
Aug 21, 2024
So, the day of my cbt is closing in and since i can't get a hold of a firearm, which is the route i would've prefered, or a fent overdose, which i can't get a hold of either, i will go by full suspension hanging. But the fear of not losing consciousness and hang there for several minutes in extreme pain until i eventually suffocate have made me consider snorting some heroin and wait untill it kicks in and then step of to hopefully take away most of the horrible pain on the throat and overall just numb me down, and who knows, maybe it will knock me out and i won't even have to feel the hanging part.

But then another worry emerge, and that is that nausea and vomiting isn't that uncommon from stronger opioids, and if i won't lose consciousness and my body starts to try ane vomit when the rope cuts of my throat/air supply, i quess that it would result in that the vomit would end up in my lunges, making those minutes untill i pass out from suffocating even worse/painful. So do you guys believe taking an antiemetic drug like promethazine an hour or so before the heroin would prevent this?

Another alternative would be alcohol, but not to the point were i get super drunk and dizzy, but it's not a near as potent painkiller as heroin. So how would you guys go about this? Odds are that the rope will cut off the blood supply to my head and make me lose consciousness in seconds, but then again, there's cases were this doesn't happen amd you just suffocate.

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