

Still here
Nov 29, 2018
How lonely or isolated are you? Do you have friends, have you ever had any if not? (SS doesn't count)
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Feb 8, 2019
I am about as isolated as you can get. I work from home in a job that even requires minimal online interaction. I have no friends left. There is no sob story I always had a small social circle and we are all adults now and people fade.

My best friend died about 5 years ago and my social life really died with him. It's near impossible to just meet people like I did when i was younger. Life is not designed to make friends as adults because adults are "to busy"

There are bars but i'm well past my drinking is fun days and i'm not apt to go to a bar alone either. People usually meet people through friends and/or work so if you let people fade like I did you wind up alone.

It's not all bad I have my share of mental health issues and while I am lonely sometimes the lack of interaction makes it near impossible for people to trigger me so it's kind of a toss up on my mental health.
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Still here
Nov 29, 2018
Yes I'm gonna answer my own question.

I've pretty much always had social anxiety, so I've always had a hard time talking to anyone. Anyone who once said they were my friend obviously aren't, I don't have any friends. My whole life seems like everyone just ignores me. Makes you wonder if your even alive sometimes.
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Soo much agony. Little reward. Give me Peace.
Apr 11, 2019
I've had very few friends but over the years i have distanced myself from other people. I have anxiety and people problems. So it's hard to make friends. Plus it's easier being alone, i seem to worry about other people problems and how their feeling rather than my own. I gave up with attempting to make friends. I've had no friends and no contact (texting or calling) anyone for a roughly 3-4 years. Recently i managed to make a friend and stay in contact with them, for me this was massive, texting and calling every day for a month, started going round to her house. It's so weird because i've been alone for a while, but since staying in contact with her, if she didn't text or call, i felt alone. This emotion was new for me, and has kept with me. A week ago she lied to me and i told her goodbye. This happened about a week ago, my last text to her basically said - Thanks for making me realize that nothing can change for me, it will never get better, im delaying the inevitable. Shows how much she cared about me when she never replied after that. It's not worth the hassle to make and keep friends, even if i could. It's easier being alone.
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Sep 28, 2018
I've had very few friends but over the years i have distanced myself from other people. I have anxiety and people problems. So it's hard to make friends. Plus it's easier being alone, i seem to worry about other people problems and how their feeling rather than my own. I gave up with attempting to make friends. I've had no friends and no contact (texting or calling) anyone for a roughly 3-4 years. Recently i managed to make a friend and stay in contact with them, for me this was massive, texting and calling every day for a month, started going round to her house. It's so weird because i've been alone for a while, but since staying in contact with her, if she didn't text or call, i felt alone. This emotion was new for me, and has kept with me. A week ago she lied to me and i told her goodbye. This happened about a week ago, my last text to her basically said - Thanks for making me realize that nothing can change for me, it will never get better, im delaying the inevitable. Shows how much she cared about me when she never replied after that. It's not worth the hassle to make and keep friends, even if i could. It's easier being alone.

sorry you have been treated like that.. some people are just awesome at making others people feel like crap.
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Nov 11, 2018
10/10 for isolation and loneliness. When I lived alone for 2 years I didn't have one single conversation with another person, but this is the norm for me. When I live with parents as I do again now it's the same, if not worse because I have to stew in their misery as well as my own. No idea how to change it 10 years ago and still no idea now. I had a few friends in school years but they were users mostly. Isolation is the primary reason I want to die, secondary is being single and virgin.
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Distracting myself through Life
Apr 7, 2019
My 2 cats are my friends. Otherwise i don't have any. Last time was in elemantary school.
I'm trying to lose some weight so maybe when i look better i have the courage to be more active.
Like i would love to go swimming but not now with how ugly i am.
On top of that i'm shy, introvert, don't like big crowds, get panic driving a car, don't drink alcohol or doing other drugs and talk only when necessary.
I'm probably the most boring person ever excisted.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I'd say I'm mostly lonely as I don't have any close friends, and outside of family and people I live with, I don't really interact that much. I have quite a few acquaintances, but rarely ever hang out or do activities with each other. I'm mostly by myself most of the time and while I do get lonely and feel shitty at times, I'd try to convince myself that this reality is better than being entangled in shitty situations with people and/or being in a shitty relationship with someone I can stand.
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Feb 24, 2019
Just my bf...
I suppose. I wouldn't call the ppl I speak to irl "friends" tho...
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The stranger
Feb 21, 2019
I have about five real friends (only male) and perhaps 15 acquaintances. I had a best friends in my teenager but he stoped to talk to me because a women, 10 years a ago.
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Apr 5, 2019
It's difficult to say. I have family, but they are thousands of miles away and we don't speak much. I have a husband, but we haven't been intimate in years. I have friends, but true friends? I'm not so sure about that. I have pets, but am slightly lacking a full connection with them to consider them companions. All we ever really have is ourselves.
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Mar 5, 2019
I sometimes talk to my parents about what food there will be and how I should do something else expect sit in my room all day. Then there is my brother and our conversations are all about insulting each other for some reason. I also have 2 really beautiful cats that I love. Then there are my online friends who I spend most of my time with. I'm no stranger to feeling lonely, because I'm a stranger myself.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
I have family and friends and I work full-time. Obviously I don't feel close to them/loved or I probably wouldn't be experiencing these problems and I wouldn't have ended up here. In fact I don't feel close to anyone.

To answer your question: isolated no, lonely yes.
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Chronic people pleaser
Mar 13, 2019
I've always had friends and family, I just have this way of pushing people away. I don't do it on purpose I struggle to maintain everything that goes with being in a friendship eg; communicating, going out etc..... (mental health issues) my family however I've freed my self from they just use me, put me down, and I'm relieved not to be caught up in the middle of their drama, expectations and demands anymore. It drained me trying to be everything they all wanted, never being good enough, me tearing my self apart caring about them and them not giving a shit about me. So now there is only 1 maybe 2 friends I have left ive not managed to push away. But they will most likely forget about me. And thankfully no regular "family"guilt trip. And a bf who would rather me dead. Yay.
Edit: I forgot what I was answering lol. So yeah pretty lonely and isolated now, apart fŕom my 2 beautiful dogs.
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Feb 15, 2019
when I was jobless, I didn't speak for days. now I only talk at work and when I visit my family once a month.
sometimes I chat with 2 people I know from uni...that's all.
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Mar 1, 2019
Very. I don't see anyone really anymore, my Brother is good to me but I very rarely get to see him. A lot of people I was close to were scared off when they received news of an illness I was diagnosed with. I now feel like a total burden and even when I need company, I am usually afraid to ask anyone because. I feel like a 'thing' to be avoided and I don't feel that I have much to offer anymore.
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Aug 4, 2018
Yes I'm gonna answer my own question.

I've pretty much always had social anxiety, so I've always had a hard time talking to anyone. Anyone who once said they were my friend obviously aren't, I don't have any friends. My whole life seems like everyone just ignores me. Makes you wonder if your even alive sometimes.

I felt like that so I ended whatever was left of my relationship with my friends a few years ago. Currently I am alone too. I just wish someone who could play games with me or play music.
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Pastel demon
Dec 8, 2018
I've always been an introverted and isolated person. With a few couple friends with little or no secrets. From today, I only talk with a couple of friends via video chat since I'm in a different country. The loneliness only affect me on the romantic side, since I really want to feel loved for someone, and I want a boyfriend for my life. But that's another thing, and I don't feel ashamed or anxious for being solitary.
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Lost soul
Mar 26, 2019
Some weeks I'm the biggest introvert there is, other weeks I go full extrovert and want to do everything. I'm pretty unstable in those ways tbf.
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Feb 8, 2019
Its a strange topic this with several billion people on this planet but like many here I do feel lonely very lonely, I have my girlfriend but bless her she's sweet and loves life as I do not, my parents are old and don't want to bother them, friends are doing there own thing and have kids, so I just say I'm OK and stay in with my pills booze and fags, sad I know but its these things keeping me going for a while at least.
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ᴡᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴍᴏɴsᴛᴇʀs
May 27, 2019
Feeling pretty darn lonely atm.. been let down by a 'friend' today & I really don't have that many people I talk too anyway ahaha.

Anyway, who needs friends when you have vodka and fags for company? :pfff:
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
Isolated, not lonely. I don't believe in loneliness, people are the worst. Ugh.
Its a strange topic this with several billion people on this planet but like many here I do feel lonely very lonely, I have my girlfriend but bless her she's sweet and loves life as I do not, my parents are old and don't want to bother them, friends are doing there own thing and have kids, so I just say I'm OK and stay in with my pills booze and fags, sad I know but its these things keeping me going for a while at least.
People who are surrounded by friends and family are always the loneliest. That's why there are murders and mass murders. Being surrounded by people who don't understand is much worse than being alone. I don't know how anybody stands it. People always act like I'm pathetic for being alone and I'm like "right, ok, whatever." :heh:
(I am secretly having a great time being alone and "pathetic", don't tell anybody.)
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Jun 5, 2019
I am very isolated. I have some 'paid friends'. Support workers. I call my parents and talk to them fairly often. I don't see them that much though. I live alone.
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Jun 8, 2019
Because of my seizures and other health issues I can't work anymore, and all my friends have slowly drifted away. I leave my house maybe once a month (other than to walk the dog). I do live with my family though, but I just spend as much time in my room as possible, especially since it's getting progressively more painful to walk.

I always think I want human interaction but when I get around people I quickly remember how draining they are.
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Jimmy Smith
Jun 9, 2019
I have 6 siblings. 2 of them, me and our mom live in the same house but I barely talk to them or even leave my room much, so I don't really see them more than a few minutes a day. At school I just listen to music in breaks, or sometimes I take a book from home and read. Never talk with any of my classmates (I'm a bit older than them as I had to repeat grades in elementary school so I really don't think we'd have much in common anyway). I used to have 2 friends from middle school, we still talk, but rarely, and we never see each other. That's a shame cause I do miss them a lot. Other than that, my internet friend, we plan on meeting in the summer.
I guess you could say I'm pretty lonely.
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Mar 23, 2019
I have family and friends, I just don't do more than text them. I prefer to keep to myself.
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May 28, 2019
isolated to an almost ridiculous level. no friends or acquaintances as a child, a complete refusal to socialize (to the dismay of every adult around me). then i got taken off school and even online i was an absolute failure at making friends. either we don't talk anymore, or they turned out to be pedophiles, or i don't want talk to them again. sometimes all three. nowadays i hold conversatins with exactly two people that i could never consider "friends" (i don't actually know what that is, the word seems to mean nothing), much less enjoy talking to. i should add that i have an embarassingly cynical view of relationships in general. when i talk to someone, none of it feels real. i used to stay inside for months when i was younger. now i have to leave twice a month for "school" duties and even that seems dreadful and overwhelming to me. whatever i try now, it's just going to come off as weird. there have been many excruciating failed attempts at picking up hobbies or socializing or doing anything at all in the past few years, and every time i did it i just felt like a serial killer trying to mingle with the crowd. or some grotesque escaped test subject. even when the perfect chance for a "true friendship" just falls into my lap, something i imagine most people here would kill for, i managed to completely botch it. i don't deserve chances. i am completely incapable of feeling someone's love or affection, to me those things are nothing more than primal and impulsive and terrifying biological processes. i feel i'm almost doing people a favor by sparing them the experience of talking with or looking at me.
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Jun 3, 2019
Isolated, definitely by choice ( if mental illness counts as a choice to isolate myself) lonely, I don't think so.

I mean, I work in customer service so I put on my fake persona ( happy go lucky) during my shift, then I come home and turn my phone to silent and rarely return calls or texts. I have 2 friends who I can talk to ( about the real me) sometimes, but they don't live anywhere near me. Other than that everybody I know here aren't close. I find myself constantly lying when someone asks to do something. I tell them oh I'm busy doing..... when In all actuality I'm going home to be a hermit.

I think I would like to be a 'normal' person and want to hang out with people, but being alone in my misery seems right for some reason. Also there is all the drama when you're close to a lot of people, which I definitely don't miss.
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All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
Apart from mother not a single person i talk to, basically.
Father and Grandparents live on another town.
Friends? I lived on 3 different places and the people i met were like temporary aquaintances i had to drop everytime i moved.
In the place we settled in 10 years ago: the first 3 years of school were shit because i didn't like the school and i hated everyone in my class.
The next 3 years were high school and i met like 3 guys that i hanged around with.
After we finished school each took their own road and apart from some random encounters i never talked with them again.
In college (still ongoing), eh i talked with 2 guys but i get tired of people tbh and even though they tried to get me to go to parties with them i always said no or make an excuse and they eventually gave up.
Now i'm all by myself when it comes to social interaction.
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Conflicted Cat

Conflicted Cat

May 23, 2019
About as lonely and isolated as one can get. I've had people who I've fooled myself into believing that they were my "friends", but they really weren't. I don't even try to make friends anymore, nobody's ever like me at all, even just a little bit. Can't relate to anyone, and it sucks.
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