Trump's second election hit me hard in a big, big way.
A few days ago I was strolling through a supermarket when I saw a Spanish speaking family. As I walked past, their daughter, maybe about 8 or 9, picked up a large stuffed bunny out of a nearby cardboard bin. It was about the size of a beach ball. She started bouncing it against the ground. I could immediately tell that she was playing, trying to make the bunny "hop". It was charming.
But then, thinking about her, and the state of our country... It just broke me.
I can't believe how cruel and spiteful people must be to feel like they need to go after kids like our current administration does. It's just unthinkable. How can people be so be so heartless to innocent children? Just because they're different than you? Just because you think they don't belong here? Where does this kind of evil come from? Just because you can make scrape away more money for yourself because you don't have to provision for anyone anymore as a society? Your taxes went down $1.39 because that kid won't have an education or even a future anymore? You're okay with them being disappeared? What the fuck is wrong with people? I just can't understand it.
I'm worried about myself, sure, but I just can't take the naked evil that people have outwardly, and gleefully displayed in light of all this. I thought we were different as a county. I thought we were better than this.
I was so, so, so wrong.
I hate it here.