Except in the graph you posted, numeric and verbal ability seems to peak at around age... 46? That's a pretty far cry from 25. Fluid intelligence and cognitive ability peaks in early 20s, this is pretty well known.
This is nightmarish. I feel so much for you older folk. The thought of being so disconnected from all community is in a way scarier than dying itself. I at least hope you got to experience something beautiful, at least once, in your life. Experiencing something beautiful has always made me feel more connected to others, even if I was the only one to witness and experience it. I don't know, I've been imagining how I would feel if I was in this situation. This is probably the only thing that would make me feel "better". I wouldn't even use the term "better", actually -- more like "whole". Just to feel ever so slightly more human before you ctb. Always remember, nothing was squandered, and you'll pass with peace.
Thank you for your kind words. Unfortunately beautiful experiences have eluded me. I've never been a fully independent adult because of physical and mental illness. I've never known the love of parents or what it's like to be a part of a family. Never married no kids, never been in love. Never had a place to call home.
Currently living in a very abusive situation, too sick to fight back and have nowhere else to go.
I feel like shit physically 24/7. My body is waging war on me. The list goes on.
To me suicide is a gift. I've fought very hard but I'm exhausted. Enough is enough. The only reason I'm still here is the dogs I take care of where I live. They're technically not even mine but if I were to ctb they'd be totally on their own and be lucky to get fed everyday, like they were before I moved into this prison. They're 18, 15, and 14. One is diabetic and going blind and another's kidneys are failing. They're a shit ton of work but if I don't take care of them no one else would and I just can't abandon them. Every day for me is absolutely unbearable. I'm get so hammered down. I'm being royally exploited. And the evil witch who owns the place who puts me through such hell, well she's doing just great. She has a loving family, great job. The dogs are hers but she can't be bothered with them. I don't know why she even got them. They were confined to a tiny spot on the side of the house and were outside day and night rain or shine. Now they sleep inside with me. I have at least improved their lives. One of them wouldn't be alive without me. They're the closest thing to a family I have.
Finally, probably one of the most painful things is that I have no relationships with any blood relatives. I talk to my chain smoking meth head mom occasionally but it's always contentious. She's cold. She's resented my existence from day one. My dad wants nothing to do with me. I haven't seen him in three years. He's actually suggested that I ctb.
Why shouldn't I be able to get euthanasia and have a peaceful exit.