

Jan 24, 2019
I started going to therapy last year, anxiety and my personality in general make me somatize everything, i am sure I'm not a professional but I get to think that i am worst that I'm able to express , i don't really know how diagnosis works on the mental health field but I know sometimes it takes years to have one illness identified and that's honestly scaring for me.

Do you think you've been misdiagnosed?
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Mar 22, 2020
Yes, I did and I was right!
One psych said I suffered from schizophrenia, just like my mother but fortunately, I got another check-up and they realized I suffered from bipolar disorder type 1.

I've done lots of research and that's really my diagnosis. I'm really bipolar to live with it? Well, I'm really trying to.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
'Mental illnesses' are very easy to misdiagnose, and that's if you give them any credence to begin with. I don't put my faith in the authority of psychology or psychiatry and their countless, arbitrarily defined labels.
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Apr 3, 2019
Yeah. When I was 16, a psychiatrist said I was Bipolar after our first or second appointment. I'm not a genius when it comes to mental illnesses, but nobody who knows me thinks I'm bipolar, and I doubt I am. I don't have "highs", I have "okays" and baselines sometimes, and then anxiety can make me high-strung.

I haven't been told the same since then, but I didn't like that psychiatrist anyway. I think the diagnoses that have been suggested since then make more sense.

I understand your fear. I would just try your best to be honest and make sure that they're actually listening to you, and not assuming a bunch of things and making shit up. Don't be afraid to correct them, and also don't be afraid to get a second opinion if you believe that they're wrong with a diagnosis.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
My diagnosis should be "mental weakness, unfit for society" and the prescribed cure should be Nembutal.
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Dec 21, 2020
I haven't ever been able to get a diagnosis because no one ever seems to care about pursuing one unless I'm in and out of the hospital :/ But I would never be because there's no one around me that I talk to about how bad I'm doing. Doesn't mean my life hasn't been a never-ending rollercoaster through hell. But I isolate myself, so who would ever report me? If I make the decision to kill myself, no one is going to hear about it until it's already happened.

I had planned originally years ago, and my ex (just close friend at the time) caught on that something was wrong. I made the mistake of confiding in him and he just used it to blame me for how shitty he treated me during the relationship.
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Jul 16, 2020
Yes. They wrote down I had a psychotic episode even though I never did. So now I have it written in my medical record.. how helpful, now it's going to be even harder for any doctor to take me seriously.
I could go on and on but I hate remembering that time. It was terrible, 0/10 would not recommend.
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the view from halfway down
Apr 20, 2020
I'm fairly convinced I have BPD but I'm currently diagnosed bipolar. I think my mood swings are way too quick to be bipolar and the only mood stabilizer I have responded well to is lamictal which also works with BPD. I don't know how to bring it up without sounding like a self diagnosis though


Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Sometimes I think I have been wrongly diagnosed with bpd when I'm actually bipolar. What do I know tho eh?


shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I've been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder. One therapist tried to slap a label of Borderline on me, but she was an incompetent idiot. No therapist before or since has suggested such a batshit crazy thing.

BPD is one of those things therapists like to ascribe to their most "treatment-resistant" patients.

Basically kids, DO NOT get help at your uni's therapy office. Might as well go by Arby's for a beef 'n cheddar before driving to the bridge for a forever swim. Literally no point in trying.
'Mental illnesses' are very easy to misdiagnose, and that's if you give them any credence to begin with. I don't put my faith in the authority of psychology or psychiatry and their countless, arbitrarily defined labels.
If you haven't already, check out Mad in America, my friend.

Sometimes I think I have been wrongly diagnosed with bpd when I'm actually bipolar. What do I know tho eh?
Did you make things difficult for your therapist? Maybe suffer from anger issues as a woman?
One idiot tried to stick that on me too.
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Oct 26, 2019
Hi Blooming Dark - Yes. A doctor, for instance, imagined I was manic depressive, but I have never experienced anything I identify as "mania." Rather, it was the easiest label at hand for the doctor to pathologize my disagreements with him and with social institutions.


Also, echoing what Last Flowers said,
a psychiatric diagnosis, unlike a medical diagnosis, is never really about "cause", biologically. It's just a loose, subjective description of thoughts/behaviors, called symptoms, that can come from any cause at all,
my advice would be to never let any diagnosis, or lack of diagnosis, outweigh your own self-knowledge: your own sense of what therapies, drugs, lifestyle changes, or social supports would best address your suffering. You are the expert here.
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Oct 28, 2020
Yes. I've been diagnosed with so many things over the years that i now don't care what they label me as.
The labels they give me don't change or alter what's going on with me... they just help them fit me into some category so they can try to better understand or define me in order to treat me.
I've learned that they will not and cannot understand what's going on in me personally though they gave it a heck of a good try. *slow clap for them*
I'm so sarcastic sometimes.
One dr made the effort in 20+ years of being mentally ill-
Now having my physical illness misdiagnosed bothers me and i don't know why that is... probably because i have chronic pain issues and i think i actually may have MS and i've been misdiagnosed with fibro or i have both.. anyway... i have a lot of pain/physical stuff going on and getting that diagnosed properly has been a fight and a struggle.
Really though, mental illness and physical illness are just as important as each other so i guess i just realized how ingrained the stigma has been instilled in me to distegard my mental health but to take care of my physical health... :-/
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Now scheduled for deletion. Goodbye all
Oct 10, 2019
I got diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome back when I was 12. (Back when it existed, then they later took it out of the DSM and lumped everyone with Aspergers under general autism) I was a rather rebellious and eccentric tweenager/teenager and I understood social cues perfectly. I just didn't care for all the adults who told me how I feel without even asking me and the kids who were only interested in fashion and boys. I wanted to talk about nature, animals, art, philosophy, science, and a whole host of varied interests. I understood everyone perfectly, I just wasn't that interested in the type of friendship that was on offer at that age. I feel bad for people with really pronounced, classical autism because it seems like some psychiatrists will see anyone that is even slightly eccentric or a bit of a rebel and label them with autism. All you have to be nowadays is a little bit of a misfit. Lots of teenagers are awkward and nerdy. I think there are some tight criteria but some psychiatrists slap them on people without enough careful consideration or diagnostic exclusion of other things that might fit the person better and help them get more relevant info/help/a community of people who know what it's like.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
As others have said, the DSM and current classifications of "mental illnesses" are about as scientific as snake oil salesman giving their pitches.

So you have to take those sort of diagnoses with a grain of salt, unfortunately. You may find yourself in the position of having to seek the truth independently with the evidence that's available, because at the end of the day, all of these professionals are humans like the rest of us and they are not infallible or all knowing.

A lot of my pain could have been prevented if these so called experts had done their jobs properly or had any conception of duty of care. I was misdiagnosed with depression and anxiety as a 13/14 year old following chronic sexual abuse. Due to this error, I was unnecessarily medicated and invalidated, while my physical health festered.

For years, I had severe vitamin deficiencies. Yet, none of these expert doctors would send me off for a blood test until it was far too late. They told me I was depressed and I just hadn't found the right medications yet. I wasted so much of my youth sitting in therapy, being told that I was sad for no reason, when the reality was that I was suffering from physical ailments, autism, and ptsd.

By the time I finally was given a referal for laboratory testing, I had already developed CFS, likely due to my severely weakened immune system being unable to fight off influenza and EPV. I had essentially NO vitamin B12 or D in my blood. They had never seen serology results as shocking as mine before. Because of the chronic B12 insuffiency I likely have permanent nerve damage- but that's still only a theory.

Having those mental health diagnoses on my record ruined me and prevented me from getting any tangible assistance. By the time I had an official diagnosis of Autism, I was about to graduate secondary/high school, so it was too late for any interventions. I had to suffer so much torment and scorn from my teachers and peers, because they thought I was undisciplined and weird due to my sensory overloads, speech deficits lack of eye contact, and fidgety mannerisms.

It was so obvious that I had autism. Yet no one believed it until I had a signed note from a professional confirming it. The culture of authority worship is so ridiculous, you didn't need a psychologist's letter to be able to tell that I had significant speech and social delays.

Doctors continued to gaslight and invalidate me even after I was labeled as suffering from ptsd and autism instead. My CFS is dehabilitating and fucks me over regardless of mood, yet I was still told that my severe fatigue and neurological issues are a result of being depressed. I'm not depressed, I'm just in constant physical pain, which surprise surprise, makes you feel like utter shit!

When I started developing IBS, a gastroenterology specialist told me that I was just stressed and having boyfriend problems, then wouldn't give me any sort of treatment. Time and time again I get treated like I am crazy simply because these people don't have the answers. They don't know how to help someone with complex issues, so they have to accuse people of malingering or mental health issues to avoid liability or fracturing their fragile egos.

I wish they could be diagnosed with psychopathy!
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May 29, 2020
yes many times.. bipolar,aspergers,schizoaffective,paranoid schizophrenia,add,anxiety,depression. who knows which ones could be real i don't really care as it doesn't help anything


sweet adeline.
Apr 24, 2021
i've been switched between a diagnosis of schizophrenia and ocd multiple times. they literally tell me, every time: "we think you have schizophrenia, but we're going to diagnosis you with ocd anyways." nothing i can do about it. the medications they've put me on for it have probably made it worse. oh well.
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
When my sister was diagnosed when she was around age 2 with severe autism they ran a check on me to see if I had autism too. They also tested for add and various other things apparently and they found out that...I'm completely normal. Comes across as shocking considering how awkward I have been over the years I feel like I really must have some sort of higher spectrum autism but I guess it didn't show back then.

A diagnosis now for any condition wouldn't do me any good anyway since I'd probably just embrace whatever label and be annoying about it by making excuses for everything.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I have had physical health problems which have been dismissed as anxiety. It is common knowledge of doctors saying physical problems are all just in your head so they can dismiss you as quickly as possible and move on to the next patient. They just prescribe useless medication too. I do think misdiagnosis is very possible as many illnesses especially mental have overlapping symptoms so it is hard to distinguish.
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