

想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
How much does a person have to endure before their desire to die and misery is taken seriously? Will people ever see your urge to ctb as something rational, or are you doomed to be labeled as a loon because of it?

I genuinely don't know how people can keep lying to me. They think that just being alive and existing is worth it no matter how much you are suffering. They think any damage can be undone and that all wounds will heal, unless you have an acute terminal illness (chronic illnesses don't count in the eyes of vehement anti choicers)

I am seriously fed up, as I have said many times before. I wish I could ctb now but I have to wait due to my living circumstances. Being bombarded with constant platitudes, judgements, and malice does my mind no favors. It's as if people want me to feel worse, but then won't allow me to ctb. Life truly does feel like a twisted prison experiment where the guards have taken away the key and the escape route has been blocked off.

I am tired of people pretending like this mythical concept of "healing" is always possible. There are some things we can't recover from, and I've accepted that. Yet people expect you to just trudge on and get on with life as if you aren't damaged. I will always be expected to do the same tasks and go through the motions that normal people do, as if I am able bodied and neurotypical like they are.

I can tell people over and over again how I tried nearly 20 medications and how none of the drugs helped with any of my problems, but they will blame me and say I am a quitter for not taking every single pharmaceutical known to man. Its my fault that 10+ years of therapy didn't help with the ptsd that's been ingrained in me since I was only 6 years old.

I can look at my boyfriend with tears in my eyes and tell him how much physical pain I am in, and he still won't realize the severity of it because of how the medical industry and media downplays chronic pain and chronic fatigue syndrome. Doctors sneer at you and treat you like you are simply a little depressed, and in appeals to authority, your fellow man will defend this unscientific drivel over the very real pain and suffering you experience from this condition.

When I tell people what I've been through, it seems like their default response is to block it out and pretend as if what I'm saying is ludicrous. Others truly don't care if you've been sexually, physically, and mentally abused. They don't care how many of your family members are dead, or that you were groomed for years. They don't care how you suffer from disabilities. They don't care that doctors fucked you up with malpractice. All they care about is whether you are being fun, entertaining and productive or if you are being a drain.

So how much more do I have to endure before ending my suffering can be seen as justified? I have been through so much already and all of these normies act like it is nothing because they have no conception of what it feels like to be sick or to suffer years of child abuse. They will tell you everything has a cure and that you're not trying hard enough, when they never had to try to find solutions to such impossible challenges themselves.

I have lived 21 years and that's more than enough time for me to decide whether or not I like being on this rock. I should get to decide if my life is not worth living. No matter what they say, my CFS, ptsd, autism and chronic pain will not be cured and believing in magic solutions feels nothing short of delusional. Yet even this level of suffering is not enough and I will be lectured that I am mentally ill and not in my right mind for wanting to end it. Clown world!
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Mar 22, 2020
I'm so sorry people can't understand the way you feel, dear.
It's as if "normal" individuals were programmed to ignore our true feelings/thoughts and just answer things like "Life will get better. CTB is for cowards".

Sometimes, things will not get better no matter what we do. For this reason, assisted suicide should be legal all over the world.

You know I really like you and don't want you to leave this world but of course, I want you to be at peace so I understand the way you feel. None of us deserve to suffer like this.

Also, I've stopped telling people (even those I love) my real thoughts and feelings. I'm fed up with them wanting to send me to a psych ward and sounding like a mormon once their "life is precious" speech starts lol.

Anyway, wish you the best !!
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
I'm so sorry people can't understand the way you feel, dear.
It's as if "normal" individuals were programmed to ignore the way we feel and just answer things like "Life will get better. CTB is for cowards".

Sometimes, things will not get better no matter what we do. For this reason, assisted suicide should be legal all over the world.

You know I really like you and don't want you to leave this world but of course, I want you to be at peace so I understand the way you feel. None of us deserve to suffer like this.

Also, I've stopped telling people (even those I love) my real thoughts and feelings. I'm fed up with them wanting to send me to a psych ward and sounding like a mormon once their "life is precious" speech starts lol.

Anyway, wish you the best !!
You are so right, and so intelligent as always! I took the same approach as you and stopped telling people weeks ago. However, it still isn't enough for anyone to stop talking about my true feelings. I am supposed to wear a mask all the time and pretend like I'm capable of total functioning when I'm not.

My boyfriend said the other day that he has started to dislike me because I do not show energy and enthusiasm, and also I don't dress up everyday (since we only leave the house to go shopping.) So even keeping my mouth shut isn't good enough for the sparse amount of people in my life!

I have to pretend as if I am not disabled, and like you say, running the Normie.exe program is EXHAUSTING. I just can't do it! I always get accused of not trying hard enough but my body physically doesn't make enough energy for me to do most things.

Sending you hugs <3
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
I think it would be a loss to see you go too as I appreciate your insightful ranting and you always come off as a good person at heart.

I've pretty much internalized my problems my entire life because as you've said people are incapable of understanding or they only give a shit about their own feelings and don't want a debbie downer around them so they ignore you entirely or trample all over you.

People's expectations that medication or generic therapy is a solution is a blatant lie for the traumatized or disabled. After posting some quotes from the Psychology books I've read in the past in Makko's recent thread, it made me remember how out of touch normal people are with what is required to genuinely recover and that includes people working in the mental health field as well. I just remembered how all of these so called experts suggest things like horse therapy and neurofeedback in order to heal as if those types of resources are freely available to everyone. It almost makes you want to laugh at it all really. Most people don't even have a sense of safety and security much less unattainable forms of therapy.

Not everything is fixable and many of the things that are fixable require things that are often behind red tape or a paywall.

Sorry if what I wrote wasn't coherent, brain fog and cognitive decline are wonderful things to experience!
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May 27, 2020
How much does a person have to endure before their desire to die and misery is taken seriously? Will people ever see your urge to ctb as something rational, or are you doomed to be labeled as a loon because of it?

It can differ from person to person, and can depend on factors such as how much empathy a given individual has.

I think that in general people will not see it as a rational choice, at least not in the current time period. Suicide is such a taboo subject. It has been hammered into us for as long as we can remember that it is immoral and an act of insanity - no matter what, so any attempt to combat the stigma surrounding it will be instantly shut down before it starts. You could admit to feeling suicidal followed by a pro-choice argument to justify how you are thinking. It could be the most clear, concise and reasonable stance possible but it would not matter, because they will not process it. They will only hear you say "I am suicidal", and every word after that will be filtered out and blocked as their strong, society-induced bias switches on.
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