
Oct 19, 2020
I guess I'm just used to guys with this problem actually being ones who get off on discussing it at length preferably in public and it actually is victimizing others in a subtle way. Maybe not all do this but a lot of them do.
again i am reporting u for invalidating my reasons for suicide , read the faq and rules, and you dare say i speak about it just because i want to get off? you are sick sick sick , you would say someone whose disablity clearly affects him in such a way that it causes him suicide and you say im doing it to "get off" , youre victim blaming here. please leave.
I've lived as a NEET for many, many years and I hate it, and always have. I find it miserable, monotonous, boring, and lonely, however, I know that you (or others who have experienced it) may feel differently, it's just my personal experience and feeling of it. I really would love to be busy and doing things - when I dream about my ideal life, I'm not just sitting in my room, I'm established and achieving things, and happy about it. But I can't seem to muster any passion or will to do anything. It's not clear if there's even a path that exists that ends with me actually being happy.

I'm studying atm, because it reached a point where things became desperate and I felt like I had to choose to do something, because I had spent so many years doing absolutely nothing and spending 24 hours a day in my bedroom, going insane. But studying hasn't made my life feel any more worthwhile, and I only really chose to do it for prestige/financial reasons anyway. The problem is that it seems like without a degree, the available jobs are pretty much just retail, care home, or warehouse, none of which I like the sound of very much (I know there are other things but these three seem to come up the most, by far). I would maybe be ok with warehouse work but I worry about the physical demands/costs of it. I don't drive either so I can't do any driving jobs, and that also limits what jobs I can even apply for based on location. And now it even seems that degrees aren't very valuable and you need even more to "impress the employer" (god I hate that phrase, makes me feel like a circus animal or something). Though there's no alternative, the competition of job hunting is still disgusting to me. I applied and interviewed a few times for several positions but I've had a really shitty experience every time, I get violently anxious and never really pass the interview stage.

It's bizarre in a way, but the very fact that one must work or else they suffer, is something that offends me on a really deep level. I find something tyrannical about the fundamental narrative of life of "you can't get x unless you do y" which is a result of the cause-effect nature of reality, and for some reason I can't seem to reconcile with it, emotionally. All in all, I'm just tired of not knowing where I need to go or what exactly I need to do that will finally make this existence feel like a blessing instead of a curse. I have neither the energy nor the courage to try out people's recommendations for a better life, and it feel like at this point I'm just so full of resentment that I don't even want to try. I often hear that "you have to just persist and keep trying" and I think this is absolutely true but I just don't get motivated by it. When I fail in anything I get really upset, and that is disastrous, because failure is inevitable in this life. To live happily it seems you must be perfectly content with failure, which I'm not. I will hold a grudge about a failure for years or even decades after it happened. The whole concept of effort and reward is just so fucked up in my head in a way I can't even put fully into words.

Why didn't happiness come to me? Why am I always told/is it truly the case that I have to toil away for it? These are questions I so badly want answered, yet I'll almost certainly die with them being unanswered.​
what are you studying now if you dont mind me asking?
yes i agree with you the very fact that we have to work is terrible , i will have to stop being NEET but then again i think i rather die than to work because at work you have to put up with so much BS from Bosees, Co-workers And Customers. If i could have a job where i work alone id try it.
there should be a universal basic income for everyone and most jobs should be automated but i see this happening in only the very far future. i wish you the best of luck with your studies .
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Oct 3, 2020
FailingAgonizingAntlion small
Me reading someone telling @Meditation guide to leave
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Its time
Jun 7, 2019
what a depressing existence, why don't you build a better life?
It's ironic you find this a depressing life. I'd give anything to be able to function as well as he does.

Of course this isn't a competition and you aren't wrong, he isn't happy and that's what counts.
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Oct 19, 2020
View attachment 57144
Reading someone telling @Meditation guide to leave
she should read the forum rules:

Do not troll or proselytize, meaning do not impose your views - no matter what they are - on others or make threads to get people riled up.

i reported her for invalidating my body dysphoria, shes bascailly saying im "doing it to get off" she is imposing her view and calling me a bad person by saying im lying.


Oct 26, 2020
weep and cringe for any man that thinks like this....for real. I'm guessing Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are wielding giant monsters in their trousers to get where they're at. Internet has warped your frame of mind, gotta live a bit to see that a penis doesn't define man's worth, and that no woman who values a man's penis is worth your time to begin with.
So well said. This is sad as fuck that op believes this is what makes a man. I kinda hate humanity's hypersexuality. Or maybe I'm just bitter because I lost all sensation in my groin after an SCI.
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Oct 19, 2020
It's ironic you find this a depressing life. I'd give anything to be able to function as well as he does.

Of course this isn't a competition and you aren't wrong, he isn't happy and that's what counts.
youre right, my life is just distractions until death.
id love to have a normal life, loving gf , job , kids , my own house , friends etc.
So well said. This is sad as fuck that op believes this is what makes a man. I kinda hate humanity's hypersexuality. Or maybe I'm just bitter because I lost all sensation in my groin after an SCI.
im sorry about your spinal cord injury, how are you holding up? do you still have relationships?


existence is a nightmare
Aug 25, 2020
I did that for some time and you feel useless and depressed either way but tbh it makes things a lot easier, especially for my anxiety but sadly it's not possible for me to live like that.
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Apr 5, 2020
again i am reporting u for invalidating my reasons for suicide , read the faq and rules, and you dare say i speak about it just because i want to get off? you are sick sick sick , you would say someone whose disablity clearly affects him in such a way that it causes him suicide and you say im doing it to "get off" , youre victim blaming here. please leave.

what are you studying now if you dont mind me asking?
yes i agree with you the very fact that we have to work is terrible , i will have to stop being NEET but then again i think i rather die than to work because at work you have to put up with so much BS from Bosees, Co-workers And Customers. If i could have a job where i work alone id try it.
there should be a universal basic income for everyone and most jobs should be automated but i see this happening in only the very far future. i wish you the best of luck with your studies .
I'm studying biomedical science and it's my 2nd attempt, because I dropped out the first time I tried, during the 2nd year. When people ask why I dropped out, I just say "anxiety", but really, I don't even know exactly why I dropped out, I think "anxiety" is far too simple an answer. I absolutely was anxious, extremely so, but it just doesn't explain it fully and not knowing why is uncomfortable.

I feel exactly the same in terms of what you've said about work and jobs. Workplace power dynamics terrify me, workplace bullying terrifies me, many, many things terrify me. It feels like I was born too early, because 24/7, I dream about the future and the greater freedoms that future humans will enjoy, that we will miss out on. I think it's clear that humans can achieve almost anything, but they first need to acquire the necessary knowledge, which has been and continues to be a long and painful process. The biggest question I have is: why were we born ignorant? I've heard that brains evolved to aid survival and not happiness - our genes don't give a shit how happy we are, jus that we propagate ourselves. Maybe it's just that depressingly simple.
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Oct 19, 2020
I did that for some time and you feel useless and depressed either way but tbh it makes things a lot easier, especially for my anxiety but sadly it's not possible for me to live like that.
i guess its like retreating away into solitude away from the pain and society for me.
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Jun 12, 2018
If someone expresses that part of their body, in this particular case a micropenis, causes severe mental distress and therefore causes suicide ideation, this isn't just valid but to be accepted in this place. Attacking them for openly talking about issues that affect them is inacceptable. I ask everyone to be fair to each other. If you don't like that, leave the discussion instead of taunting someone who is expressing their struggle. I'd appreciate it.
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Oct 19, 2020
I'm studying biomedical science and it's my 2nd attempt, because I dropped out the first time I tried, during the 2nd year. When people ask why I dropped out, I just say "anxiety", but really, I don't even know exactly why I dropped out, I think "anxiety" is far too simple an answer. I absolutely was anxious, extremely so, but it just doesn't explain it fully and not knowing why is uncomfortable.

I feel exactly the same in terms of what you've said about work and jobs. Workplace power dynamics terrify me, workplace bullying terrifies me, many, many things terrify me. It feels like I was born too early, because 24/7, I dream about the future and the greater freedoms that future humans will enjoy, that we will miss out on. I think it's clear that humans can achieve almost anything, but they first need to acquire the necessary knowledge, which has been and continues to be a long and painful process. The biggest question I have is: why were we born ignorant? I've heard that brains evolved to aid survival and not happiness - our genes don't give a shit how happy we are, jus that we propagate ourselves. Maybe it's just that depressingly simple.
wow buddy you sound very intelligent to be able to study that, i am impressed!
i couldnt even do programming or any stem careers as its too hard for me.
i wish u the best and as they say hard work pays off, just grind those hours and you will reap the rewards.
i did have some job oppturnities but i left due to workplace bullying , im mentally weak and cant stand being bullied or humiliated for too long.
If someone expresses that part of their body, in this particular case a micropenis, causes severe mental distress and therefore causes suicide ideation, this isn't just valid but to be accepted in this place. Attacking them for openly talking about issues that affect them is inacceptable. I ask everyone to be fair to each other. If you don't like that, leave the discussion instead of taunting someone who is expressing their struggle. I'd appreciate it.
thank you mod.
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Its time
Jun 7, 2019
Sorry, I wrote my initial post before I read about your issue.

While you may be putting it a bit crudely which seems to be setting off some people (mostly women it seems) I do understand your pain and the stigma men face when it comes to sex, size, and performance.

While there may be a small percentage of woman who legitimately don't care about size the reality is that it is a problem for most women even if they don't admit it.

I'm in the same boat when it comes to the desire to have a loving girlfriend and active sex life (I don't have a size issue but my back is so messed up I can't even have sex without severe pain) I don't see why you are being persecuted for that. Once again your wording may not be ideal but I think everyone knows what you mean.

Loneliness and constant rejection are soul crushing and gets worse the longer it goes on. Unless someone has gone through it themselves they don't have a clue how painful and how much shame/embarassment one can put on themselves.

I challenge everyone who's given him a hard time to read the repercusions of extended periods of isolation and not having a loving relationship with a significant other. You just may be surprised at the damage this can cause.
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Apr 5, 2020
wow buddy you sound very intelligent to be able to study that, i am impressed!
i couldnt even do programming or any stem careers as its too hard for me.
i wish u the best and as they say hard work pays off, just grind those hours and you will reap the rewards.
i did have some job oppturnities but i left due to workplace bullying , im mentally weak and cant stand being bullied or humiliated for too long.

thank you mod.
Thank you and all the best to you as well. I wanted to study medicine but I didn't make the cut - this is an example of a failure which still bothers me deeply. Failing that, biomed was the plan B, as it is for many would-be medical students. Hard work does absolutely pay off, but where this phrase might inspire most people, instead it inspires me to spend all day asking myself why I exist in a universe where hard work pays off and nothing comes easy. This is the pathology of my mind.

I'm sorry to hear about the bullying, it's horrible. I relate to your intolerance to bullying and humiliation, I myself am extremely sensitive to that kind of thing as well. It's to the point that I will feel humiliated in a situation where most other people probably wouldn't, they would feel completely unoffended. I'm too sensitive, but when urged to "grow a thicker skin" this does nothing to help.​
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Oct 19, 2020
Sorry, I wrote my initial post before I read about your issue.

While you may be putting it a bit crudely which seems to be setting off some people (mostly women it seems) I do understand your pain and the stigma men face when it comes to sex, size, and performance.

While there may be a small percentage of woman who legitimately don't care about size the reality is that it is a problem for most women even if they don't admit it.

I'm in the same boat when it comes to the desire to have a loving girlfriend and active sex life (I don't have a size issue but my back is so messed up I can't even have sex without severe pain) I don't see why you are being persecuted for that. Once again your wording may not be ideal but I think everyone knows what you mean.

Loneliness and constant rejection are soul crushing and gets worse the longer it goes on. Unless someone has gone through it themselves they don't have a clue how painful and how much shame/embarassment one can put on themselves.

I challenge everyone who's given him a hard time to read the repercusions of extended periods of isolation and not having a loving relationship with a significant other. You just may be surprised at the damage this can cause.
thank you and yes youre very much right, this has destroyed my self esteem. constant rejection and feeling not good enough makes me want to die, and yes youre right very few women will want a man with a micropenis. im sorry about your back. how do you deal with it and what are your plans for the future?
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Its time
Jun 7, 2019
Good point, and in case anyone has missed it...the OP is currently getting bullied by what's normally the most supportive forum I've seen. If he's getting picked on here imagine what it's like for him in rl.

Just a thought.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
OP does have an inaccurate perception of relationships, possibly due to heavy porn usage. Could lay off the porn because I'm sure that does exacerbate his insecurities and that the people portrayed on porn videos rarely relates to real life scenarios. From posts alone, your micropenis issues is what holding you back on EVERYTHING when it shouldn't. It should only hold you back sexually, but that can be substituted with good oral skills and being creative a bit. If you open to anyone about your issues as the first topic of conversation, of course you'll be rejected. No one likes someone that overshares their issues or pushes their insecurities onto another person.

Seeing that you want to become a NEET or just naturally fall into that area, it would defeat the purpose and make you wallow in self-pity that's centered around your dick size. Less focus on penis, and more focus on developing your personality or skills. It's great that you work out and stuff, keep that up. No person in society will pity you or give you sympathy sex just because you have a small peen.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I challenge everyone who's given him a hard time to read the repercusions of extended periods of isolation and not having a loving relationship with a significant other. You just may be surprised at the damage this can cause.
I'm sorry he has this problem. I too have extended periods of isolation and no loving relationship. So I know how bad it is for him for that reason.
I didn't think I was invalidating your reason for suicide OP. I was reacting to what I've experienced in the past which may not apply in this case and for that I'm apologizing.
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Oct 19, 2020
Thank you and all the best to you as well. I wanted to study medicine but I didn't make the cut - this is an example of a failure which still bothers me deeply. Failing that, biomed was the plan B, as it is for many would-be medical students. Hard work does absolutely pay off, but where this phrase might inspire most people, instead it inspires me to spend all day asking myself why I exist in a universe where hard work pays off and nothing comes easy. This is the pathology of my mind.

I'm sorry to hear about the bullying, it's horrible. I relate to your intolerance to bullying and humiliation, I myself am extremely sensitive to that kind of thing as well. It's to the point that I will feel humiliated in a situation where most other people probably wouldn't, they would feel completely unoffended. I'm too sensitive, but when urged to "grow a thicker skin" this does nothing to help.​
i understand your point completely , even sometimes when people work very hard they may not even reap the rewards. Alot of life in my opinion is just luck i.e who you know, where you were born, how rich your family is, what opportunities are available to you etc. Life is Unfair.

Yep i became a NEET loner type after many years of humiliations . I been like this so long i dont think i can even function in the normal world.
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Its time
Jun 7, 2019
thank you and yes youre very much right, this has destroyed my self esteem. constant rejection and feeling not good enough makes me want to die, and yes youre right very few women will want a man with a micropenis. im sorry about your back. how do you deal with it and what are your plans for the future?
I hope you don't give up because there are women who will accept you as you are. Sadly it's going to be harder for you than most people and it may be painful. But you can find that person if you keep trying.

Currently I'm on meds but that just allows me to lay in bed all day without suffering too much. Any activity is out of the question. Long story but I'll be running out of meds so I'll be CTB soon. Hopefully I'll finally succeed after multiple failed attempts. At least I get closer and closer to succeeding with each try.

Best of luck and I hope you can push forward to find the woman that's right for you.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
Good point, and in case anyone has missed it...the OP is currently getting bullied by what's normally the most supportive forum I've seen. If he's getting picked on here imagine what it's like for him in rl.

Just a thought.
Yep, it's quite sad.

You can give advice to someone or try and give them hope WITHOUT belittling them.

Everybody has struggles. It's NOT a competition of "this group has it worse so stfu, you cannot complain." When I'm sure there is something about you which people would like to you to say your struggles don't matter.
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Dec 4, 2020
Its a meaningless advice that will not make anyone better.
Yeah it's impossible to help tunnel vision neurotic quitters with no intent to better themselves.
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Oct 19, 2020
OP does have an inaccurate perception of relationships, possibly due to heavy porn usage. Could lay off the porn because I'm sure that does exacerbate his insecurities and that the people portrayed on porn videos rarely relates to real life scenarios. From posts alone, your micropenis issues is what holding you back on EVERYTHING when it shouldn't. It should only hold you back sexually, but that can be substituted with good oral skills and being creative a bit. If you open to anyone about your issues as the first topic of conversation, of course you'll be rejected. No one likes someone that overshares their issues or pushes their insecurities onto another person.

Seeing that you want to become a NEET or just naturally fall into that area, it would defeat the purpose and make you wallow in self-pity that's centered around your dick size. Less focus on penis, and more focus on developing your personality or skills. It's great that you work out and stuff, keep that up. No person in society will pity you or give you sympathy sex just because you have a small peen.
i hope and pray i one day meet a woman who is ok with oral skills and creativeness as a substitute .
yes thank you i do enjoy weightlifting . i do sometimes feel even with oral and other substitutes she will still miss and crave piv, how do i stop thinking like this?
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Dec 4, 2020
part time doing what?
i want to experience women and love and sex imo its the most important thing in life, sex and love is life the world revolves around those.
lmao people here i swear, you are your own worst enemy, setting such limited parameters all the time no wonder you're depressed.
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
Yeah it's impossible to help tunnel vision neurotic quitters with no intent to better themselves.
You are a troll @ceelestial, give it up buddy all you do is come onto people's threads and insult them. Does it amuse you getting a laugh out of suicidal people?
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
i hope and pray i one day meet a woman who is ok with oral skills and creativeness as a substitute .
yes thank you i do enjoy weightlifting . i do sometimes feel even with oral and other substitutes she will still miss and crave piv, how do i stop thinking like this?

Transparency, you don't drop the micropenis thing on her until she asks that you take it to the next level. But like others who have told their SOs about their issues, they were closed minded to other alternatives such as strap-ons, dick sheathes, or sex toys in general because of perceived emasculation. But you know I've met people who crave foreplay and oral more than PIV. Just gotta figure out what she likes, and if she likes PIV more and that you can't provide or won't go into sex toy area, then just wish her well and break it off. Not every woman likes PIV.
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Oct 19, 2020
I'm sorry he has this problem. I too have extended periods of isolation and no loving relationship. So I know how bad it is for him for that reason.
I didn't think I was invalidating your reason for suicide OP. I was reacting to what I've experienced in the past which may not apply in this case and for that I'm apologizing.
i understand so fair enough, i know many smaller penis men are into humiliation but i hate that and i find it sad those guys get off on it its like they so used to being rejected over it and made fun of that their brain has somehow conditioned this to be " a fetish" as a coping mechanism . So i guess thats why they get off on the humiliation of it, i want to apologize too and i shouldn't have called you names. im a very sensitive guy so i get hurt easy( and now you can see why humiliation fetish wont work for me) . take care friend.
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Jan 20, 2020
I guess in some ways I live as a NEET. I'm a stay at home mom, and have been for a decade. I can't really work. I prefer the NEET lifestyle in a lot of ways, but it's pretty hard to stay afloat if there is no real financial backing.
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Apr 5, 2020
i understand your point completely , even sometimes when people work very hard they may not even reap the rewards. Alot of life in my opinion is just luck i.e who you know, where you were born, how rich your family is, what opportunities are available to you etc. Life is Unfair.

Yep i became a NEET loner type after many years of humiliations . I been like this so long i dont think i can even function in the normal world.
Oh, it's my strongly held belief that everything is luck, fundamentally. If we accept that everything in life is the result of chains of prior causes going all the way back to quarks (as it seems undeniably to be), this is necessarily the case. Even this defeatist, resentful attitude that I seem to have - why do I have it? I hate it, I wish I was optimistic, I think life would be much easier and happier that way. I really envy people that actually enjoy life, I want to be like that, I just don't know how. I don't know how I will function normally either ,which is why I want to die - I don't want to be a 'weirdo'. If you've ever seen that movie 'The Shawshank Redemption' it's like that old guy Red, who spent so long living in prison, that he didn't know how to live outside the prison walls once he was released, so he killed himself.
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Dec 4, 2020
You are a troll @ceelestial, give it up buddy all you do is come onto people's threads and insult them. Does it amuse you getting a laugh out of suicidal people?
Wrong, you just want a safe space and try to abuse calling everyone a troll who dares say things YOU don't like, grow up.
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