tired of the never ending cycle
- Apr 4, 2024
- 25
I just want to vent a little bit… I was so in love with someone and I let my insecurities and self destructive tendencies get in the way and destroy the relationship to the point where we don't talk anymore. I won't get into the details but I really fucked it up. Every single day, every single hour, I can't stop thinking about her. Everything I see is a reminder of the time we spent together. It is only after being apart with zero contact have I realised just how much I love her and want to spend my life with her but it is too late now. Why couldn't I have come to this conclusion earlier? She is the most perfect woman I have ever met, ticks every box I could ever have and yet I let my own mental illness get in the way of it, as I do with most things in my life. I've just spent most days in bed crying now. I also caught covid which is fucking great, and has just made me feel worse. I just, don't see the point anymore. I have no motivation to do things. I don't wanna get over this, I want her. I am finding it way too hard to continue at this point.