Info abt typng styl on prfle.
- Sep 26, 2021
- 3,043
So, you're dismissing a detransitioner's plight many youtube comments which shares some experience as rambling? Right...
So, you're saying self-love is harmful? I feel like you're missing the point once more.
Isn't always... but then again...
And there we have it!
View attachment 103108
Now... to refute your claims on having all the data, I have all these links. It's as I was saying before: you're the one spreading harmful information. You may have found data to suggest that detransition is rare and that transitioning is the most safe and logical decision, but... there are a while lot of risks involved. You should've taken the time to look for any flaws before you ran off with it to support your ideology.
You could delete my comment or ban me all you like, but then who'd be the villain? You might as well just put the world inside a bottle.
Puberty Blockers:,worsening%20of%20diabetes%20and%20osteoporosis
Pls 4gve slf fr jumpng in hre --
"Overall, GnRHa seems effective and safe for CPP patients, based on long-term follow-up studies."
Thse hormnes r refrnced in thse artcles fr hlth conditns othr thn gendr dysphria & sde-effcts r considrd accptble in rsk-benft analsys givn th/ damge thse othr hlth conditns cn cre8 whn untreatd - in usng thse artcles U Cm 2 infer tht dysphria = nt as valid as thse othr conditns in rsk-benft analyss
Nne of thse artcles rel8 2 transgendrsm - jst immunolgcl sx diffrncs in womn vs mn - am nt sre xactly wht point thse artcles r makng specfclly wth rgard 2 trnsgedrsm othr thn speculatn of immne systm b-ing impactd b/ treatmnt bt agn tht = nt specfc evdnce fr currnt contxt
HRT and Genetic Disorders:
Am afrd thse artcles d/ nt sy mch - thy sy tht thre cld b a rsk of thromboss fr MtF transitnrs bt tht "Overall the risks of treatment are low, but include thromboembolism, the risk of which depends on the dose and route of oestrogen administration" or tht r "2-3 pr 1000"
Ths = cmpard t/ 3-10 pr 1000 of cis womn wh/ tke contrcrptve plls & simlr t/ th/ r8 of 2.5 cis womn pr 1000 wh/ r usng HRT treatmnt fr othr conditns --- nothng = rsk-free -- = abt decidng if benfts out-wgh th/ rsks
Th/ only imprssn tht am gttng frm thse artcles & ur cmmnts = tht propr screenng fr gendr dysphria = alwys imprtnt & tht doctrs shld dscuss n.e potentl rsks wth thr patnts -- ths wld b th/ sme wth n.e medicl prcedure or treatmnt pln
If thre r n.e physcns wh/ r nt actng ethclly wth thr patnts or screenng proprly thn tht shld b a cse fr rportng th/ physcn -- nt jst fr critcisng th/ treatmnt in genrl
Thnk = also importnt 2 remmbr tht ppl wh/ de-transitnd wll b mre lkely 2 mke vdeos abt thr xpernces thn othrs wh/ transitn & jst crry on wth thr lves --
Thnk = mre importnt 2 lk @ th/ cses of D-transitnrs & C wht ws undrlyng thr individl xpernce 2 prevnt rpeats of tht wth othr ppl rathr thn tryn2 shut dwn treatmnt fr th/ 97-98% wh/ Cm 2 hve a mre postve xpernce
Th/ vdeo tht u linkd ws a persn tellng thr thrpst tht thy d/ nt belve in transgedrsm n.emre bcse thy r prt of th/ 2% fr whm transitnng dd nt wrk -- thre r othr thrpsts out thre wh/ follw ur rhetrc of tllng dysphorc ppl 2 jst accpt thr biolgcl sx & mny of thse dysphorc ppl ctb as rsult -- sme of thm r on SaSu
Thre wll v rrely b an apprch or a treatmnnt tht hlps 100% of ppl - tht = nxt 2 impssble
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