35 this year, propably not gonna make it so far though.
If, i could go back 15 years with even some of the knowledge i got now, i believe i could turn life into better direction but not sure would that stop from ctb afterall. First "try" into the bus was around 18yo and first serious, planned try was 26yo.
Tried to get better but in my situation 30+ is too late to improve life quality significally.
I strongly encourage young ppl around 18, 20, at the beginning of their adulthood to try their best before totally losing hope and focusing ctb . Therapy, meds, "goin' out of the comfort zone", meditation, heck even try psychedelics or so on. You still got time. 10 years goes fast, in good and bad.
But i also totally understand that some times there's actually is no hope in reality even that youre young. Just make sure that is really really reality and not just your feeling before staying in the depths of ctb thoughts, planning and eventually giving up your life totally.