I don't know how to decrease my suffering any other way.
Generally I'd say cutting usually doesn't help, though pain
is distracting.
But cutting is actually a pretty bad idea for that since it's not actually very painful, especially after you're done the pain fades extremely quickly.
Sometimes when I'm so anxious I cannot focus on anything else anymore to try to distract myself I bite my hand all over, it hurts quiet a lot, you can adjust the pain precisely with your biting strength and it doesn't actually injure your body so there's no risk of lasting harm. (aside of bite marks for a few hours)
People have also suggested rubber bands or ice cubes as I read above.
The only reason I cut myself was because I had the urge to see my blood, coming somewhere from the hatred I have for my life and my environment.
Pain wise as I said, after you finish it's pretty much gone already.
If you do end up cutting yourself anyway, be careful not to cut deeply, you can injure tendons and nerves in your wrist.
Also remember to desinfect properly.
You'll keep scars for many years and people might look at you or treat you weirdly.
Also this should be clear already but cutting as an attempt to ctb is
extremely unlikely to succeed.
SI stands for Survival Instinct.
It refers to the extremely strong urge of self-preservation you get when your body realises you're in danger to die.
It's a completely natural and normal reaction of your body and actually pretty helpful, even for us, cause it may prevent us from doing something we haven't properly thought through.
Similarly you'll also feel resistance to hurt yourself, that's probably what you described in your op.
Just think about it, most people aren't really afraid of pain, rather than of getting hurt.
You might touch an electric fence for fun but not cut yourself for fun, even though the fence probably hurts more.