
Dec 27, 2021
I don't understand why you expect anyone to care about you when you have repeatedly admitted that you don't care about consequences on anyone or anything besides yourself. You wouldn't lift a finger to save the entire world yet expect everyone to be sympathetic towards your minor inconvenience of wearing a mask.

I don't expect you to care about me. I expect you to shut up and leave me alone to live my life in peace. I do not want your approval, I want your tolerance of my existence, no more.
1) No one is going to burn you as a witch. That is not a thing.

2) Why on earth are you seeking validation from people who you know disagree with you? For that matter, if you don't care whether you're infecting me with a nasty disease, why should I care if you feel validated about it?

3) Intentionally maximizing others' risk of serious disease or death is idiotic. Don't.

1) Historical revisionism.
2) I don't care what you feel about me. I don't care what you believe. I care about what you will do, and so far you've said nothing to indicate you are capable of tolerating the existence of any dissenting positions at all.
3) What I choose to do, or not do, or believe, or not believe is NONE OF YOUR GOD DAMN BUSINESS.


Seriously, people I am tired of responding to all this self-righteous Nazi bullshit.


I am sure you are as righteous as St. Fauci himself (peace be unto his name), I just don't care.
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Sep 16, 2021
We all need space to speak our truths.

Public health orders are so authoritarian! If I want to diarrhea in a public pool or shit on the sidewalk, I will. It's my right. Utensils at buffets? Hell no, I'll grab that spaghetti and meatballs with my bare hands and if I don't like the looks of it, I'll put it back. Bodily autonomy. I didn't get the measles as a kid through sheer determination and perseverance. I wasn't allowed in public schools.

Abolish all traffic laws too. They do nothing and I'm late for work like twice a week cause I can't drive on the sidewalk. No one ever agrees to some limits on freedoms for the collective safety. What an absurd notion. No successful society in history has functioned like this. I am persecuted for my truth. They make me cover my mouth. Or they made me. I see now the foundations of society are crumbling.
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Dec 27, 2021
We all need space to speak our truths.

Public health orders are so authoritarian! If I want to diarrhea in a public pool or shit on the sidewalk, I will. It's my right. Utensils at buffets? Hell no, I'll grab that spaghetti and meatballs with my bare hands and if I don't like the looks of it, I'll put it back. Bodily autonomy. I didn't get the measles as a kid through sheer determination and perseverance. I wasn't allowed in public schools.

Abolish all traffic laws too. They do nothing and I'm late for work like twice a week cause I can't drive on the sidewalk. No one ever agrees to some limits on freedoms for the collective safety. What an absurd notion. No successful society in history has functioned like this. I am persecuted for my truth. They make me cover my mouth. Or they made me. I see now the foundations of society are crumbling.

Good for you!

But, I remind you I've committed no crime other than intent to engage in unlicensed breathing.
I am not an anarchist, but there has to be some limit to this madness.
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Sep 16, 2021
Good for you!

Thank you!

But, I remind you I've committed no crime other than intent to engage in unlicensed breathing.
I am not an anarchist, but there has to be some limit to this madness.

You are not the hero we need, but you're the hero we deserve. I'll leave you to it. I'll just end with a poem.

First they made me wear a mask and I said nothing, for I was not a mask.

Then they made me get a vaccine and I said nothing, for I was not a vaccine.

Then COVID came for me but there was nobody left to speak up for me but I was fine because I'm vaccinated and wore a mask during the height of the pandemic.

But fuck that shit. Amirite?

- Anonymous Patriot
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Dec 27, 2021
You are not the hero we need, but you're the hero we deserve. I'll leave you to it. I'll just end with a poem.

I am sorry, but I really don't see the point you are trying to make with your poem.

I get that you're making a reference to Martin Niemöller's, "First They Came...". But, I just don't see your point.
I also get that you're making reference to Nolan's Batman, but again, I don't see the point of the reference.
( I am not entirely sure you've really tried to think about the point of either work. )

I am not claiming to be a hero.
If you think you're position is heroic, or if you're trying to cast yourself as the defender of the downtrodden, well, all I can say is that I disagree. You are not being heroic here, indeed, I find you loathsome.

How about this quote from C.S. Lewis, the applicability of which shouldn't be too obscure -

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."
― C. S. Lewis
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Sep 16, 2021
I am sorry, but I really don't see the point you are trying to make with your poem.

I get that you're making a reference to Martin Niemöller's, "First They Came...". But, I just don't see your point.
I also get that you're making reference to Nolan's Batman, but again, I don't see the point of the reference.
( I am not entirely sure you've really tried to think about the point of either work. )

That's okay. It was a joke and humour is subjective. There are many things outside of understanding for all of us. Like public health science, for example.

I was contrasting real tyranny with your so called tyranny of mask mandates with the poem. The Batman quote was an inverse of the actual quote, I'm basically saying our society deserves the anti-intellectual viewpoints put forth by you and your ilk. I was mocking your position.

I am not claiming to be a hero.
If you think you're position is heroic, or if you're trying to cast yourself as the defender of the downtrodden, well, all I can say is that I disagree. You are not being heroic here, indeed, I find you loathsome.

I never claimed to be a hero nor do I think I'm being heroic lol. If anything, based on my input in this thread, I am an asshole. At least I recognize it. I am pretty loathsome to be fair. Clearly if I was a defender of the downtrodden I would be on your side.

How about this quote from C.S. Lewis, the applicability of which shouldn't be too obscure -

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."
― C. S. Lewis

Oh my sweet summer child, I pray you never encounter real tyranny.
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Dec 27, 2021
That's okay. It was a joke and humour is subjective. There are many things outside of understanding for all of us. Like public health science, for example.

I was contrasting real tyranny with your so called tyranny of mask mandates with the poem. The Batman quote was an inverse of the actual quote, I'm basically saying our society deserves the anti-intellectual viewpoints put forth by you and your ilk. I was mocking your position.

I never claimed to be a hero nor do I think I'm being heroic lol. If anything, based on my input in this thread, I am an asshole. At least I recognize it. I am pretty loathsome to be fair. Clearly if I was a defender of the downtrodden I would be on your side.

Oh my sweet summer child, I pray you never encounter real tyranny.

Now you're just trolling. If you think really think you're being kind, friendly, helpful, or persuasive in anyway, you're just stupid.

If I you told I was depressed and having suicidal thoughts because my dog died, and your response was to mock me and then assert you were justified because as a member of PETA you thought owning pets is immoral and thus you were serving a greater good, I would say you are a horrible person.

Well, you are a horrible person.

If your justification for your particular brand of petty tyranny is that there are worse, that pretty much confirms it.

( The fact that your final zinger, 'sweet summer child', just happens to also be a reference to a work one of whose primary themes is the danger of tyranny that a arises out of good intentions kinda confirms that you're stupid too, eh, Kalisi? )
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Sep 16, 2021
Now you're just trolling. If you think really think you're being kind, friendly, helpful, or persuasive in anyway, you're just stupid.

What? No of course not. I am not trying to be kind, friendly, helpful or persuasive lol. Nothing I have posted in this thread has been anything of the sort. I thought that was pretty clear from the jump. But of course I am stupid so there's that. That might be why you missed it.

If I you told I was depressed and having suicidal thoughts because my dog died, and your response was to mock me and then assert you were justified because as a member of PETA you thought owning pets is immoral and thus you were serving a greater good, I would say you are a horrible person.

Well, you are a horrible person.

I would not do that but if this weird hypothetical you've created in your head helps you cope and confirms my horribleness then carry on.

If your justification for your particular brand of petty tyranny is that there are worse, that pretty much confirms it.

( The fact that your final zinger, 'sweet summer child', just happens to also be a reference to a work one of whose primary themes is the danger of tyranny that a arises out of good intentions kinda confirms that you're stupid too, eh, Kalisi? )

Understand Captain America GIF

It is known Khaleesi.

come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
I don't expect you to care about me. I expect you to shut up and leave me alone to live my life in peace. I do not want your approval, I want your tolerance of my existence, no more.
I tolerate your existence complying with societal health and safety protocols such as wearing a mask when required. 🙂


Dec 27, 2021
I tolerate your existence complying with societal health and safety protocols such as wearing a mask when required. 🙂

Not good enough. Not even close. This is not funny, it's chilling.

I am not afraid of the virus, never have been. Objectively, it's just not that scary, even less so now that the vaccines and effective treatments are available. But, I am genuinely terrified of you. It's possible you are too stupid to understand why your joke is an exemplar of the attitude that gave me the nightmares that started the thread. But I suspect, possibly, there is a subtle psychological motivation even you yourself may be unaware of.

Could it be that you are, on some deep level, thrilled that you are frightening in this way? After all, wouldn't that give you power? Power to work for this greater good that you are so certain of? Thus you could be both cruelly callous and heroic at the same time. Oh, how clever! How good! How righteous!

How can you know? Even secretly, within yourself, that you have not fallen into this trap? What are you? What have you become? How can you know?

Then again, it's very likely that you are both stupid and corrupted in this twisted way at the same time.

I don't care about understanding you so I can convince you, or change your mind. I only seek to understand you so I can protect myself from whatever it is you actually are. Maybe you intended no threat. Maybe you are a truly are a monster and did intend your implicit threat. It doesn't really matter.

come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
Not good enough. Not even close. This is not funny, it's chilling.

I am not afraid of the virus, never have been. Objectively, it's just not that scary, even less so now that the vaccines and effective treatments are available. But, I am genuinely terrified of you. It's possible you are too stupid to understand why your joke is an exemplar of the attitude that gave me the nightmares that started the thread. But I suspect, possibly, there is a subtle psychological motivation even you yourself may be unaware of.

Could it be that you are, on some deep level, thrilled that you are frightening in this way? After all, wouldn't that give you power? Power to work for this greater good that you are so certain of? Thus you could be both cruelly callous and heroic at the same time. Oh, how clever! How good! How righteous!

How can you know? Even secretly, within yourself, that you have not fallen into this trap? What are you? What have you become? How can you know?

Then again, it's very likely that you are both stupid and corrupted in this twisted way at the same time.

I don't care about understanding you so I can convince you, or change your mind. I only seek to understand you so I can protect myself from whatever it is you actually are. Maybe you intended no threat. Maybe you are a truly are a monster and did intend your implicit threat. It doesn't really matter.
It's more disturbing that you have admitted to not caring about any social issues affecting anyone aside from yourself.

A narcissist like you doesn't deserve to have other people look out for their concerns, therefore I have no interest in your concerns, nor do I care how scared you are by my comments.
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Dec 27, 2021
... I have no interest in your concerns, nor do I care how scared you are by my comments.

I've been thinking about our recent exchanges. I was thinking about the question I asked last time about you who are and why you say the things you do.

I am still here, in this thread, because I have to be. My suicidal ideation is real, and this has helped me enormously to process my own thinking and my own response to the trauma of Covid, and it's related mass-hysteria. I've needed this. I don't like it, but it has been necessary. But the question of why you are still here remains.

Two years ago, I would have given you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you were just another traumatized, frightened person dealing with their own issues. We'd have reached different conclusions, because of our different fears, different beliefs about what is important in life. We'd have disagreed, argued, maybe gained something from the exchange.

But, I just don't believe in you anymore. All the sane people have moved on. If you're still here, over two years later, telling me that I am a bad person for not being scared of Covid, the only logical explanation is that you're a troll. You just get off on telling me that I am a bad person. And, like I said before, it doesn't really even matter if it's because you're stupid, malicious, or both. You're still just a troll either way.

Of course you don't care if your comments are threatening, or traumatizing, or kind, or useful, or polite, or even legal, because you are a troll.
No real human being would act the way you do. I know humans. I don't like them, but I am familiar with them enough to realize (belatedly) you aren't one.

So, you are troll. And, you have some troll-ish agenda. But, the thing is, I couldn't possibly care less what you're trying to achieve here: changing my behavior, changing how I live or vote, or just making be feel bad. It doesn't matter, because, ultimately, whatever you're purpose is, it's just some troll shit.

So with regards to the OP, yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and hold my nose and vote for some otherwise shitty Republican gubernatorial candidate who opposed mask mandates. The current governor was wrong. And, this issue really did matter to me a lot. This is how democracy is supposed to work.

And I am gonna try and stop arguing with trolls on the internet, Goddess so help me.

come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
I've been thinking about our recent exchanges. I was thinking about the question I asked last time about you who are and why you say the things you do.

I am still here, in this thread, because I have to be. My suicidal ideation is real, and this has helped me enormously to process my own thinking and my own response to the trauma of Covid, and it's related mass-hysteria. I've needed this. I don't like it, but it has been necessary. But the question of why you are still here remains.

Two years ago, I would have given you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you were just another traumatized, frightened person dealing with their own issues. We'd have reached different conclusions, because of our different fears, different beliefs about what is important in life. We'd have disagreed, argued, maybe gained something from the exchange.

But, I just don't believe in you anymore. All the sane people have moved on. If you're still here, over two years later, telling me that I am a bad person for not being scared of Covid, the only logical explanation is that you're a troll. You just get off on telling me that I am a bad person. And, like I said before, it doesn't really even matter if it's because you're stupid, malicious, or both. You're still just a troll either way.

Of course you don't care if your comments are threatening, or traumatizing, or kind, or useful, or polite, or even legal, because you are a troll.
No real human being would act the way you do. I know humans. I don't like them, but I am familiar with them enough to realize (belatedly) you aren't one.

So, you are troll. And, you have some troll-ish agenda. But, the thing is, I couldn't possibly care less what you're trying to achieve here: changing my behavior, changing how I live or vote, or just making be feel bad. It doesn't matter, because, ultimately, whatever you're purpose is, it's just some troll shit.

So with regards to the OP, yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and hold my nose and vote for some otherwise shitty Republican gubernatorial candidate who opposed mask mandates. The current governor was wrong. And, this issue really did matter to me a lot. This is how democracy is supposed to work.

And I am gonna try and stop arguing with trolls on the internet, Goddess so help me.
All it really comes down to is that I don't see any point to give sympathy to someone (you) who doesn't care about anyone other than themselves. Instead I think calling them out on their selfishness is more sensible.


Dec 27, 2021
All it really comes down to is that I don't see any point to give sympathy to someone (you) who doesn't care about anyone other than themselves. Instead I think calling them out on their selfishness is more sensible.

It is not true that I only care about myself, there are many people in the world for whom I care very much. (There are also a lot of awful people for whom I don't. Sorry, but you're one of the latter.)

The notion that only people who agree with yourself care (or can care) about anyone, or anything is very, very wrong. Indeed, I believe, it is, in a nutshell, the great fatal defect of the human species. I may be wrong about Covid, but that doesn't not mean I am heartless, or completely amoral, and therefore worthless.

This idea, that only those who share one's beliefs can have moral worth, is the very flaw upon which our damnation hangs. The future of civilization and, ultimately, the survival of humankind, depends entirely, and only, on those precious few who escape this flaw. And, as far as we know, human consciousness may be it, the sole measure of all things. In which case, there is so much more at stake. Literally more that we can truly understand.

Covid is a disease. Diseases are bad. People die. But, that is nothing compared to the dangers of intolerance, autocratic orthodoxy, monarchy, theocracy, and monotheism. Calling it "the Science", and saying your beliefs are "really-really-really-scientifically-true-this-time" makes no difference. You are afflicted with the virus of intolerance, which truly is an existential threat (even a cosmic threat), Covid simply is not.

Perhaps you will escape your own intolerance, perhaps not, perhaps you don't want to. I don't know. I sincerely wish you well on your journey, but it's not my place to save you. May a star shine down upon you as the darkness falls. From what you've said so far, you're gonna need it.

The paradox of course is that this disease of intolerance actually is the flaw that makes people irredeemable, worthless, and thus, ultimately, intolerable. La vie est drole.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
I'm sorry, but you believing mask mandates and vaccinations to be authoritarian is disrespectful to the billions of people living in actual authoritarian regimes.
It was just a first step, they are introducing a new form of authoritarianism where the masses are as compliant as possible. If you didn't see it with the inconstitutional forced masking and the vaccine pressure with daily claims by the media and govt that you would lose your livelihood if not jabbed then you'll never see it. And it will have succeeded. A prison of invisible bars, where the prisoners are also the wardens.
Just wait until you find out about the Jews and the schemes they've been doing.... just kidding
They prefer to be called the International Ashkenazi Trust of Interdimensional Reptilians From Ancient Sumeria.
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