

once rock bottom, always rock bottom
Oct 11, 2019
Did OP die? if so, rest in peace...


Let the waves take me
Nov 6, 2019
Has anyone reached unconsciousness? What was it like? I'm mainly referring to those that woke up from being unconscious and untied themselves.


Apr 7, 2019
Dows anyone know how to tie a noose with bedsheets?
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May 22, 2019
Using a bed sheet to hang yourself isn't ideal as we saw in that video :/

Ideally you buy a sturdy rope which is easy to tie into anything really :)

But if you insist on using a bed sheet, he is my recommendation. Cut the bed sheet in half. Next, roll the sheet into the thinness of a rope. Generously use duck tape on both ends (press hard) and some other parts so for the sheet to hold its shape.

Afterwards, form the slip knot.
This is just my recommendation. This isn't the standard procedure or the best way to hang yourself with a bed sheet. You have to test the applicability yourself.

Again, my advice is to use a rope instead. 640x960
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Apr 7, 2019
Using a bed sheet to hang yourself isn't ideal as we saw in that video :/

Ideally you buy a sturdy rope which is easy to tie into anything really :)

But if you insist on using a bed sheet, he is my recommendation. Cut the bed sheet in half. Next, roll the sheet into the thinness of a rope. Generously use duck tape on both ends (press hard) and some other parts so for the sheet to hold its shape.

Afterwards, form the slip knot.
View attachment 18673
This is just my recommendation. This isn't the standard procedure or the best way to hang yourself with a bed sheet. You have to test the applicability yourself.

Again, my advice is to use a rope instead.View attachment 18673

Good point. I'll tie a rope to the door handle. Do you have the video?


Oct 11, 2019
Corpses of people who died by carbon monoxide poisoning are probably not as horrific.

You will never know if you succeeded regardless of method. Assuming death is the end, of course, in which case you simply can't know anything if you succeed, because you will be no more.
I wish that method was an option for me right now, sadly I have no way of obtaining it


Gone Girl
Oct 26, 2019
I think she didn't tie the noose tight enough.I've watched other videos of people using long scarves and they were passed out within seconds.


Let the waves take me
Nov 6, 2019
What kind of knot do you tie at the opposite end of the slip knot? A simple knot?


New Member
Nov 11, 2019
I think she didn't tie the noose tight enough.I've watched other videos of people using long scarves and they were passed out within seconds.

I didnt watch the video, but wouldnt a slip knot tighten itself? I mean in most cases the pressure of your weight is what should be tightening the noose right, so why didnt it do so in her case?
Yeah, he's been dead for some time now it seems, judging by his goodbye post. He used plastic bags as insurance.

What goodbye post? I tried searching and couldnt find it
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Mar 11, 2019
Anyone else get close to blacking out. Im getting closer and closer fuuuuck
Not gonna stop,.till i get this right. Gl all
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Heart of Ice

Sep 26, 2019
Did he disclose what his method of choice was?
He used partial hanging with plastic bags as insurance. He waited until the oxygen had run out of the plastic bags, chugged down some alcohol to combat the dreaded Survival Instinct and sat down with a noose around his neck. That's what I remember anyway. I tried finding the thread to post a link, but the search function returns errors for me.


Feb 2, 2019
He used partial hanging with plastic bags as insurance. He waited until the oxygen had run out of the plastic bags, chugged down some alcohol to combat the dreaded Survival Instinct and sat down with a noose around his neck. That's what I remember anyway. I tried finding the thread to post a link, but the search function returns errors for me.
Thanks for that update.


Mar 11, 2019
I tried today and yesterday using an hdmi cable. Get really light headed but thats anout it. Thoughts on using this as a ligature


Nov 12, 2019
I wanted to know more about the hanging method. The reason being is that this thread is too long. I've been to lostallhope and it's too confusing. I looked at some videos on this forum and they contain pornography / nude bodies [the sites hosting them]. I want to know where I can get a source (website) that doesn't contain porn or kids getting killed?

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Heart of Ice

Sep 26, 2019
I wanted to know more about the hanging method. The reason being is that this thread is too long. I've been to lostallhope and it's too confusing. I looked at some videos on this forum and they contain pornography / nude bodies [the sites hosting them]. I want to know where I can get a source (website) that doesn't contain porn or kids getting killed?

Unfortunately the sites that feature videos of suicides usually have pornographic ads or are otherwise awful (Bestgore has a large selection but the site itself is incredibly disgusting). Adblock does not seem to help. If you want to see videos of people dying, certainly you could handle some porn ads, now?


Nov 11, 2019
Yesterday I used the partial method. There was absolutely no pain. After a couple of seconds I had tingling feeling on my face and I started to black out. As soon as I was out , the fucking rope broke. I was so mad, started crying for an hour. If it wasn't for the rope I would have been dead 100%.
The thing that shocked me was how easy it was. After about 10 seconds, I was unconscious.
I'm going to buy a new rope ans try again.
I wish you guys find your peace soon.
May I ask where exactly did you put the noose? Like right below the adam's apple or? I thought that would be the right spot but I practiced so many times with my hands but still can't seem to get unconscious :(
So, i bought proper rope today. Guys, if you struggle to do it with scarfs or belts consider buying a rope, it's worth it.

But i ran into problems other then inability to apply enough pressure.
See, i can't place noose above my Adam's apple because of reasons, so my only options either to place it below, or place it at same level with knot towards face and then try to lay down.

And if i place it below my AA, when i drop on my knees i start to cough so violently i literally can't stand it enough time to pass out. I tried to use T-shirt as padding but it's the same.

Anyone have similar problems? Is it weirt iteration of SI? How do you suggest to avoid it?
For me I find it most comfortable to place it right below my adam's apple
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Nov 11, 2019
May I ask why most of you chose partial instead of full suspension (short drop)? I know of course that the method is a very personal option, but I am thinking about it as it seems it is more difficult to overcome SI with partial, right? Thus, isn't full hanging more effective? (And more of less equally painful?)

At the beginning I thought that having access to furniture for full was more difficult, but now that I see it can also be done with a door, I just can't see why people partially hang from the knob instead of going full hanging. Just curious. ☺

I had chosen the exit bag but may be going for hanging finally due to some issues with my tank valve. Hopefully, I will be doing it tomorrow, but I am afraid of doing something wrong or not being understanding the process well. Maybe I should not overthink and it is simpler than I think, but as I see many of you have tried -especially partial- and then aborted or just failed, I am worried now.

Thanks a lot!
Sorry English is not my first language.. what is an exit bag? is that something you can purchase online or where can you get it..? sorry if my questions are dumb..


Nov 11, 2019
I know a dude who's selling almost everything, what he doesn't have, he can get. Depends on money. But if I'm right, Propofol is usually listed. I trust him, he owns a Professional packaging machine with which he packed me some stuff for my holidays in australia. 0 Probelms with customs , and the australian border patrol is tough
Does he have heroin? Can you give me his contact information please..


Consciousness & awareness
Nov 17, 2019
I got a question regarding hanging. How long time wise would I need until I ctb when I do full suspension? Even if I don't get the cartoids and it's painful at this point I don't care. Let's say ive got 4 hours where I am completely alone and I won't be disturbed as I'll be the only one home. Is that more than enough time?
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Nov 21, 2019
Hello. I tried partial hanging. I achieved only that I feel very strong pressure in my head. It scares and I stop. A rope at the base of the neck under the Adam's apple. Indeed, in this case, blood with oxygen also ceases to flow into the head. After removing the rope, I feel dizzy and weak. If I keep pushing despite the pressure in my head, will I lose consciousness? Or will I have a stroke? My weight is about 300 pounds (140 kg). I have high blood pressure. Does this mean that I need to apply a significantly greater force to block the carotid arteries?


Aug 19, 2018
When too scared to jump off/kick away or letting go. A big, clear plastic bag over my head and hyperventilating made me fall unconscious and fall into the rope. I lifted it from my mouth several times when panicking but kept going and lost consciousness. (My belt ripped an I woke up on the floor, only reason why I'm still here. My neck looked like someone strangled me to death for a week, all blue and purple)


Nov 21, 2019
When too scared to jump off/kick away or letting go. A big, clear plastic bag over my head and hyperventilating made me fall unconscious and fall into the rope. I lifted it from my mouth several times when panicking but kept going and lost consciousness. (My belt ripped an I woke up on the floor, only reason why I'm still here. My neck looked like someone strangled me to death for a week, all blue and purple)
Was your bag with elastic or not? Did you feel any discomfort from the bag?


Nov 21, 2019

This russian video start at 14:28
They block arteries with hands and loss of consciousness is really quick.
Hands. I am amazed.
We need a tutorial on these techniques.

Blood chokes (or carotid restraints / sleeper holds) are a form of strangulation that compress one or both carotid arteries and/or the jugular veins without compressing the airway, hence causing cerebral ischemia and a temporary hypoxic condition in the brain. A well applied blood choke may lead to unconsciousness in 10-20 seconds. Injury or death is plausible if the parties remain constricted for more than 20 seconds. Compared to strangulation with the hands, properly applied blood chokes require little physical strength.

Apparently, the overlapping of the jugular veins also leads to loss of consciousness, just a little more pain.
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