- Mar 21, 2019
- 3,360
A slipknot will tighten the best.Would you say slipknot or noose for full suspension?
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A slipknot will tighten the best.Would you say slipknot or noose for full suspension?
Ok, but what is the correct diameter?Will you do partail or full suspension? Both cases won´t hurt if the rope is the right diametre.
I read in this article that people sentenced to death by hanging, when the rope was not in the right place, have agonised during a long time. This dude suffered for like three hours. This other person for almost 24 hours. So if you plan on hanging yourself, you better find the right spot. Otherwise it would easier for people to find you before you die and then shit goes down. Or you'll suffer an unnecessary amount of pain for who knows how long.Hello. Im almost at the end of this thread, but i cant find this answer. Maybe the question is stupid. If I dont get the sweet spot, then i will suffer more i guess and for more time.. but then i will die right? The compression will not make me breathe... So i will die after 20-30 minutes or it will take more? Like the process will be more slow or it will be different or after passing out its the same the end ? Sorry if this question is stupid cidushjsjzjz
Those are fairy tales. How should you survive hanging suspended by your neck and your whole body weight hanging from your neck? Also fetish ahngings with a very wide load belt, without a tightening noose, just the belt itself made hanged persons passing out after 3-5 Minutes and this is very seldom worst case. 3 hours are only possible if you release the hanging victim after a few seconds and hang the victim again and gain.I read in this article that people sentenced to death by hanging, when the rope was not in the right place, have agonised during a long time. This dude suffered for like three hours. This other person for almost 24 hours.
It sounds impossible to me as well, how can someone be suffocating for 3 or 24 hours? It takes 15 mins to die from suffocating, no matter how painful it is, so how could they be suffocating and not breathing for so long?! Except that maybe they could breath just a tinniest bit, maybe?Those are fairy tales. How should you survive hanging suspended by your neck and your whole body weight hanging from your neck? Also fetish ahngings with a very wide load belt, without a tightening noose, just the belt itself made hanged persons passing out after 3-5 Minutes and this is very seldom worst case. 3 hours are only possible if you release the hanging victim after a few seconds and hang the victim again and gain.
So once I drop it will take care of it self3 or 4 inches should be enough to tighten everything up. Long drop is for the movies.
I just thought this information is better off here now, because the original source has been taken down.
If this violates any rules or if the author doesn't want this information to be reproduced on other sites, the admins or mods are free to delete my thread. I hope you don't mind, this is very useful, and it's not my intention to steal Loe's content.
Source and credit: Loe
Guide to partially suspended hanging:
Warning: Don't try this method unless you're totally sure that:
a) you want to kill yourself
b) that you won't be found for at least 30 minutes after you attempt.
This method is very lethal and quick (quick from your perspective
anyway, as you black out within seconds), but if you're found in time
and 'saved' you can end up with serious brain damage and/or be left a
Why partial suspension?
Because full suspension seems to me to be unnecessary and creates
difficulties. First of all you need to find a place which would hold
your entire weight, which isn't easy, and also you need a stronger
ligature, which isn't always easy to find either. There's nothing
wrong with full suspension, but it may not be a viable method for
everyone, especially if you're looking to use everyday materials from
around the home.
By partial suspension I mean that you hang yourself around the neck
(specifically the carotid artery), and push downwards while kneeling.
This should create enough downward pressure on the ligature to tighten
it and close the carotid artery and stop the blood flow to your brain.
All you need is 3 kilograms of pressure to do this, which isn't much
at all.
Also, with full suspension your entire body weight is pressurizing
your neck, and this would probably be more than enough to not only cut
off the blood supply to your brain, but break your neck as well. I'm
not too sure if that's a good or a bad thing. I do know though, that
statistically people who've attempted via hanging have more often been
found kneeling and partially suspended than being fully suspended.
Where is the carotid artery?
Before you start you have to know this. If you place your hand around
the middle of your neck, around your Adam's apple, with one thumb on
one side and all fingers on the other, you should feel a strong pulse
and heartbeat. If you close your hand now fairly firmly, you'll
probably make yourself pass out. It might be a good idea to try this
to make sure you've got the right spot.
What type of ligature?
You need a ligature that's strong, but not too elastic. It doesn't
have to be very long, 1 meter or more would be plenty. I'd advise
against nylon rope, string, fishing wire, etc.
Neckties on the other hand, are perfect Smile .
It may also be a good idea to lubricate the ligature with soap. This
would help the noose tighten even quicker, especially if you're using
a rough ligature such as a rope. Lubricating it in this way will
increase the friction once you push your head down and tighten the
noose, and could make it a little more effective and faster.
What type of knot?
A slipknot. It's one of the most basic knots around, and you make it
with one end of your ligature. The other end should go around your
hanging place.
Many people have the misguided idea that a hangman's knot should be
used, but they're wrong. A hangman's knot is for a completely
different purpose, and won't work for this method.
Where should I hang?
You should hang from a support which will hold part of your weight.
You should test this by tying the loose end of your ligature around
the support several times, sticking your hand (NOT your head) in the
noose and pushing down with it. If the noose holds, you're fine. If
not, then you'll have to find another spot.
A great and easy place to hang is from the thick horizontal metal bar
which you find in wardrobes in most homes.
When should I do it?
When no one else will be in the same area, for at least 30 minutes.
You lose consciousness within seconds but your body doesn't completely
die for around 15-20 minutes. The extra 10-15 minutes is for
preparation time and just in case.
When you're completely ready, kneel down, stick your head in the
noose, position it around the carotid artery and push downwards with
your head.
Good luck...
Have always prefered position 1, once your support is removed there is no turning back. Unless some one discovers you then you are deadI just thought this information is better off here now, because the original source has been taken down.
If this violates any rules or if the author doesn't want this information to be reproduced on other sites, the admins or mods are free to delete my thread. I hope you don't mind, this is very useful, and it's not my intention to steal Loe's content.
Source and credit: Loe
Guide to partially suspended hanging:
Warning: Don't try this method unless you're totally sure that:
a) you want to kill yourself
b) that you won't be found for at least 30 minutes after you attempt.
This method is very lethal and quick (quick from your perspective
anyway, as you black out within seconds), but if you're found in time
and 'saved' you can end up with serious brain damage and/or be left a
Why partial suspension?
Because full suspension seems to me to be unnecessary and creates
difficulties. First of all you need to find a place which would hold
your entire weight, which isn't easy, and also you need a stronger
ligature, which isn't always easy to find either. There's nothing
wrong with full suspension, but it may not be a viable method for
everyone, especially if you're looking to use everyday materials from
around the home.
By partial suspension I mean that you hang yourself around the neck
(specifically the carotid artery), and push downwards while kneeling.
This should create enough downward pressure on the ligature to tighten
it and close the carotid artery and stop the blood flow to your brain.
All you need is 3 kilograms of pressure to do this, which isn't much
at all.
Also, with full suspension your entire body weight is pressurizing
your neck, and this would probably be more than enough to not only cut
off the blood supply to your brain, but break your neck as well. I'm
not too sure if that's a good or a bad thing. I do know though, that
statistically people who've attempted via hanging have more often been
found kneeling and partially suspended than being fully suspended.
Where is the carotid artery?
Before you start you have to know this. If you place your hand around
the middle of your neck, around your Adam's apple, with one thumb on
one side and all fingers on the other, you should feel a strong pulse
and heartbeat. If you close your hand now fairly firmly, you'll
probably make yourself pass out. It might be a good idea to try this
to make sure you've got the right spot.
What type of ligature?
You need a ligature that's strong, but not too elastic. It doesn't
have to be very long, 1 meter or more would be plenty. I'd advise
against nylon rope, string, fishing wire, etc.
Neckties on the other hand, are perfect Smile .
It may also be a good idea to lubricate the ligature with soap. This
would help the noose tighten even quicker, especially if you're using
a rough ligature such as a rope. Lubricating it in this way will
increase the friction once you push your head down and tighten the
noose, and could make it a little more effective and faster.
What type of knot?
A slipknot. It's one of the most basic knots around, and you make it
with one end of your ligature. The other end should go around your
hanging place.
Many people have the misguided idea that a hangman's knot should be
used, but they're wrong. A hangman's knot is for a completely
different purpose, and won't work for this method.
Where should I hang?
You should hang from a support which will hold part of your weight.
You should test this by tying the loose end of your ligature around
the support several times, sticking your hand (NOT your head) in the
noose and pushing down with it. If the noose holds, you're fine. If
not, then you'll have to find another spot.
A great and easy place to hang is from the thick horizontal metal bar
which you find in wardrobes in most homes.
When should I do it?
When no one else will be in the same area, for at least 30 minutes.
You lose consciousness within seconds but your body doesn't completely
die for around 15-20 minutes. The extra 10-15 minutes is for
preparation time and just in case.
When you're completely ready, kneel down, stick your head in the
noose, position it around the carotid artery and push downwards with
your head.
Good luck...
For spot 1, what if you panicked, like if you do it there is no turning back, like in this video which ended up horribly.Have always prefered position 1, once your support is removed there is no turning back. Unless some one discovers you then you are dead
She was holding the rope when she started. With a slipknot, it would have been over quickly.For spot 1, what if you panicked, like if you do it there is no turning back, like in this video which ended up horribly.
Don't people hold their breath when they do partial? That what I always do.Hello everyone. I've made a post before about suffocation from partial hanging, and a couple of people replied. I don't think most people have this issue. However, I'm simply curious if anyone here does...
When I try partial hanging or squeezing my Carotids with my fingers, I feel like I'm suffocating. I'm not talking about pressure buildup in my head from blocking the jugulars. I'm talking about actual suffocation. It feels like I'm not getting enough oxygen into my lungs(it feels kind of like holding your breath and having the urge to breath in oxygen..it's agonizing). This happens even if I have no pressure on the windpipe. As soon as I let go of my carotids, I feel like I have enough oxygen in my lungs again.
I know all about partial and how it works. I'm simply curious if other people will see my post and relate to what I said. Please let me know if you also have this issue. This would give me an idea on how many people have this problem.
Thanks guys. Best wishes!
Hi, I've pretty much read through this whole thread for like a week now and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've been practicing partial for a few days now, I'm doing the standing up position like in this video ( ) and leaning forward.
I did move the knot around and tried to find the best place which seems to be near the back, slightly on the left and above the Adam's apple. No matter how many times I do it, the discomfort and the little ability to breathe makes me back out in like 5-10 seconds. Is there a way to minimize the discomfort and black out faster? (I used a strap like-belt but it fastens much easier, I do have some rope so would that be easier?)
The only reactions I've gotten so far is tingling, numbness and really tired/weak afterwards (I did get the exploding head sensation multiple times, but I already know that's not the right reaction when trying to compress the carotid artery)
Welcome to the forum!
The head exploding feeling is generally caused by compressing the jugular veins(take blood from head)and not the carotid arteries(bring blood to head). There is one primary carotid artery and one primary jugular on each side of the neck that supplies blood to/from the brain. Blocking only the veins causes blood pressure buildup in the head.
As for breathing, you should be able to adjust rope in such a way that you can still breathe fine until you pass out, and more weight goes onto the rope once you pass out(standing method).
Belts can be wider and less efficient than rope. They spread the force applied(weight from gravity) out more around the neck. This can make it require more weight to lose consciousness, which also means compressing the windpipe more.
The other feelings you have are normal.
Are you sure you want to die? Have you any hope for life? Please think long and hard about this before doing anything permanent....I really hope you are being careful. If you're just practicing, you don't want to secure the rope or belt to anything, in case you pass out. Hold it in your hand so that if you pass out, you don't die.(be mindful of falling over...put pillows around you or something). Being found early(should you attempt to end it) is very risky due to the brain being oxygen starved. You can end up as a vegetable. Be mindful of your surroundings(people).
I'm here if you need to talk.
Best wishes.
Eeep! This is scary! You really did it ?! Aren't you scared if it will feel painful? That's my biggest fear is how much the death itself will hurt .My setup. I hope it will work.
Thank you for the detailed reply, and yes I pretty much have no more hope in this world so I'm really wanting to ctb. I'll be alone all day apart from the weekends so it works out well for me. I'll try using a rope and see if that would help.
Also would padding make it any harder to ctb? Let's say if I used a pillow cover to pad my neck to make it less uncomfortable
Don't do it YET. You all need to think this carefully through! Aren't you scared for how much it will hurt and who will find you ?!Hi guys. I am 19 years old. I have been following this thread for about two weeks now. I have been through and read each comment to prepare myself. As most people I saw, I was having a hard time losing consciousness. Tonight, I had no issue nearly reaching that point. If you are serious and are genuinely looking to ctb I would watch the video of the woman leaning forward and then standing up which led her to pass out. I had tried many different positions and putting the rope up higher and leaning at an angle into it is the first time I've actually hit the carotid. Tonight I am going and I wish you all the best of luck with this method.
Using a pillow case is ok. If the padding is too thick, it can cause problems. Thin padding is a good idea. It allows the rope to compress the neck and slide around, without the rope on neck friction.Thank you for the detailed reply, and yes I pretty much have no more hope in this world so I'm really wanting to ctb. I'll be alone all day apart from the weekends so it works out well for me. I'll try using a rope and see if that would help.
Also would padding make it any harder to ctb? Let's say if I used a pillow cover to pad my neck to make it less uncomfortable
Eeep! This is scary! You really did it ?! Aren't you scared if it will feel painful? That's my biggest fear is how much the death itself will hurt .
don't do it yet! Wait for me maybe! We can be suicidal partners :p . Aren't u scared to do it alone?!
Don't do it YET. You all need to think this carefully through! Aren't you scared for how much it will hurt and who will find you ?!