This week I tried and I've been trying to get used to what I'm going to do at the time of ctb, I tried earlier to put a belt on my neck and tighten a little and I just felt my strange head, I can't have the feeling of fainting, later I'll try again, I'm afraid that when I'm really ctb I won't be able to find the right point..
You may need to practice a little more if you're able. First, about the right spot, feel along your adam's apple and find your pulse. That's most likely the correct spot. I know for myself that my "sweet spot" is towards the lower half of my adam's apple.
There's also the issue of putting your whole weight into it. You won't feel like you're passing out if you're not putting everything into the belt. For me, I just lean in and relax, that way, all of my weight is going into the belt and I'm not holding back. Also, make sure the belt is pressing against both sides of the adams apple, as one side doesn't do anything.
Again, this is what works for me, and you will probably have to find what works for you if you decide to keep using this method. Best of luck in whatever you choose
Honestly, hanging scares me because it looks like it's painful. Plus, I don't really know the science of it enough to ensure it'd break my neck at the right place and time. My method is a firearm. There are risks in it as well, but it's easier to research and prepare properly. I've set a date, location, and time to do it as well. I wish you luck and no pain if possible.
Short suspension doesn't necessarily have to break the neck, it's all about making sure no blood reaches the head. As for long drop, it might but I'm not sure since it also kinda scares me haha
I've been testing short drop for years and it's absolutely viable, but it does take some trial an error to get it right.