

Sep 30, 2020
As Einstein pointed out. It really is relative. But we know from thousands of years of study that the earth just be elliptical due to gravity
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Aug 18, 2020
I'm so curious about the universe surrounding us that I've read a lot about flat earth but still can't believe in that theory because there are so many experts who say the opposite but in the end, I will never be 100% sure.

Leaving that topic aside, I agree with you. Understanding life or maybe believing in things help a lot. I don't know if there's an afterlife but it sure was weird to be born in this world without being told. Also, there are so many religions and theories about the origin and the afterlife that I'd CTB to just learn the truth!

Fortunately, in the end, we will all know whether it's nothingness or somethingness.

I thought about that many times. I think many people of the "F-this world" mind have also at some point. Just to CTB so I can go and "talk to Jesus" my damn self. I have many questions for that guy, not trying to be blasfamous or be inconsiderate to that religion in saying something so harsh. It seems the knowledge here is limited. I feel its not limited but kept from us by groups or people who have deemed themselves more worthy than us. This is like saying im more important because I'm an American or I vote a certain way or I have So and such a job so my opinion counts more than say a newborn child in a third world country. To me thats not fair. We all came here for whatever reason. I feel on the topic of "nobody asked my permission to be here" that there is nothing wrong with that thought. However I would add that what if you yourself decided to come here, go through all this good and bad BS, tried to learn these lessons as best you can and make better of yourself by doing so. Then when "we" get here we are mindwiped for whatever reason. Possibly to find our way back and "live the journey" or whatever stupid metaphors, lol. I also know that I have no idea what is on the other side OR what kind of place we might have came from. which is good because when we know that we can start at zero like honest people and build bridges from there. Its hard here and it can suck big time. Hence this group and people like that suicide doctor guy (cant remember his name right now). Exploring thoughts seems to be the only thing we have after we realise this word is "poo poo".
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Oct 3, 2020
Power lines go BRRRRRRRRRR

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Aug 18, 2020

(Not trying to provoke, I ask that all the time.)

If I understand correctly, if one knows the earth is flat, then they know that there is an afterlife and that it will be positive? But, how does one know? Because they know the theory and believe it, or is it that if I decide the earth is flat, then I will know?

But it could be bad, so if I were to believe the earth is flat, I don't feel like there's a safety net in this and that it will be ok. Only that there's something next. To quote A Christmas Story, "It could be anything! It could be a bowling alley!"


At this point I feel like I'm reading an attempt for cult indoctrination. I'm not joking. There are guides with answers, the flattery of specialness (sensitivity), appeals to unity, a promise of a kind of heaven, special knowledge, and a love bomb. Combined with the wall of text and the other inconsistencies, well, it's hard to see the original post through all the red flags flying.

Is there a group you're a member of? Does it have levels of increasing specialness based on giving and sacrifice? Is there a leader?

OP, I'm genuinely not trolling you or taking the piss. I'm analytical and skeptical no matter the subject. I'm not throwing any sarcasm or attitude your way, I prefer to use an overtly dry sense of humor when I'm being shitty. I have no respect for intentionally covert shittiness.

Whew! Lots of questions! Ok. The first one is hard and im still learning all the options with posting and reply and blah blah. Flat earth is a very hard, and interesting, and not surprisingly misunderstood by many people. You have to go through all the hate. You have to go over things you've learned and question other possibilities. You get to learn how other people think. You get to explore another perspective in this life while being here which I think is a gift but opinions are like assholes. First it's not a cult. There are no dues or church donations. Second not all agree on exactly the same thing even while agreeing on the same general ideas. Flat earth is a split camp. There is the flat earth society and then there is the flat earth community or flat earth movement depending on what one would label it. The flat earth society is like a church kinda like scientology in a way. They have rules and such and dont seem to build or explore new ideas. Many think its a place to strictly make flat earth seem stupid. The flat earth community is an ever growing and sharing group with no leader and no one source of power. There are stupid People in EVERY group though. There are kids who write this Sigel or manifest and sign it in blood. Not lots of blood but a nick on the finger. IMO there is so much to go through that most people stop early because they decide on one way or the other. You have to look up nasa stuff for the last 50 year's, you have to look at several religions Hebrew Christian Budism Hindu ECT, you have to look at maps, and look at cultures, you have to look through censorship of history, you have to look at NWO (new world order) and things like this. The General idea is that it's not that the earth is flat and moving in space but that outer space itself is not a part of our reality. A person obviously has to make up their own mind just like everything else. Many religions and cultures depict this place as a pit stop between worlds. So not only will we go but we also came from somewhere. Are they the same place? I have no idea. Are they safe places or negative? That's a good question. I would have zero knowledge of that as well but I hope to hell it will be better than this place. On that thought this place is soooooo nice! Its beautiful here! Its just the way people treat each other that really drives away the tourists, lol. Also its not "deciding" the earth is flat but I get what you're saying. It seems to me that this is an enclosed system like a machine. The point of the machine is so that life/conscious beings like the food chain can be here at all. Sun makes food, food makes life, everyone gets to have booty. So we live in this natural machine and during that time we think and learn and be bad or good or grow or devolve on a conscious level. I dont think there are sins. I also dont think there are punishments for sins but again I have no idea just being hopeful. I also feel in looking at flat earth topics you get what you bring like Luke and that stupid cave with that stupid puppet. If You bring evil everywhere then why would you think you would find anything good. I would suggest to anyone to ditch the inner conflict first, then search after said objective, knowledge, or whatever. There are a big list of things all flat earthers say which can make it look like a cult from afar. I feel they are inside jokes and so they come off as smug sayings. They get repeated to help new people even though they dont get the intensions yet which can also come off as a cult like behavior. What killed me is atheists Christians Muslims and so one were coming to the same conclusions. Not because of those back grounds but because the subject matter speaks fot itself. The real question is would somebody look even though its frowned upon to go against the norm? Would you alienate yourself even if that seemed like a more obvious answer to flat or globe? The fact is not many can do that, leave the hate, be alienated, leave the safety blanket of mummy and daddy and society. What I did was sit on the fence as I went through all the arguments and picked nobody's side. Like those trees in LOTR. I saw them argue and insult and ignore each other so I could study the subject and investigate one topic at a time and figure out what was really going on. Like I said.... It's hard. I dont know what sources I would site offhand. I lnow if you look up "flat earth PDF books for free", you will find a bunch to put in your phone. Then You can just browse through at your leisure. Eric dubay has a good book and there are several others. As far as videos look up flat earth presentations. Also look up Jeranism "nasa going nowhere since 1958". There are so many. Also what got me is the elders who have talked about this for a long time. Old people can be smart. Also YT has been censoring the hell out of flat earthers for about 4 years. You don't tell the kids that the dog went to grammas only to let them dig up the dog. If You like challenges look it up. It will cost time and that can get annoying. If I get a chance I'll think of more sources if you want. Its supposed to be a journey though like Taylor Swift or that other bimbo Cirus was singing about.
That video raises a valid point about the relativity of mass extension.
For a proton or muon travelling near the speed of light towards the earth, the earth would undergo length contraction from the reference frame of the muon/proton, and appear flat.
Given that there are no privileged frames of reference in the universe, it is just as true to say the earth is spherical as to say it is flat.

Lol. Fair enough. But to solve a mystery like Scooby Doo, don't you need all sides of the story?
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Aug 18, 2020

(Not trying to provoke, I ask that all the time.)

If I understand correctly, if one knows the earth is flat, then they know that there is an afterlife and that it will be positive? But, how does one know? Because they know the theory and believe it, or is it that if I decide the earth is flat, then I will know?

But it could be bad, so if I were to believe the earth is flat, I don't feel like there's a safety net in this and that it will be ok. Only that there's something next. To quote A Christmas Story, "It could be anything! It could be a bowling alley!"


At this point I feel like I'm reading an attempt for cult indoctrination. I'm not joking. There are guides with answers, the flattery of specialness (sensitivity), appeals to unity, a promise of a kind of heaven, special knowledge, and a love bomb. Combined with the wall of text and the other inconsistencies, well, it's hard to see the original post through all the red flags flying.

Is there a group you're a member of? Does it have levels of increasing specialness based on giving and sacrifice? Is there a leader?

OP, I'm genuinely not trolling you or taking the piss. I'm analytical and skeptical no matter the subject. I'm not throwing any sarcasm or attitude your way, I prefer to use an overtly dry sense of humor when I'm being shitty. I have no respect for intentionally covert shittiness.

I added this link. There is a set of source material that was compiled into several videos equaling about 10 hours and it covers a lot of subjects. Its intention was very smug but that story seems dumb to me. The series is called flat earth questions answers or something. This is the Jeranism link im putting here. I will try to put both but like I said I'm still learning how to reply and navigate this site. As for wether or not you "convert" or not. I'll tell you honestly "I really dont fucking care" but I do think it helps with expanding one's knowledge and I dont lile being lied to so I keep my head up and be as honest as I can. I love everyone in this stupid life. Not because I'm dumb or naive but because all these people hurting makes me realise I have the opportunity to either help or watch them suffer. I dont like that people are in pain here so I try to help. Changing a mind and a heart is something I can do for free. Hence the original post. I was really trying to help people to give them an alternative insight should they decide to CTB or tough it out. Anyway this is from "FLAT EARTH International Conference" channel on youtube. This is a good channel for looking up presentations. Some are long but it helps you learn the arguments and gives you a good place to start.

This is from the set of videos covering many subjects and its recent.

From that video you could find the rest of the set.



You get to learn how other people think. You get to explore another perspective in this life while being here which I think is a gift but opinions are like assholes. First it's not a cult. There are no dues or church donations. Second not all agree on exactly the same thing even while agreeing on the same general ideas. Flat earth is a split camp. There is the flat earth society and then there is the flat earth community or flat earth movement depending on what one would label it. The flat earth society is like a church kinda like scientology in a way. They have rules and such and dont seem to build or explore new ideas. Many think its a place to strictly make flat earth seem stupid.
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Awkward & weird
Jul 5, 2020
Oh man, you touched on a really sensitive subject. I hate conspiracy theories and flat earth is one of the most obvious one. Actually I don't know if I encountered more absurd theory. Oh, maybe the reptilian humoids. Anyway I wouldn't be so against them if they didn't try to argue with scientists so aggresively. Flat earth society is definitely not a good thing. They're full of hypocrisy, deception and hatred. It's all because they are not able to understand science. So their thinking is 'If I can't understand Earth is round then nobody can neither!'. I hate this way of thinking.

Come on, if you are on this site then you must be a smart person. Maybe they gave you a feeling of being needed but it's all a lie! You should admit flat earth community is nothing but a bunch of liars, trying to turn normal people into freaks! Don't believe in this bulls**t. It's the worst thing ever. You have to abandon these toxic people!
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Oct 2, 2020
This is not the thread I was expecting when I opened the site
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Aug 18, 2020
Ive not looked into it so cant have an opinion.
But if the earth is actually flat, would a viable ctb method be to just walk off the edge at the north or south pole? Or one of the other edges?

So, the general idea or consensus from a few people is that there is not an edge that can be jumped from. Think more in terms of a snow globe. The argument is that outer space itself does not exist. So then the question is, how does the soul of a man or animal get into that type of place. The north pole is at the center and many people seem to think there might be a tunnel heading upwards to heaven but that remains to be seen. That would be a way to CTB but if that were a viable method we would hear about people doing that in theory. The South pole is more of a boundary line of the outside of the play area. In the middle is all the land. When You go up you can only go so high. The sun and moon are "stuck" in here with us and rotate around in a cycle making seasons and causing life such as plants and the food chain to survive. It's a heavy subject. Some go look just for the entertainment value and some are looking for God. Point is, we are stuck here to learn from here. We are meant to go over thoughts and feelings. We are meant to experience and try to make sense of all the new ideas and conditions and views and so on. Do you play with mostly animals and ignore people or do you stay deep inside the social structure and be the beat social butterfly you can be? Do you help the poor? Do you join the military? Do you club baby seals? So on and so on. Everything is a chance to learn. The crappy part is we treat each other like crap. You cant seem to trust anybody including family. It would be a hell of a way to CTB if there was an edge though. You would be like the Virgin in the volcano or those guys from Fury Road with the spray painted teeth.
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Sep 28, 2020
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Aug 18, 2020
I just hope to god if there's a place after this that it's not worse. I'm not religious at all, yet come CTB time I always end up worrying about it, horrible. After this experience we've had, it's surprising to find people on SS of all places that welcome a repeat!!

I personally dont think sin is a punishable offense but thats just me. I also hope there is not a worse place after going through all the hell we go through here. I think CTB is an option allowed by powers that be if those exist. Its only society that says it's bad or we will be punished for it. What about kids who are only alive for a day? Do they get punished? I do think there is a higher point to being here. What that is exactly I do not know. People wanting to die just to start over here is strange but look at the structure here. Only the rich and powerful seem happy. Why not take a chance to come back as a prince or the daughter of a car dealership owner? Then you have the power to tell more people to go away. I also think it's a form of self hatred and we can all feel that way at times. It seems to come with depression. But heres the biggest problem, this place is not bad. This place is absolutely awesome. Its only the circumstances and feelings and disagreements that make someone not want to be here anymore. If You were here alone for let's say 10 years you could enjoy the whole thing without anybody else's BS. You could walk or drive across the world. You could take pictures of all the animals and feed them or eat them or whatever. You could see the bugs hatch and the whales have new babies. You could watch the clouds without worrying about the 9 to5. In that type of scenario, what would make you think that the power that made that made a crappy world for when you pass from here? Its hard to see the world as a great place while being in all these dumb negative situations we find ourselves in. Those are temporary. You wont be in those situations forever. Hopefully we get a break in the next place. Hopefully we get along better there.
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Apr 5, 2018
I appreciate the entertainment value of this thread. Take these reacts as a token of my gratitude.
:heart: :hug:;-;:angry:
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