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Aug 18, 2020
1 is I hate my country, 5 is I am neutral about it and 10 is I love my country.

I think due to the fact I am today quite manic my perception is a little bit distorted. When I had severe depression I hated a lot in my country.
But currently I appreciate a lot where I live. I live in Germany, Especcially when I watch the news and see how much shit is happening in the world.
I mean even for modern, high-developed countries my country is quite good.
I think I will still have to kill myself in the future due to poverty. But there are even some possible reforms happening in the welfare system in the right direction. But I expect to get disappointed which is kind of an oxymoron.

But if I could have chosen where I was born Germany would have been at least in my top 15.

More jobs than in most other countries, education for free, good health care, diversity and tolerance but obviously not perfect I experienced a lot of disrcrimination due to my mental illness but I really doubt it would much different in other countries, hate and envy against the rich (LOL fits to me quite well), good journalism I like to read the newspaper a lot. Or and no war. At least for now.

When I compare it with other countries I am glad I live here. When I was a child I wished to live in the US or Japan. Now as an adult I am pretty glad this wish did not come true. The US is so polarized, the supreme court decisions are quite horrible, the two party system is counterproductive, too much inequality, bad welfare or heath care system

In Japan the performance pressure is even way worse. And mental illness is very stigmatized. I am not so sure about suicide. I have read contradicting claims about the stigmatization of suicide.

In Scandinavia the life quality is better. This is at least what many studies say. The thing is I am much into politics and I think if the country is less powerful I might be less interested in its politics. And I assume in a country with a lower population the media is not that diverse or high quality.

S0 I give Germany a 7/10. But only because I am today quite manic. Lol. When I am depressed as fuck I have a different view on it.
But the high rating is caused due to the fact it is relative to the conditions in other countries. I mean living in a rich industial country is quite like a win in the lottery statistically. This is at least one frame. I think it is even more unlikely to come into existence in the first place. it depends on what do you want to emphasize I guess.
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I'm a failure. An absolute waste. A LOSEr.
Apr 6, 2021
2-3/10. South Africa sucks. The political environment is so poor, the majority of the country agrees on hating our government. It's not up for interpretation, like the US or something, where each side has validity. Nearly everyone here hates our government. Why haven't we done anything about it? If your country's large demographic is uneducated black people, of whom were raised in the era were a white government caused apartheid, it'll be neigh impossible to convince them to vote a black government out - even if said government, has fucked them over repeatedly..

We have something called Load Shedding - essentially power cuts, to every area in the country. Somehow, we only have one company responsible for providing electricity to the entire country, and obviously, they're doing a shit job. Sometimes the power cuts can last 4 hours, and happen multiple times a day, for weeks.

Water cuts are a problem, too. Prices for everything are really high, but jobs pay shit. Every week there's a riot or a protest over something. Every day there's some horrific crime that's been committed - a mother raped in front of her children? A teenage girl kidnapped, gang raped, and killed? An elderly woman robbed and killed? (I hope you're seeing the pattern here: if you're a woman, and you live here, you better be careful. The men here are absolutely insane). It's horrible for women here. I remember the one time I was in Cape Town with my sister for like a couple of days.. Less than a week. And she was cat-called every day. People thought I was her boyfriend. It's bad here. I mentioned it before, but it was her friend that was raped and killed in a post office, too.

Almost 90% of the entire country is religious, and believes in Christianity. So if you're anything different, and you don't live in a predominantly white neighbourhood or something, keep your mouth shut.

Heh, this is the one country where I can say that even whites are fucked. Poverty is so bad, you have white people living on the street. Why am I pointing it out? Because they're the demographic that controls most of the monopolies here. So for even them to be fucked - there's a serious problem. If you're white and you apply to a job, and another black person applies to the same job and has lesser qualifications than you.. Congratulations, you're unemployed and fucked. Companies will rather recruit blacks and people of colour over whites. Even the government would rather enforce policies or shit that caters to blacks more than whites. And, as a white, you're still called racist.

I mean to put this all into perspective, our country has the highest rape rates in the world. And multiple cities here rank in the world's most violent cities.

With all that and more, South Africa is doing better than other shit hole countries. I won't name names. We don't have war. Our economy could be much worse.. And other shit. The culture here is rich. Absolutely rich. For example, my maid lives in a very, very rural area. When I mean rural.. There is no paving on the streets for kilometers. Children are playing on dirt, with no shoes, with a deflated soccer ball. Houses are made of grey bricks, and are dilapidated. It's absolutely horrible. They don't even have running water and electricity sometimes. Either way, you have a lot of people there making music that's really, really good off of throwaway laptops that they have to jailbreak. African food is simply the best food I've ever eaten - coming from someone who has been to Egypt, Israel, the Americas, etcetera. It's often described as a rainbow nation with no surprise - there are so many people of different races, and backgrounds, it'll drive you nuts. We have 35 fucking languages. And people of those different races and backgrounds share everything - which is incredible. For example, the Afrikaaners came up with the concept of braaing. Nearly every South Africa knows how to braai. Another example is the music black Africans make - I promise you that there is not a single club in this country that doesn't play afropop or afrohouse.

We have a beautiful land. Genuinely. A large number of animals- and people who actually give a fuck about those animals. It's a privilege of mine that I've seen all of the big five in person, and actually had a face to face contact with a lion pride.. And held a lion cub. And touched a cheetah. And fed multiple elephants - and rode one, heh.

Another thing great about South Africa is that we support one another, regardless of how different. Before Trevor Noah was "Americanised", my god, we treated him like a national treasure, for example. No matter if you were black, white, coloured, Indian, albino - doesn't matter, you supported that nigga.

Even with those pros though, fuck this country. I went on a long-ass tangent, heh.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Without having visited long in other countries, 6-7. I liked England, Australia, and Norway when I visited there.
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
Heh, this is the one country where I can say that even whites are fucked. Poverty is so bad, you have white people living on the street. Why am I pointing it out? Because they're the demographic that controls most of the monopolies here. So for even them to be fucked - there's a serious problem. If you're white and you apply to a job, and another black person applies to the same job and has lesser qualifications than you.. Congratulations, you're unemployed and fucked. Companies will rather recruit blacks and people of colour over whites. Even the government would rather enforce policies or shit that caters to blacks more than whites. And, as a white, you're still called racist.
Sounds exactly like the US.
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Hello from the other side
Aug 16, 2022
8 for America. I love where I live despite everything. I wish people grow up more and stop attacking others
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
6/10 and I live in the US. While living conditions are (objectively) better (having clean water, food, and basic needs), life still sucks in various other ways. The current events going on, the work hours and what not, not having something like Dignitas or the right to die in many states, even in the states that do have it, the criteria for it is rather narrow (6 months or less to live, terminally ill, have to be a resident of that particular state (except for Oregon which in the past few months dropped the residency requirement), and many other legal hoops to jump through just to be allowed to die with dignity). Sometimes I wished I lived in one of the European countries that have very open laws and leniency on the right to die or even Canada with MAID potentially being expanded (in early 2023) to cover those who are suffering psychologically.
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Nov 20, 2021
I give mine 100!

Its Germany in case anyone asks.

The pressure to fit into the collective mindset here is unbearable to me. Like living among 80 million Zombies. :(

Prices go through the roof, public services are collapsing, public transport is a nightmare and new Corona restrictions have just been announced for autumn.

But everyone acts "happy" for no one wants to be denounced as "unsolidaric". So we trott along, like donkeys leashed before a carriage. We feel the whip, we feel the pain but there is no revolt in sight.

Death is our only escape. This place sucks the lifeforce right outta me. :(
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
5 (UK)

The national health service is a fucking joke. Other European countries have much better healthcare. Take me to any of those decent European countries!

Weed's illegal here

Speed limits are too low, take me to Germany

Politicians are useless

But at least we have the benefits system. as torturous as it may be to navigate, to fund lives of people who can't work.

The UK is a nanny state for sure. Suicide is made difficult which sucks, bring on legalised euthanasia and the right to die for all, please. Take me to Canada or Switzerland.
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Aug 28, 2022
definitely 1 for america and the direction this country (well, and the worldwide rage boner for authoritarianism) has influenced my passion for antinatalism and desire to ctb
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Nov 20, 2021
Watching the news makes me depressed. Getting out on the street w/o watching the news makes me scream "what the f*ck is going on?!"
definitely 1 for america and the direction this country (well, and the worldwide rage boner for authoritarianism) has influenced my passion for antinatalism and desire to ctb
If I could be back in America, I'd move to an Indian reservation in the high plains, throw away the TV and spend my days dancing naked in the woods.

Its a pipe dream of course. Much of the woods there are now cramped with crack cooking rednecks. The rez is filled with drunkards and disease and gasoline costs more than most welfare recipients can afford.

But it used to be different, I know for I lived it.
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Per Ardua Ad Astra

Per Ardua Ad Astra

Malpractice: NeuroDystrophy-Paralysis-Meds-Injured
Sep 27, 2022
1 - hell
dual citizen trapped in hell
desperately want to go home (10) - but irreversible / degenerative physical incapacitation inflicted on me in hell 😢
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Some day my prince (of death) will come
Nov 17, 2022
3 - the US. Watching this country devolve into a third world country with horrible devisive politics has not been fun. Violence, corruption, stupid political leaders, a shrinking middle class, rampant racism/sexism, stripping away of rights and now inflation and extremely high cost of living. Our government doesn't care about poor or disabled people, vets or anyone else. The dems care more about illegals and the repubs more about the unborn. Our drinking water is unclean and even dangerous in many major cities. Rise of diseases that had been eradicated for decades, like Measles and Polio. Crime, rape, abductions are at an all time high. So is drug abuse. Mass shootings in our schools, but does anyone actually care about these issues enough to fix them? No. We elect the same aging dinosaurs over and over again because we're terrified of change, and then nothing gets done in this country. In fact things get worse.
I know we have some more 'freedoms' than other countries I guess. Not sure if that's entirely true, especially with state and federal governments actively trying to strip away our basic rights and imposing censorship laws.
Case in point, I hate it here. I don't know what other countries are like since I've only lived in the US, but I've heard much of the world isn't better.
Watching the news makes me depressed. Getting out on the street w/o watching the news makes me scream "what the f*ck is going on?!"

If I could be back in America, I'd move to an Indian reservation in the high plains, throw away the TV and spend my days dancing naked in the woods.

Its a pipe dream of course. Much of the woods there are now cramped with crack cooking rednecks. The rez is filled with drunkards and disease and gasoline costs more than most welfare recipients can afford.

But it used to be different, I know for I lived it.
I don't think you want to live on a rez. From what I've heard they are treated like less than second class citizens
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
3 - the US. Watching this country devolve into a third world country with horrible devisive politics has not been fun. Violence, corruption, stupid political leaders, a shrinking middle class, rampant racism/sexism, stripping away of rights and now inflation and extremely high cost of living. Our government doesn't care about poor or disabled people, vets or anyone else. The dems care more about illegals and the repubs more about the unborn. Our drinking water is unclean and even dangerous in many major cities. Rise of diseases that had been eradicated for decades, like Measles and Polio. Crime, rape, abductions are at an all time high. So is drug abuse. Mass shootings in our schools, but does anyone actually care about these issues enough to fix them? No. We elect the same aging dinosaurs over and over again because we're terrified of change, and then nothing gets done in this country. In fact things get worse.
I know we have some more 'freedoms' than other countries I guess. Not sure if that's entirely true, especially with state and federal governments actively trying to strip away our basic rights and imposing censorship laws.
Case in point, I hate it here. I don't know what other countries are like since I've only lived in the US, but I've heard much of the world isn't better.

I don't think you want to live on a rez. From what I've heard they are treated like less than second class citizens
I am with you. I can recognize that many (if not most) people around the world have it worse than me and still be affected by the problems plaguing our country. Regardless of whether we are in a "good" place right now despite everything, there is very little hope that it will get better and many signs that it will only get worse.
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Existence is absolutely meaningless
Nov 12, 2022
How much I dislike the country I live in: 9.


he/him · tired/exhausted
Nov 11, 2022
I'd give the USA a big fat 3. I'd take living here over a dictatorship like Russia or China, but our social provision, including welfare and healthcare, is a fucking nightmare. It's either sink or swim, and that's no way to live. Some of the Republicans border on fascist thugs—especially the ones who stormed the Capitol nearly two years ago—and the Democrats are disappointing in the extreme. The fact that Donald Trump is still politically viable makes my blood boil, especially after the way he handled COVID and egged on his violent supporters. Democrats don't know how to reach rural and suburban working-class voters these days. Although I agree that queer and trans people need to be accepted, a lot of liberals and leftists tend to go for a sledgehammer approach, complete with "woke" jargon, that doesn't work in more isolated areas, and that just triggers a backlash from the likes of Trump and DeSantis. (I am queer and trans, and I find the approach that some of these people use to be... unsubtle at best.) I support Black Lives Matter. I'm a card-carrying well-educated urban progressive. But some of the people on my side drive me nuts!
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End of all hope
Apr 20, 2020
Brazil - 1,5?

I was raised in a redneck village with no more than 7k people, so my opinion can be a bit harsh about the urban cities. I don't like the current place I live, but it's not that bad considering it's Brazil. Contrary to what the international media says, our worst problem is NOT the destruction of the amazon jungle. However, the bad stories that people in foreign nations hear are mostly true: we have insane homicide rates with almost all the cases unsolved, so much that hitman may be the most worthy profession to have lol (except when you get targeted too :/). Robbery is also very common (though not where I live) and a big concern in more populous cities. The whole government is structured around corruption and bribery, the congress control the budget and after they approved something called "emendas de relator" we can't track where a good portion of the money is going. We have public healthcare here, but it's very ineffective when you really need it, my mother had to wait 4 years for a surgery. And, about the money... Well, if you sold your piss in first world countries you would get the equivallent of the minimum wage here, with what we can buy almost nothing.

And the worst part is that the whole country is blind from a lack of prioritarianism, it's like being in hell and getting more bothered about how ugly the demon is while your ass is being set on fire. There are people dying of hunger? Don't care, let's see Anitta twerking her butt. We are in the middle of a fucking civil war because of drugs, militia and organized crime? It's all bastard favela thugs (that dispite living in absolute misery with no education, in a ambient that's literally a jungle where the most malicious survives and being tempted to join crime daily are still the ONLY ones to blame in the eyes of society), no one cares if they keep killing each other. We have a fucking chaotic traffic with roads that are like urban meat grinders? Don't worry pal, when Lula or Bolsonaro or whatever corrupt fuck that I idolize wins we gonna be first world and that won't be happening anymore! Don't agree with me? Then let me hit your head with a brick real quick.

Even with all that, it's not all fucked tho, as the average citizen is not sociopathic as sometimes the media portrays. We have some brilliant and good natured people here too, you just need to search a bit. And of course, most of these things are more common in some places than in others, as Brazil is a large and multicultural continent. Therefore is very difficult to place it all in one box. Just to give a idea, our city with the highest HDI has a score of 0,862, whereas the city with the lowest has 0,418. You can go from europe to africa without leaving the country (which is also a problem as it shows the insane inequality here).
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022

I don't think I can adapt to any country.
No crec que pugui adaptar-me a cap país.
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I like people... I said it
May 23, 2022
Jamaica 10. We have adequate food here. We're called the land of wood and water for a reason. The weather is awesome. The food is good. Politicians are a reflection of the people, like rotten eggs. Homophobia and ignorance is widespread. Crime is a problem. I don't watch the news. I'm in my little bubble. I avoid stupid people like germs. The people here are animals. I say it with love. I am too. We all are. So I expect them to justify violence, corruption and other immorals acts. I also expect them to have prosocial behaviors. The mob is crazy but search for good individuals you'll find them but I repeat the mob is crazy.
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Sep 16, 2022
I love the USA! Yes we have problems,( What nation does not?)


Nov 22, 2022
People may disagree with me, but I give Canada a 2.
Our government doesn't care about changing anything to help the housing crisis and the cost of life becoming unbearable. Homelessness is around the corner for most young people, paycheck to paycheck. Can't even go to school because I need to work full time just to afford rent. I don't get how anybody makes it when rent is 2000 a month, or if you want to sleep in someone's garage that'll be 850.

Trudeau is a joke and we're selling our country away at the cost of its citizens. It's almost like he hates Canadians.
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libertas quae sera tamen
Nov 24, 2022
I love my country very much but living here is not easy so 6
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Nov 5, 2020
1. I'm relatively glad I live here (United States) but the damage we've done to the world may be irreparable. Easily one of the most evil countries out there
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I am a poor wayfaring stranger
Dec 23, 2022
6 for the USA. It has its good and it has its bad parts, but it's the place I was born and grew up in. There are certain states I don't like and will never visit, but they are only about 10.


Nov 5, 2022
I'm going to have to go with a 5 (USA). It could be a lot worse but also just sucks. I think there are more places where being openly trans is difficult than not. That being said, it varies by region. I've lived in the south all my life and imagine that it could be a little bit different if I moved to a different part of the country but I probably won't reap too much benefit either way as long as I live inside and lack the ability for positive perception. Neutral is probably the best that I can hope for as far as the foreseeable future goes.


Dec 21, 2022
5 USA. I think there's a lot to be proud of in our country, like our contributions to science and technology. But our culture is a very selfish and individualistic one. Despite hating monarchs we worship authority in the forms of police and churchmen. I don't like how anti-intellectualism and ignorance seem to be the norm as well. I have to be grateful for relative material well-being, but I wonder how much my poor mental health is tied to our peculiarly American insanity.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
It's weird- I have two different percetions of my country (UK.) On the one hand, I am actually quite patriotic. I suppose I love the idea of my country rather than the reality of it...

From a picture postcard (delusional) viewpoint, I'd say it was an 8. I love our countryside. I love the IDEA of the NHS (the reality is more of a mixed bag.) I enjoy the amount of free speech we have (although that could well be under threat...) I enjoy being relatively privelaged- I'm not starving, I've got by this far without being assaulted, I received an education. I nostalgically love the pound. While I know this is likely going to be controversial to our friends across the pond- I like it that the majority of us don't own firearms. (Although- I'm simultaneously jealous- it would open up some options for CTB.)

Still, when I start watching documentaries about for example- the former British Empire and the current financial (dodgy) dealings that go on- I am deeply disappointed and disgusted. When it comes to the REALITY, I think sadly- it's closer to a 4-5. ☹️ I have this awful feeling that most countries are in fact corrupt at the core and I'm pretty sure mine is no exception...
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No longer suicidal😁

Finally happy again
Nov 23, 2022
Solid 1, it's a middle eastern country. That's enough of a reason to want to ctb.
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Sister of the Moon

Sister of the Moon

Dec 17, 2021
For the UK I give nil points. Well ok then, 1 point for the scenery and historical artifacts.
Watching the UK fold in upon itself whilst everyone is in denial, is both horrifying and satisfying. I hope it falls into the sea or gets nuked into oblivion.
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