
Nov 11, 2020
This is what i am currently doing. I Wake up , watch some porn , check my non existent messages on dating sites , freshen up, eat crap, then pc is on and its youtube / reddit/ this site/ movies/ games /checking non existent dating site messages/ Porn in bed and read some reddit ask reddits and interesting stuff and then sleep rinse and repeat except for gym 3 days a week at morning. This is my life for many years now, im just distracting until i find a method and some money to buy the tools.
Well the problem is not becoming homeless. I probably could apply for disability and get it as I have ASD and persistent depressive disorder. But it takes time to get accepted and my parents won't want me to be on disability they still have high expectations. I'm scared that they'd just kick me out if I applied as then I wouldn't be their responsibility.

But yeh, I've thought about being NEET. Just staying with my parents and trying to cope. Would ctb eventually. Can't imagine living to old age with this shitty life. Not even as in a bad spot as I was in a month ago. Still rough as hell. Maybe part of stress and anxiety would go away if I could just stay in parents house and only leave when I want too.

Agoraphobia, generalized anxiety, social anxiety, insomnia, ASD, and persistent depressive disorder means ill never have a normal life.

Even if I managed to overcome my Agoraphobia, depression, and anxiety. I'd still have ASD. Not to mention my anxiety, depression, and phobias are caused by my ASD and or are tied to it so I'd have to fix my ASD first. :/
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Transparency, you don't drop the micropenis thing on her until she asks that you take it to the next level. But like others who have told their SOs about their issues, they were closed minded to other alternatives such as strap-ons, dick sheathes, or sex toys in general because of perceived emasculation. But you know I've met people who crave foreplay and oral more than PIV. Just gotta figure out what she likes, and if she likes PIV more and that you can't provide or won't go into sex toy area, then just wish her well and break it off. Not every woman likes PIV.
^^^this. And there are women who do not want sex at all with anyone. It's just a matter of finding the right person.


Sep 28, 2020
Wrong, you just want a safe space and try to abuse calling everyone a troll who dares say things YOU don't like, grow up.
good bye, troll
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Dec 8, 2020
Yeah it's impossible to help tunnel vision neurotic quitters with no intent to better themselves.
Why can't people be creative when they're being assholes? I wanna see some Shakespeare-level insults, not this basic bullshit.

Ah well.
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Nov 11, 2020
i have a legit micropenis , no women will want me sexually and find me attrative . i am also 33 and no work experience i cant drive and was always bullied and made fun of due to my penis and social anxiety etc
What is considered a micro penis or what do you consider it to be rather?

Also I'd recommend stop watching porn.

A good example would be myself. My 7 inch dick seems small when all the other ones that I see in porn are 10-12 inches.

but once I stopped watching as much porn aswitched to more a mature and realistic like. You realize that the people in porn are unnatural/very few out of many.

As example, instead of comparing yourself to a pornstar which is unrealistic. You can compare yourself to something more realistic that makes you feel better.

It is no different then woman watching porn and feeling that they'll never compare.

I hope this made sense and I think there is procedure to make your dick longer if you really need too.

Also I'm sure some woman would prefer a fit dude with a good attitude and small dick then a douchebag with beer belly and big dick.

If you need ear feel free to shoot me a msg. I might not respond right away but I typically do within 24 hours as I try to help people. But I myself struggle with mental health issues and some days I will be in such a bad state where I'm having panic attacks and won't be in state to help.

I wish you best
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Jan 20, 2020
People must be watching some crazy porn. I've seen all sizes in porn to be honest, and a lot of the time it's average sizes. It really depends what you look at. It's saddening society makes men so self conscious about it. I honestly think women will care less about penis size as they get older, and are desiring a long term partner as well as gain emotional maturity. I just want someone to love me and treat me well. I couldn't care less about their penis size, and if a guy did have a micro penis as long as he's willing to find other ways to be intimate it's all good.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Just so people know what a micropenis is, it's not just a small one. It's not possible to have insertion.


Aug 12, 2020
I've found that the older I get, the less interested in pornography I become. Which is probably a good thing. Porn isn't a healthy view of sexuality if you aren't in a good headspace to begin with.
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Sep 11, 2020
Sometimes people , myself included sadly ,have no choice but to give up on life. It does happen.
I am sorry it is this way for you.
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
If you watch porn, then I'm assuming you also masturbate, meaning your penis is at least usable in some sexual situations. I won't tell you not to watch porn though. As long as you have urges, then quitting masturbating is more detrimental than continuing to do so. I can relate to feeling lonely due to a small penis though. A lot of people say it doesn't matter to them but they will also use it to bring you down whenever they can if they have something against you. There are people who like women with small breasts but you never hear about anybody who would admit they only like smaller penises.

As for living as a NEET, if you can sustain it then it can be an okay albeit hollow existence. I wouldn't be able to financially support it and I have all the same mental blocks and more that prevent me from progressing. My stubborn brain refuses to evolve myself until someone I'd be infatuated with legitimately gives me a chance first. I realize that this will never get anyone to want to be with me barring a miracle so I'm just resigned to my eventual suicide in about a year or two. I'm not encouraging you to the same. Then again you're here already anyway so only you can really know the answer if that's right for you. Your only two options are to either adapt, accept it, or help nature kill you off like it would have thousands of years ago. At least that's how I see it.
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Apr 5, 2018
This is what i am currently doing. I Wake up , watch some porn , check my non existent messages on dating sites , freshen up, eat crap, then pc is on and its youtube / reddit/ this site/ movies/ games /checking non existent dating site messages/ Porn in bed and read some reddit ask reddits and interesting stuff and then sleep rinse and repeat except for gym 3 days a week at morning. This is my life for many years now, im just distracting until i find a method and some money to buy the tools.
Have I ever? Lol, I am. To a certain degree. Not working or studying for the purposes of finding work. I'm relying on my family for survival. For food, shelter, sanitation, all that.

I try to avoid indulging in sexual gratification. I'm having a day's worth journal where I write down how subjectively worth was each day separately (split into 6 parts), and I haven't found any correlation between sexual gratification and how worthwhile my experience is. But that's just me. I understand that other people might have it differently.

I try much harder (and with much greater success) not to eat crap. The way I see it: Humans need to eat other live to survive. Eaten life becomes part of us. It's converted in resources (various building blocks) that are used to maintain lots of bodily functions and I have no idea what most of them are. If we eat crap, we get crappy building blocks, crappy maintenance, crappy functioning. We become looking like crap, and what's worse, feeling like crap. If it's true that food is converted into resources that are used to maintain lots of bodily functions, then it would make sense that malnutrition can lead to a multitude of physiological disorders and diseases. I think it's more important than physical exercises for the purposes of feeling and looking better. Also, for me eating better and avoiding eating crap had positive correlation with increased quality of life experience.
For example: Avoiding bread has rid me (mostly) of stomach problems like bloating, and after I started taking magnesium supplements, muscle cramps and twitches started to diminish in frequency and unpleasantness.

I've recently started watching Sapolsky's lectures on human behavioral biology. Lots of fun imo. I'm interested in math and human behavior, and I like to occasionally spend time watching interesting lectures. Do you have something you're at least remotely interested in?
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
But it's pretty hard to stay afloat if there is no real financial backing.
Yes we should point out that the last part is paramount :wink:
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Dec 27, 2020
No, I would feel too ashamed of having not become independent to do that.


Dec 8, 2019
Yes... I've been considering ot more and more with COVID...

for me personally im on my own but on disability that is not enough but if ones living NEET one can make due. Im not that connected to anyone and most of my social interactions are just necessary things like food/appointments etc.. which are all fairly easy to do with minimal contact.

I think i just wanna cut myself off from society but still enjpy nature in solitude...
I honestly already feel like im 70% NEET...

Being constantly attacked in life.. I really enjoy solitude even if I get all human amd sappy about being alone sometimes
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Dec 1, 2020
being a neet in the third world is not a good idea


Dec 21, 2020
Lived NEET lifestyle for a year loved it. But can't afford to do it anymore have to work.


Cuddling with my demons
Dec 29, 2020
Satan disagrees and wants to give out candy!


Jul 3, 2019
@Pravesh my sympathy and empathy for you. You expressed your suffering and it makes perfect sense to me, and you have stood by the truth of your experience with dignity. I don't know why you have been hijacked and the lack of empathy in some of these comments scares me. It scares me to post this, because of how you have been treated in this post, but I want to say I hear you, acknowledge your suffering and honour you.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Even if you have financial support it is not going to give anyone a good feeling about life or themselves. It's the way severely handicapped people are forced to live. It's going to make mild depression worse.
It is similar to being institutionalized.
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Moon Flower

I'll soon be sleeping sound
Oct 14, 2019
Been living like this for 14 years. It really does all start to blend together and the monotony becomes painful
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
I know I can google it but what's a NEET?

Moon Flower

I'll soon be sleeping sound
Oct 14, 2019
I know I can google it but what's a NEET?
Stolen from Wikipedia:
NEET, an acronym for "Not in Education, Employment, or Training", refers to a person who is unemployed and not receiving an education or vocational training. The classification originated in the United Kingdom in the late 1990s, and its use has spread, in varying degrees, to other countries and regions, including Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, Canada and the United States. The NEET category includes the unemployed (individuals without a job and seeking one), as well as individuals outside the labour force (without a job and not seeking one).


Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Jokes on you, I've been a NEET cumulatively for 10 years and I'm still not dead. Well, internally I'm dead but I was like that prior to NEETdom.

My dark but honest humor couldn't resist.

Here's a insightful quote on NEETdom:

"Living happily" itself is a myth. Nobody on this floating rock is consistently "happy" every single day unless there is something seriously neurologically wrong with them that makes them that way. Life itself is inherently suffering - this isn't some edgy edict, it's the fundamental nature of the human condition; we are animals, and moreso social animals, which, not unlike elephants, zebras, dolphins, cows, or donkeys, are biologically wired and adapted to chasing short-term fulfillment, and avoiding pain and suffering - to the degree we experience and remember negative feelings and experiences far, far deeper and longer than we do positive experiences. This is the telltale sign of our inescapable animal nature - the hardwiring that makes suffering so inherently unavoidable, and pleasure seemingly so elusive.

Boiling the phenomena of NEETdom down to "mental health" is a reductionistic fairy tale that completely ignores the context of modern life in favor of hyperindividualizing the consequences of that context down to the individual and leaving it there. Speaking of context - the factors you mention are not as much of an immunological force as you imagine. Our society is one rife with celebrity suicides, who so many see as the "winners" of our silly game - they have money, prestige, recognition, fulfillment, endless fancy toys and achievements - and yet still cannot escape the call to the void - which, if anything, speaks to the fact we spend our lives chasing things that really do not make our lives all that worthwhile in the end. Sure, it's nice to be clock in to your 9-5 every day and pat yourself on the back and tell yourself you're doing the right thing like everyone else, but this is the life of an obedient somnambulant - one we are conditioned for in this society. You know the script - go to school, work until you're old, save and scrimp the whole way through, retire, and go rot in an old folks home using the money you've hoarded your whole life. This might be a fulfilling life for an inanimate machine part that cannot feel and is not alive, but for a social animal that needs environmental enrichment and belonging and meaning to feel any kind of consistent fulfilment, it is a slow death.

This isn't to say NEETdom is some grand alternative - it is the final consequence of this meaningless life program - narcissized depression and almost total alienation, whereby one practically declares themselves dead to the outside world and escapes deeper and deeper inside themselves as a solace, until the crushing emptiness of isolation and loneliness destroys their ability to experience pleasure and often their will to live. This is typically because of the self-isolating shame that attaches itself to the status. As social animals, we need people in our lives to feel any degree of worthwhile. Interpersonal interaction injects our lives with a kind of meaning and fulfilment that all the technology, distractions and drugs cannot. Unemployment and NEETdom would not nearly be as bad if not for the immense social stigma, and if we could all expect to live in communities we felt a part of, or at the very least had friends who cared about us outside of our job title. Unfortunately, this is not the nature of our hyperindividualized, materialistic, and vain society whereby one increasingly derives their (narcissized) sense of self-worth and status from their ability to consume and brag about said consumption. Instead, we live in a time where over half of the population reports always feeling lonely and having few if any friends, 1/6 of us are on psychotropic drugs, and the suicide rate hasn't been this high in 30 years.

All the same - this doesn't make "successful" people failures. But it also doesn't make NEETs "failures", at least in any individual sense. The failure is society itself - in providing an insane sociocultural script that makes people incredibly sick; if I could call NEETdom anything, anything at all, I'd call it the canary in the coal mine for a society that is providing an age old lifescript that is no longer worthwhile, rewarding, or even meaningful in any sense - nor does it even guarantee the barest physical necessities for participation anymore; recall that wages have been stagnant for 40 years and we have wealth inequality levels that mimic those found prior to the Great Depression, what becomes all the more clear is that modern life is the new Great Depression. This is a dreadfully sick post-meaning society where mass shootings, panoptic surveillance, suicide, opiate abuse, loneliness, and alienation have become as commonplace as psychotropic drugs and psych diagnoses; which, if anything, says nothing more than that the very concept of "mental illness" is a desperate attempt by the system to hold on to it's collapsing validity by pointing at dissidents and shouting "they have some inherent biological illness that makes them this way!" As such, the realm of modern day psychology/psychiatry has become no more than another long arm of the corporatocratic, neoliberal police state, which has a part in allowing modern-day quality of life to continue it's decades long slow bleed to the sociopathic class - the wealthy and powerful.

We must think of NEETdom, depression, and a wide scope of psychological maladies as meaningful signals our bodies are sending us about the ways we conduct our lives nowadays, not as noise that is to be ignored and medicated away."
-Stranger from the internet
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
Stolen from Wikipedia:
NEET, an acronym for "Not in Education, Employment, or Training", refers to a person who is unemployed and not receiving an education or vocational training. The classification originated in the United Kingdom in the late 1990s, and its use has spread, in varying degrees, to other countries and regions, including Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, Canada and the United States. The NEET category includes the unemployed (individuals without a job and seeking one), as well as individuals outside the labour force (without a job and not seeking one).
Thank you ......that describes me to a T


Oct 19, 2020
Jokes on you, I've been a NEET cumulatively for 10 years and I'm still not dead. Well, internally I'm dead but I was like that prior to NEETdom.

My dark but honest humor couldn't resist.

Here's a insightful quote on NEETdom:
thanks , what keeps you going? for me its just been distractions but lately i want to end it so researching methods.


Sep 16, 2020
Yeah I would but unless you live with your parents or someone who's gonna pay rent then you have to get money somehow. Gotta go to fucking work and suffer just so we can survive. I would like to live like what you described because it actually sounds pretty good to a person who has anxiety and is an introvert but that's not gonna b possible in the future when I move out from my parents. (I'm gonna die before I move out lol)
I'm still in education so I live with my parents but if I wasn't studying they'd force me to go to work or move out
My penis is 5. 5inches in length and girth so average right?
Take into account the head (gland) is micro, a form of deformity or unlucky I don't know.
When it came to my penis I was nothing but lied to or never helped.
Also messed the skin up due to shame thinking I'd caught an sti off a toilet seat or something when I was a a teenager so was putting steroid eczema cream on pearly penile papules, always squeezing/ scratching sebum from them glands I forget the name now and also have Fordyce spots.
My testicles never got any bigger than a 10ml (normal 18-25ml) on orchidometer.
Doctor told me I was fine so left feeling I just had to accept I was a weak man.
Turns out I was genetically abnormal and stunted thus i wasn't such a weak man and had treatment started THEN I may have turned into a positive person.
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Jul 15, 2020
My penis is 5. 5inches in length and girth so average right?
Take into account the head (gland) is micro, a form of deformity or unlucky I don't know.
When it came to my penis I was nothing but lied to or never helped.
Also messed the skin up due to shame thinking I'd caught an sti off a toilet seat or something when I was a a teenager so was putting steroid eczema cream on pearly penile papules, always squeezing/ scratching sebum from them glands I forget the name now and also have Fordyce spots.
My testicles never got any bigger than a 10ml (normal 18-25ml) on orchidometer.
Doctor told me I was fine so left feeling I just had to accept I was a weak man.
Turns out I was genetically abnormal and stunted thus i wasn't such a weak man and had treatment started THEN I may have turned into a positive person.
Dude why are you talking about your peen out of nowhere
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Sep 16, 2020
Dude why are you talking about your peen out of nowhere
Haha oh jesus I used your post whilst accusing the OP of something related to your post before reading his predicament.... And forgot to unquote you.
Thanks for making me laugh fucking he'll. It was ideal when I was keeping off the net. Than try to help and look like a cunt. Fuck. I'm still laughing now.
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Jul 15, 2020
Haha oh jesus I used your post whilst accusing the OP of something related to your post before reading his predicament.... And forgot to unquote you.
Thanks for making me laugh fucking he'll. It was ideal when I was keeping off the net. Than try to help and look like a cunt. Fuck. I'm still laughing now.


Dec 15, 2020
Here endless UK lockdowns are encouraging long-term NEETism. WIth each one I'm that much more depressed to even consider a future beyond being a NEET. I have accepted I may well die a NEET.
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