I saw that petition, it's about a mom who lose her daughter after she come to this website. She said is the website fault if her daughter ctb. But at no time does she question herself about her personal responsibility on the lost of her daughter.
I hate people like that, it's like "It's not my fault if I not helped her before it was too late, it's the fault of the other to helped her !" ... stupid humanity.
I have known a similar situation 15yrs ago, a classmate ended his life because of his parent, he hated them because his parents were psycho.
After the event, all the parents discussed together and find that was because he played too much at video games, so all parents banned their children for playing video games.
But in the class we knew that the games were only a way out of this hell for him, he played that much because he wanted to leave the real world for some hour.
It was his parents fault, not the video games, and maybe our fault too to not helped him as he needed at the moment. But his parent never admit the truth and always blame the others for that.
So for parents : it's not the website or any other exterior factors fault, it's YOUR fault to not help your children when they needed it. They need to be supported, encouraged, advised, and not judged for every single thing that you don't like on them. They are them, you are you, they don't see the world like you want to and you have to accept it.
note : I know it's not that simple, but I'm still very angry against the parents of my old classmate to never admit that was their fault when every teens of the village said them the truth.