
Jun 12, 2023
With any suicide method you will panic a lot before you do it and your heart will beat a lot, how can you relax before doing it? Is taking beta blockers will kill your ability to react stressfully?
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Is there a meaning to anything?
Jun 29, 2023
I think it's important to set the right mood, be calm and collected. Getting drunk might help or talking to yourself, telling yourself that everything will be alright, while you do it.
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Jun 12, 2023
I think it's important to set the right mood, be calm and collected. Getting drunk might help or talking to yourself, telling yourself that everything will be alright, while you do it.
No I mean a medication that prevents stress


Jul 29, 2021
With any suicide method you will panic a lot before you do it and your heart will beat a lot
it really depends on the person i know i will not panic when it comes to my suicide especially if i had my preferred method N
cool as a cucumber but with SN i'll probably panic due to increased heart rate and shortness of breath


I have my ticket. Awaiting my journey
Jun 17, 2023
Meditation, breathing method, reciting a mantra like the litany against …. I think a lot depends on what your method is too. Personally I'm using all those and one drink plus meds I have to calm my nerves.
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Jun 16, 2023
Valium if you can get it
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Apr 15, 2022
Going through "dry runs" with your method may help also for when the real time comes. Also, visualizing yourself carrying out your method in the weeks, or months, or longer leading up to when you, actually, execute your method for real, could help.
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Dec 8, 2019
Beta blockers can help with anxiety but benzos help more so imo... benzo really make it so everything is just super chill depending on the kind.

I do think mindset is important as well.
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Opened All Doors, No Sight Of Hope, Exit Door Next
Jul 1, 2023
With any suicide method you will panic a lot before you do it and your heart will beat a lot, how can you relax before doing it? Is taking beta blockers will kill your ability to react stressfully?

Not knowing your method, bit difficult to say. Assuming your method is not complex, I guess meds + drink can help. I have not looked into meds to calm myself so I do not know.

I have practiced several methods many times. Every time you practice the anxiety for next try is lower. I guess this in a way is like meditating to the way out. It also helps with resolving that this is really what is that I want. When fully in peace with the decision, I guess that helps calm the nerves.

Yet again some methods inherently get the SI going and it is tough to fight millions of years of evolution.

for methods like N, SN, CO, I guess just being in peace with the decision to ultimate clarity helps to be calm when the time comes.
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Jul 1, 2023
honestly just drink or anything you can get your hands on, maybe do simple stuff that you find joy in through out the day hours before your plan, wishing you peace though
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Artificially happy on medicine
Jul 1, 2023
Benzodiazépines like Xanax, valium and Ativan would stop you from panicking,they are the go-to for anxiety but maybe the panick is a good thing showing Ur reluctance to call it quits today. I know you're probably feeling very bad right now but maybe part of you thinks U can get through these obstacles.

I don't know your life situation and how bad things are but really think about whether you want to do this and the consequences.

Also if you got Ur hands on some valium from the doc U might find things less stressful.
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Jun 12, 2023
Benzodiazépines like Xanax, valium and Ativan would stop you from panicking,they are the go-to for anxiety but maybe the panick is a good thing showing Ur reluctance to call it quits today. I know you're probably feeling very bad right now but maybe part of you thinks U can get through these obstacles.

I don't know your life situation and how bad things are but really think about whether you want to do this and the consequences.

Also if you got Ur hands on some valium from the doc U might find things less stressful.
Now I am 25 years old and I am Syrian, I used to live in Saudi Arabia and after highschool I spent three years at home because my father wasn't able to send me to college. During this time I was very suicidal and I remember that it was very difficult to do it. Especially if I wanted to cut my throat or hang myself I panicked a lot and I couldn't finish it. my older brother got a good job and he sent me to college in North Cyprus to study Industrial engineering after graduation I came to Dubai the worst place you can imagine for a fresh graduate to find a job.
First job I found by a help of a friend was quality control inspector in a furniture manufacturing company, the job was literally a slavery job, any middle school graduate can do the same exact job.
I decided to leave that job and try to find another. During that time I was accepted in a German university for a master degree and in Germany there are way more opening jobs for fresh graduates than here but my brother now can't pay for that because he needs to spend a lot of money on my parents, the parents who didn't support any of us by a pinny- I love them I don't hate them- .
Now I have only one hope in a company that promised me to give me 6 months unpaid internship just to gain experience and have better opportunities in the market. I expected to get their response by Monday if I don't get a response from them I will end my life.
I only had sex in my life once which is really pathetic and I didn't even finish it because I was too drunk. I had some good friends in college but now I totally lonely.
I was an atheist in a very religious family which was another thing that made me suffer a lot mentally and I think that's enough I waisted all my youth for nothing and most likely even if I get this internship and even if I got a job after that I won't be paid more than a thousand dollars which is hardly enough to survive and this situation will most likely remain for at least two years. What left in my life? Will I be just a virgin in my thirties? And I will be even able at that age to find a woman who I will be happy with? More time I spend alone the more it becomes difficult for me to interact with people and make friends and things will just get worse.
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Artificially happy on medicine
Jul 1, 2023
So Ur a man of Academia aswell ha, I'm 23 nearly 24, my professor is from Syria or somewhere close....maybe Iran, did you end up completing the master's in Germany? Reading this made me feel how fortunate I am to have things so easy in Australia: government allowance, pretty well off family that got me my own apartment. I've never had to truly work BC my dad has always just provided everything for me. So respect to U for doing so.

I will admit I have no knowledge of the concept of loneliness because I'm extremely introverted and prefer to stay alone. After taking Kratom (a opioid like drug from Indonesia, Thailand) and being on antidepressants I became totally asexual, lost any sexual attraction I once had to women but I enjoy being this way, I've come to realise I don't need anybody in life.

Being a 30 year old virgin dosent matter, I'll be one as well soon lol, don't make your top priority women. I know I too have the feeling that it's the prime of my life and I should get out there and find a girlfriend or something but I've just come to realise that I enjoy academic work more than anything and I just enjoy learning (sometimes using legal amphetamines) to boost myself a bit. Surely there's something you can do for work as a well educated man in Dubai. What do you really wanna do in life? Follow your interest and hobbies: for me that's chess, piano, studying and learning. Make women less of a priority and don't go out to seek a girlfriend someone will eventually just find you, they will eventually come around. Or you could give Tinder or something a shot but it's never worked for me.

Maybe a change in environment or a fresh start in a new country to get you out of this headspace. I'm just thinking if you have a Master's degree there should be work avaliable for you. What did you graduate in?

I'll try give you a bit of advice: don't give up hope altogether and be an atheist. There are many philosophical arguments for the existence of a Deity, it doesn't have to be organised religion but maybe check out some of these if Ur interested:

Again I'm not trying to change your mind about your beliefs or imposing religion on you. I just think the work WLC does is very underrated and deserves to be shared.

If you're getting too suicidal and it's getting really bad maybe take your chance with meds? They can help, to quote Alexander Rosenberg in a debate I saw with WLC "there's always Prozac".

Also just want to make it clear that im not 100% aware of Ur situation and the decision is up to you, I know there's probably a lot more underneath that's making you feel bad but CTB is an important decision so good luck man I hope you're able to get a solid job and partner.
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Jun 12, 2023
So Ur a man of Academia aswell ha, I'm 23 nearly 24, my professor is from Syria or somewhere close....maybe Iran, did you end up completing the master's in Germany? Reading this made me feel how fortunate I am to have things so easy in Australia: government allowance, pretty well off family that got me my own apartment. I've never had to truly work BC my dad has always just provided everything for me. So respect to U for doing so.

I will admit I have no knowledge of the concept of loneliness because I'm extremely introverted and prefer to stay alone. After taking Kratom (a opioid like drug from Indonesia, Thailand) and being on antidepressants I became totally asexual, lost any sexual attraction I once had to women but I enjoy being this way, I've come to realise I don't need anybody in life.

Being a 30 year old virgin dosent matter, I'll be one as well soon lol, don't make your top priority women. I know I too have the feeling that it's the prime of my life and I should get out there and find a girlfriend or something but I've just come to realise that I enjoy academic work more than anything and I just enjoy learning (sometimes using legal amphetamines) to boost myself a bit. Surely there's something you can do for work as a well educated man in Dubai. What do you really wanna do in life? Follow your interest and hobbies: for me that's chess, piano, studying and learning. Make women less of a priority and don't go out to seek a girlfriend someone will eventually just find you, they will eventually come around. Or you could give Tinder or something a shot but it's never worked for me.

Maybe a change in environment or a fresh start in a new country to get you out of this headspace. I'm just thinking if you have a Master's degree there should be work avaliable for you. What did you graduate in?

I'll try give you a bit of advice: don't give up hope altogether and be an atheist. There are many philosophical arguments for the existence of a Deity, it doesn't have to be organised religion but maybe check out some of these if Ur interested:

Again I'm not trying to change your mind about your beliefs or imposing religion on you. I just think the work WLC does is very underrated and deserves to be shared.

If you're getting too suicidal and it's getting really bad maybe take your chance with meds? They can help, to quote Alexander Rosenberg in a debate I saw with WLC "there's always Prozac".

Also just want to make it clear that im not 100% aware of Ur situation and the decision is up to you, I know there's probably a lot more underneath that's making you feel bad but CTB is an important decision so good luck man I hope you're able to get a solid job and partner.
Thank you very much mate.
Actually, I am eligible to apply to an Australian Visa -subclass 476 for Skilled—Recognised Graduate visa- but it takes a year or more to get a response. I have heard by most people who went to Australia by this Visa they said that it's very difficult to find a job by a temporary Visa in Australia and you need connections in order to find a job and that's why taking a master degree and learning the German language seems to be more promising since most people who went there were able to secure a job by applying online only and didn't need any help by anyone and since I have no work experience I guess most likely I am not going to find a job in Australia.
Unless if I managed to gain at least one year of experience then that would be manageable.

And taking antidepressants is not an option in my opinion because - as you said - it makes you more like a machine without feelings.

For me, although I didn't have a partner in college in North Cyprus but my life was acceptable I had some friends I didn't feel lonely and I used to go out a lot.

What about life in Australia in general? As I hear from most of people living there that salaries are much less than your life expenses and it's even more expensive than Europe while salaries are almost the same
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Artificially happy on medicine
Jul 1, 2023
You're right about the antidepressants, as someone on them I can say they turn you into a machine. The only reason I took my chances with meds is because I was so depressed it was between that and a CTB.
If you're in a suicidal mindset it will get you out of that bad place, you won't feel depressed but gradually you'll feel nothing at all. Use it as a last resort I'd say before CTB.

Life in Australia is pretty robotic it's not as great as it may seem: here in Sydney there aren't a lot of personable people to make friends with and it's called "the rat race" because everyone is headed to the city to either study or go work at their firm's businesses at around 9am and buses/trains during these times are full to the max and being an introvert it's very uncomfortable being squished.

I find I have very few friends here, a couple but in highschool most of my friends were European. Australia seems to have this way of taking in all the top doctor's and top professionals from other countries and importing them lol because there's medical centres everywhere.

But then there's also the huge benefits this country has: as a student I Recieve 700$ a fortnight from a government allowance, the pensioner cards make meds incredibly cheap. It has legal amphetamines and methylphenidate which is a blessing BC I have ADD (inattentive) and it helps cram ridiculous amounts of hours into studies (probably making me more robotic). Travel is cheaper with a pension card. But it doesn't have weed like America. Also my course is completely free of charge until I get a job.. it's called a HECS debt which gets paid off after you leave uni and earn a certain amount of income.

Most people drink quite a lot, a lot more of the population is elderly these days. Overall I'd say it's a pretty lazy country with people just going through their daily 9-5 jobs.

Lots of drugs go around but I never really know how they get them. Darkweb is active here a lot lol.

Perhaps U could get your master's in German and be a translator, languages are always very enjoyable to learn and give you something to do. I know a little French and moderate Russian but not to a master's level.

Before I went to uni I had a job at Col Crawford, you probably haven't heard of it but it's a car company. The work was agonising and I quit after a week but I didn't need any experience and they taught me the job while being paid, unfortunately the boss was a d***head and told me to either work on the car or leave, so I left.

Australia is a good place for opportunity: if you did come to Aus and r a hardworking guy there will be lots of jobs avaliable in retail, construction, finance etc. And not all these jobs require experience. Do you have your bachelor's degree? If so you could possibly apply to go to a university over here and maybe work part time at a store. My university is probably about 75% Asian nationality a lot from China and India.

It really sucks that citizenship is an issue but my mum came to Australia from another country and earned her citizenship with very little money.

Crime is also very low (other than people using their drugs) you will usually see nothing out of the ordinary.

Maybe it's honestly worth the gamble to try Australia. Apply for a university if you have a bachelor already U might just get accepted as an international student.

I could probably hook you up with the job websites if you needed.

So what was Ur degree in? For me I wanna just stay at Uni, I don't really want to get a job. My minor is in computer science so if I get good at that I could possibly do data analysis but I'm probably just gonna go till I get a PhD.
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Jun 12, 2023
You're right about the antidepressants, as someone on them I can say they turn you into a machine. The only reason I took my chances with meds is because I was so depressed it was between that and a CTB.
If you're in a suicidal mindset it will get you out of that bad place, you won't feel depressed but gradually you'll feel nothing at all. Use it as a last resort I'd say before CTB.

Life in Australia is pretty robotic it's not as great as it may seem: here in Sydney there aren't a lot of personable people to make friends with and it's called "the rat race" because everyone is headed to the city to either study or go work at their firm's businesses at around 9am and buses/trains during these times are full to the max and being an introvert it's very uncomfortable being squished.

I find I have very few friends here, a couple but in highschool most of my friends were European. Australia seems to have this way of taking in all the top doctor's and top professionals from other countries and importing them lol because there's medical centres everywhere.

But then there's also the huge benefits this country has: as a student I Recieve 700$ a fortnight from a government allowance, the pensioner cards make meds incredibly cheap. It has legal amphetamines and methylphenidate which is a blessing BC I have ADD (inattentive) and it helps cram ridiculous amounts of hours into studies (probably making me more robotic). Travel is cheaper with a pension card. But it doesn't have weed like America. Also my course is completely free of charge until I get a job.. it's called a HECS debt which gets paid off after you leave uni and earn a certain amount of income.

Most people drink quite a lot, a lot more of the population is elderly these days. Overall I'd say it's a pretty lazy country with people just going through their daily 9-5 jobs.

Lots of drugs go around but I never really know how they get them. Darkweb is active here a lot lol.

Perhaps U could get your master's in German and be a translator, languages are always very enjoyable to learn and give you something to do. I know a little French and moderate Russian but not to a master's level.

Before I went to uni I had a job at Col Crawford, you probably haven't heard of it but it's a car company. The work was agonising and I quit after a week but I didn't need any experience and they taught me the job while being paid, unfortunately the boss was a d***head and told me to either work on the car or leave, so I left.

Australia is a good place for opportunity: if you did come to Aus and r a hardworking guy there will be lots of jobs avaliable in retail, construction, finance etc. And not all these jobs require experience. Do you have your bachelor's degree? If so you could possibly apply to go to a university over here and maybe work part time at a store. My university is probably about 75% Asian nationality a lot from China and India.

It really sucks that citizenship is an issue but my mum came to Australia from another country and earned her citizenship with very little money.

Crime is also very low (other than people using their drugs) you will usually see nothing out of the ordinary.

Maybe it's honestly worth the gamble to try Australia. Apply for a university if you have a bachelor already U might just get accepted as an international student.

I could probably hook you up with the job websites if you needed.

So what was Ur degree in? For me I wanna just stay at Uni, I don't really want to get a job. My minor is in computer science so if I get good at that I could possibly do data analysis but I'm probably just gonna go till I get a PhD.
I have a bachelor degree in industrial engineering.
I think finding a job as a computer scientist is much easier than for an industrial engineer for someone with no experience and relations.
For the Visa, as I have heard that it's almost guaranteed in my situation but it will be a temporary Visa for 18 months only, after that I need to apply for a long term Visa


Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Going through "dry runs" with your method may help also for when the real time comes. Also, visualizing yourself carrying out your method in the weeks, or months, or longer leading up to when you, actually, execute your method for real, could help.
Visualization is really the most powerful thing.
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Artificially happy on medicine
Jul 1, 2023
So would you be willing to do it? Come to Australia. Industrial engineering is a great degree to have. Surely there are other part time jobs you can do. Is it the money Ur lacking or the purpose given of having a job?
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Jun 12, 2023
So would you be willing to do it? Come to Australia. Industrial engineering is a great degree to have. Surely there are other part time jobs you can do. Is it the money Ur lacking or the purpose given of having a job?
I am doubtful that I may not find a job there as many foreigners who tried to.
And the visa will take one year or more to be approved.
As I have graduated one year ago and I still have no job that will make it extremely difficult for me to find one, no job experience for two years, coming with a temporary Visa, and not being a native speaker all of that will be a burden in finding a job. So I think it's just pointless to apply.
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“Death should take me while I am in the mood.”
Sep 3, 2018
I will say a few words, a mantra if you will...

"wake up"


Jul 3, 2019
@Insulinsuicide you have so much going for you and so many opportunities and you are relatively young. I would not give up so easily.

You are also very money focused but you have earning potential. You just need patience.

You have had friends before so you can make them again.

As for meds, maybe they could get you through the waiting times. You could always stop them.

I am no pro-lifer, but as an older member of this forum who has mental illness ruin my life I would not put your family through such sorrow for the reasons you are giving without giving life a chance.
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“Death should take me while I am in the mood.”
Sep 3, 2018
@LittleJem Please be careful, at the end of the day we don't know the pain someone goes through. Wish for them strength, and the ability to keep moving on, but remember we all are here because we know that a bell tolls for all of us, age doesn't change suffering or when it will be better or worse.

Let us wish them peace and strength so perhaps they find their own way towards the shores or a place of peace on this world.
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Jul 3, 2019
@LittleJem Please be careful, at the end of the day we don't know the pain someone goes through. Wish for them strength, and the ability to keep moving on, but remember we all are here because we know that a bell tolls for all of us, age doesn't change suffering or when it will be better or worse.

Let us wish them peace and strength so perhaps they find their own way towards the shores or a place of peace on this world.
To have qualifications and be on the brink of a job and not even to try medication?

To be put through university by a brother and not even try to get better?

Some people on this forum don't have the strength to study because of their mental illness. This person has achieved (his) Masters. Some people here are homeless. Some people have no hope of anything good coming into their lives.

That is not the case for this person who should urgently try getting help.

If he tried three or five medications and still wants to ctb…it would be fairer on his family.

I'm happy to state my opinion on this. There are many people on this forum with hardly any hope of thjngs getting better. This person hasn't tried.
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“Death should take me while I am in the mood.”
Sep 3, 2018
To have qualifications and be on the brink of a job and not even to try medication?

To be put through university by a brother and not even try to get better?

Some people on this forum don't have the strength to study because of their mental illness. This person has achieved (his) Masters. Some people here are homeless. Some people have no hope of anything good coming into their lives.

That is not the case for this person who should urgently try getting help.

If he tried three or five medications and still wants to ctb…it would be fairer on his family.

I'm happy to state my opinion on this. There are many people on this forum with hardly any hope of thjngs getting better. This person hasn't tried.
That changes nothing, we have no right to tell anyone whether or not they have tried hard enough, if the shores are not what they truly want they will find out, we will be here to listen and help, but I feel it to be sad to tell someone that they have not suffered yet enough to attempt to find the shores.

I do not wish to sound like some priest, or a teacher giving you a lecture, but I feel it unfair to tell someone this when we all end up here for the same reason, let us guide them for wherever their desire wishes to lead them.

I apologize if my earlier comment made you upset.
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Jun 12, 2023
This person has achieved (his) Masters
I haven't achieved my masters, I only have a bachelor degree but what I was saying that since I wasn't able to find a job in the UAE I wanted to go to Germany so I can learn German and get a master degree after that I will find a full time job there and I can see in a simple search on LinkedIn that there are more than 4000 opening jobs there with less than 10 applicants while here in Dubai every opening job has more than a hundred applicants.
But after I got accepted in a German university and I only needed to apply for a Visa my brother told me he doesn't have 12 thousand Euro cash because I am required to put 12k in a closed bank account and he won't put himself in debt for me so borrowing money isn't an option.

The only thing that holds me back from doing it; is thinking about my brother who spent a lot of money to let me finish my studies and I feel like how will he be disappointed when he finds out all these efforts he put were for nothing but they are for nothing anyway since I can't find a job and I don't care about my parents feelings they are not worthy of consideration they were poor and they gave birth to four, so irresponsible.
I appreciate your help I really enjoyed talking with you and I felt some relief finding you here but frankly, I still think I am going to end my life very soon


I'm at peace... Finally.
Mar 16, 2023
Well, what helps me is choosing an easily accessible method, researching my method, studying completed suicides, and an honest evaluation of my life. I think a lot of nervousness comes from not being confident (or competent) with a given method. That's why it's important to choose a REALISTIC method that is easily accessible, and is something that someone can bring themselves to do. Escaping is not something someone does on a whim. It has to be organized and planned to increase the chances of success.

Secondly, research your method. The material's reliability. It's effectiveness. It's success probability. STUDY SUICIDE. Stop asking people who never committed suicide how to do it. That will only feed your doubt even more. A lot of people are still holding out hope, so asking about specific method will lead to answers that talk in circles, making you question both the method and your premises for going through with it. Get educated on how you want to go, if you're serious.

Next, study completed suicides. Look at celebrities who've done it. They did it all kinds of ways, even though they had money and access to much less painful ways of doing so. There are tons of studies and theses online about completed suicides. Search for studies on completed suicides. Word it to where Google isn't trying to save you. It helps me a lot in studying completed suicides and strengthens my confidence in both my method and my planning. Again, there are people who aren't really that serious about going through with it. So, asking others how it's done and what would work will only lead to answers that will have you questioning everything. Escape is something you need to be sure about.

Finally, I think that one should do a thorough, honest inflection for a very significant period of time. What are the possibilities of my life being different? What do I want to change? How can I change them? From where I am now, where do I want my life to go and how do I get there? Is the life I envision for myself attainable? These are things that you have to ask yourself. No one else can answer these questions. This is "man in the mirror" stuff. Only you know the answers to the questions that your soul will ask. Asking someone else may offer a different perspective, which can be helpful in some cases. However, inflection is you and YOU ALONE. Only you know your own history deep enough to understand what you didn't know at a given time in your life and how you wish things would've worked out for you. Only YOU can define what "better" means to you. Because people vomit the "it get's better" nonsense like breathing. They do this without understanding what "better" means to YOU. This will also still your SI. When you know in your soul that something is right for you, then no matter what instinct says, you will ultimately do what's best for you. Clarity is what calms the SI.

I wish you clarity and peace, in whatever you decide to do.
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Jun 30, 2023
To have qualifications and be on the brink of a job and not even to try medication?

To be put through university by a brother and not even try to get better?

Some people on this forum don't have the strength to study because of their mental illness. This person has achieved (his) Masters. Some people here are homeless. Some people have no hope of anything good coming into their lives.

That is not the case for this person who should urgently try getting help.

If he tried three or five medications and still wants to ctb…it would be fairer on his family.

I'm happy to state my opinion on this. There are many people on this forum with hardly any hope of thjngs getting better. This person hasn't tried.
One could rule the world and still be suicidal and have the absolute right to die.
Suicide is not a contests or a denoted hierarchy; i.e. see, this here is an example of gatekeeping suicide.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Going through "dry runs" with your method may help also for when the real time comes. Also, visualizing yourself carrying out your method in the weeks, or months, or longer leading up to when you, actually, execute your method for real, could help.
That's what I've been doing. Familiarizing myself with what must be done.
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Apr 15, 2022
That's what I've been doing. Familiarizing myself with what must be done.
Me too. I go through every single step of my method ,so it will become "second nature" for when the time comes. I'll even practice entering the tent, as soon as I set it up. Lying down in the lounger I'll have in it, too. Hopefully, it will help to alleviate some of the stress during the "real deal". That's all we can do, really.
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Jun 12, 2023
Well, what helps me is choosing an easily accessible method, researching my method, studying completed suicides, and an honest evaluation of my life. I think a lot of nervousness comes from not being confident (or competent) with a given method. That's why it's important to choose a REALISTIC method that is easily accessible, and is something that someone can bring themselves to do. Escaping is not something someone does on a whim. It has to be organized and planned to increase the chances of success.

Secondly, research your method. The material's reliability. It's effectiveness. It's success probability. STUDY SUICIDE. Stop asking people who never committed suicide how to do it. That will only feed your doubt even more. A lot of people are still holding out hope, so asking about specific method will lead to answers that talk in circles, making you question both the method and your premises for going through with it. Get educated on how you want to go, if you're serious.

Next, study completed suicides. Look at celebrities who've done it. They did it all kinds of ways, even though they had money and access to much less painful ways of doing so. There are tons of studies and theses online about completed suicides. Search for studies on completed suicides. Word it to where Google isn't trying to save you. It helps me a lot in studying completed suicides and strengthens my confidence in both my method and my planning. Again, there are people who aren't really that serious about going through with it. So, asking others how it's done and what would work will only lead to answers that will have you questioning everything. Escape is something you need to be sure about.

Finally, I think that one should do a thorough, honest inflection for a very significant period of time. What are the possibilities of my life being different? What do I want to change? How can I change them? From where I am now, where do I want my life to go and how do I get there? Is the life I envision for myself attainable? These are things that you have to ask yourself. No one else can answer these questions. This is "man in the mirror" stuff. Only you know the answers to the questions that your soul will ask. Asking someone else may offer a different perspective, which can be helpful in some cases. However, inflection is you and YOU ALONE. Only you know your own history deep enough to understand what you didn't know at a given time in your life and how you wish things would've worked out for you. Only YOU can define what "better" means to you. Because people vomit the "it get's better" nonsense like breathing. They do this without understanding what "better" means to YOU. This will also still your SI. When you know in your soul that something is right for you, then no matter what instinct says, you will ultimately do what's best for you. Clarity is what calms the SI.

I wish you clarity and peace, in whatever you decide to do.
I tried a lot to find useful information on Google about suicide by insulin overdose. Every time google filters some results and I can't find answers to my questions like: how long does it take until you have a coma, how long after the coma you will pass away, what is the right dose? is taking four vials for example sufficient? But it seems a successful method because I only find people who didn't succeed were rescued immediately and there were a lot of people murdered by giving them insulin overdose. I heard that beta blockers may mask the symptoms of low blood sugar so death will be less painful. I don't know if beta blockers OD by themselves are a good idea as well.
I feel I will take Humulin R U-500 3 vials insulatard 2 vials, and one or two vials of actrapid. With a high dose of beta blockers and alcohol on empty stomach that is definitely a certain death.
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