most i've taken was 8g's over a period of months but now I'm back down to 4g's. It becomes too expensive when you get into the high dosages. I'd say this stuff was frying my brain but then again, I've been using SSRI's for many years in my youth and my brain has probably already been fried anyway.

As a result of chronic high stress and daily kratom and phenibut in high dosages, I've readily noticed that my memory has deteriorated and probably beyond the point of no return.
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“Leaving this world is not as scary as it sounds.”
Mar 3, 2019
That's okay, neither am I and I have the same reasoning.

Sucks about the kratom, when taken with phenibut the effect is incredible. I like kratom because dependency comes much slower than phenibut and it goes so damn well with it.

How much are you taking? I've been using it for a year now and daily since october/november of last year. Most i've taken was 8g's over a period of months but now I'm back down to 4g's. It becomes too expensive when you get into the high dosages. I'd say this stuff was frying my brain but then again, I've been using SSRI's for many years in my youth and my brain has probably already been fried anyway.

As a result of chronic high stress and daily kratom and phenibut in high dosages, I've readily noticed that my memory has deteriorated and probably beyond the point of no return.
I've been taking 2-4g daily for a about two weeks now. Thought I was going to ctb last weekend but decided to prolong my stay another week or so. Plan has been to ctb before the 3rd, which is tomorrow, so I'll probably attempt tonight. The highest kratom dosage I took was about 9g if I recall correctly, though I haven't had it in a while. Both substances are very nice in their own right, though unfortunately I never took them together.
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Feb 10, 2019
I've been an alcoholic for a while now as well, and given how many bad things have happened to me as a result of alcohol one would think I'd have known better, but it's happened over and over again. When I first tried to stop I'd usually get a week or two weeks, then I'd start again, now most times I try to stop I stay away from it for a day or two. I'm stopping again now and will just go to meetings from now on even if I go back to drinking, just so I can feel like I'm trying to do something about it. It's hard to go to meetings and drink simaltaneously for me though because while I'm drinking I don't have it in my mind that it's a problem anymore. I'm just done stressing out about it too much, I want to stop and will go to meetings, but ultimately, what will happen will happen, as they say, take it one day at a time, I can't control what choice I'll make tomorrow before tomorrow comes, so there's no point worrying about it, but I can control whether I drink now or not.
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We are already in hell
Jul 11, 2019
There is an herb that supposedly reduces cravings for alcohol...

"Herbal treatment for alcoholism has its roots (pardon the pun) deep in the past. Plants have been utilized for many hundreds of years for the treatment of alcohol-related conditions.

Kudzu herb and St Johns Wort to reduce cravings for alcohol, Cayenne for the treatment of alcoholic gastritis, Skullcap and Passionflower for alcohol withdrawals, Milk Thistle for the liver, and so the list goes on....

Of all the herbs, kudzu has perhaps the greatest potential as an alcoholism treatment.

Dr. Scott Lukas is perhaps the leading researcher of Kudzu. One of his studies, the results of which were published in May 2005, found that individuals who took Kudzu and then consumed alcohol drank less than those who did not.

His belief is that kudzu slows the breaking down of alcohol in the blood stream. This increases the blood alcohol level and makes the drinker feel drunker than he would if he had not taken kudzu. This makes him less inclined to drink more.

Dr. Wing Ming Keung of Harvard is also currently working on kudzu, attempting to find the compound within the herb that has the anti-craving effect. Such a compound could then be used to create the anti-craving medicine of the future.

The only source for Kudzu we recommend is Planetary Herbals, this is because their product Full Spectrum Kudzu contains ONLY pure root. Most other preparations out there are weak and ineffective because they fill their capsules with other parts of the plant that do not contain the alcohol-craving inhibiting compounds." - The Alcoholism Guide dot org
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broken by birth.
Sep 4, 2019
When you are behind the physical addiction, which can be severe on a case-by-case-basis .... you have to fill the emptiness you tried to fill up with alcohol (or any other substance/behavioral abuse for that matter) .... So Sport is indeed a good method, if you are serious about it. U do not need to become a top-athlete to get ur brain hooked on other stimuli-patterns than before. after 2 months of regular running for about half an hour, u will feel a certain lust to do that, just like the lust to drink alcohol. brains are very flexible, even in old age, they can adapt, they are our most precious organ for survivial in this world of ever changing circumstances, therefore irt is very possible to get ur brain away from the old mechanim of numbing your paiin through alcohol. U must even see it this way: At the time u started to slip into abusive drinking, it was not mere stupidity, u certainly knew the risks if you are from a first world country... it was the pure desperation and the addictive nature of the substance that was available for your brain at that time to cope with whatever made you drink in the first place.
Personally I really dislike the AA groups, because they bring all the god-bullshit into it... really more like an ultimate shame-trip for you to stop drinking imho.

U must not see quitting to drink as a burden, but as a chance to start sth different for your life. Sth that woirks and is not destroying ur booy and mind.

That said... alll of that is very hard. It takes will-power and endurance.

Good luck to you. Sport might be a good starter for you, try it out.
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Aug 7, 2019
A few years ago I used the SMART recovery method to recover from multiple addictions. I attended meetings but also used the website and a workbook. I recommend SMART to anybody struggling with any kind of addictive behaviours.

The international website is www.smartrecovery.org

It is rational not spiritual, based on cbt and peer support.
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Apr 16, 2019
I used to be an alcoholic many many years ago, though i forgot how i managed to quit. Maybe i just got tired of waking up collapsed on the floor, feeling sick and puking all over the place, or i replaced it with another addiction (games).

Apologies if this wasn't that helpful.
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We are already in hell
Jul 11, 2019
Also, there is an herb called velvet bean aka "dopa bean". It is a natural source of dopamine. It might actually help you feel good. And yes as @Mailooo said, runner's high is awesome if you're healthy enough to jog or run. Only takes about half an hour to get the high.
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almost there ....

almost there ....

... isolated ... mpls , mn USA
Sep 6, 2019
Hello, I'm an alcoholic.
I don't drink every day, maybe like 4 days out of 7.
I can get VERY intense cravings for it, the kind that makes you feel sick to your stomach.
I have recently starting hiding bottles of vodka from my partner, and it's getting out of hand, but i can't away away from alcohol.
Any tips?
.... alcohol withdrawal can be alleviated with Valium ... a doctor can prescribe it here in the USA and that's one way many alcoholics get sober ... the withdrawal can be very uncomfortable as the disease progresses ... but medication like Valium ( I think it's a benzodiazepine ) can do wonders for the withdrawal and get you to sobriety ... if that's not in your cards , then prepare for things to gradually decline ... best wishes and love from the USA .
... i am currently in a major depression and feel as though it my be better for me to leave here for good ...
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Sep 1, 2019
.... alcohol withdrawal can be alleviated with Valium ... a doctor can prescribe it here in the USA and that's one way many alcoholics get sober ... the withdrawal can be very uncomfortable as the disease progresses ... but medication like Valium ( I think it's a benzodiazepine ) can do wonders for the withdrawal and get you to sobriety ... if that's not in your cards , then prepare for things to gradually decline ... best wishes and love from the USA .
... i am currently in a major depression and feel as though it my be better for me to leave here for good ...

Just be careful, you don't want to trade alcohol addiction for benzo addiction. I started taking them as needed at first, then everyday. Now every day is just about avoiding horrible withdrawal symptoms. I truly don't know if I'll ever get off them, and my life is definitely worse as a result.
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I fcking hate myself
Dec 5, 2018
Seriously, I think having non-fun experiences on alcohol helps a lot.

I know there is a drug that makes getting drunk impossible, so alcoholics take the drug and then drink alcohol, and when they don't get drunk, they start to lose interest.
Like, the process of having your expectations betrayed is super powerful in making you not want to drink anymore.

I had a mini-experience of this kind of. I got drunk when I had food poisoning or something and threw up a bunch, but in a different way from normally. Now drinking feels super gross.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Hello, I'm an alcoholic.
I don't drink every day, maybe like 4 days out of 7.
I can get VERY intense cravings for it, the kind that makes you feel sick to your stomach.
I have recently starting hiding bottles of vodka from my partner, and it's getting out of hand, but i can't away away from alcohol.
Any tips?
I would start to go to AA meetings it doesn't mean u need to give up the alcohol right away if u start going to meetings. It could give u the support network u need to deal with the problems driving u to drink.
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Sep 7, 2019
I would not say I was an alcoholic but I do enjoy 2 glasses of gin every evening.
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Jun 3, 2019
I drank heavily for ten years, first because I wanted to, then because my professional and social circumstances demanded it.
When my circumstances changed, the drinking stopped, nearly entirely, without any conscious effort.
But that's just me. Drinking, for me, isn't a compulsion. The other perspective:
Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
it's good that you can admit you're an alcoholic. Now you have to decide what you're going to do about it. You should definitely go to AA. And not have any liquor in the house. you have to change the people that you hang out with because they are drinking buddies. It's up to you stick to it though. It's a cliche but the program does work if you work it. If you don't then you're back at square one. Plus someone very close to me died of liver failure due to drive king
Hello, I'm an alcoholic.
I don't drink every day, maybe like 4 days out of 7.
I can get VERY intense cravings for it, the kind that makes you feel sick to your stomach.
I have recently starting hiding bottles of vodka from my partner, and it's getting out of hand, but i can't away away from alcohol.
Any tips?
I would join AA and get a sponsor. Plus I you want to stop drinking you have to change your whole way if life and your partner has to be supportive. You're going to have to stop hanging out with drive king buddies if that is the only bond the two of you really have. I know it sounds so cliche but if you work the program it works. You have to want it for yourself. Someone very close to me died due to liver failure from drinking. It doesn't matter what you drink. He drank beer and it all caught up to him. I hope you're able to find a way to stay away from alcohol.
phenibut/kratom would help a fuck-ton if you can use it responsibly.
Is that replacing booze with drugs?
.... alcohol withdrawal can be alleviated with Valium ... a doctor can prescribe it here in the USA and that's one way many alcoholics get sober ... the withdrawal can be very uncomfortable as the disease progresses ... but medication like Valium ( I think it's a benzodiazepine ) can do wonders for the withdrawal and get you to sobriety ... if that's not in your cards , then prepare for things to gradually decline ... best wishes and love from the USA .
... i am currently in a major depression and feel as though it my be better for me to leave here for good ...

I've never heard if giving someone Valium to help them stop drinking. Then they will probably get hooked on Valium. If you are an alcoholic that means you have more of a chance of being a drug addict.

I hope you find peace.
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Oct 24, 2019
Hello, I'm an alcoholic.
I don't drink every day, maybe like 4 days out of 7.
I can get VERY intense cravings for it, the kind that makes you feel sick to your stomach.
I have recently starting hiding bottles of vodka from my partner, and it's getting out of hand, but i can't away away from alcohol.
Any tips?
You are an alcoholic because of late-stage capitalism;you are not the only one going under; capitalistic societies are marking time; they are going under, we all are going under. I am not trying to be a doomsayer; but facts are facts. You are nothing, as the capitalist elite see it; you are merely a notch human n the gun barrel. Rejuvenation cannot occur without total destruction. The children of the future will all be like us.


The Temporary Problem is Life
Oct 24, 2019
You don't drink for 3 days straight.

Then, you deal with the week of feeling like shit.

Then, you deal with the 2nd week of feeling like shit but less so.

Then, you feel better.

Then, you don't celebrate a month of sobriety with a drink.

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