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loser · gone very soon
Aug 17, 2022
So, they day has come. My SN came and i just finished rereading punpun yesterday so today is a beautiful day to CTB, haha (HAHAHA)

First of all, i want to thank everyone here. Without this site, I don't think I would have ever even discovered what SN is.
So thank you to each and everyone for the support and advice. I've had more social interactions on this forum in the past month than I've had in 3 years IRL.

Incase you don't know my 'story', i'm a 20 year old loser from Finland.
There isn't actually much i can tell about my 'story'. Because there really isn't one.
But i try to vent and vomit out my thoughts in here, sorry for the incoherent ramblings and bad grammar you're about to witness.

I was born to two loving and caring parents, with two lovely sisters, in one of the happiest countries on earth.
I don't really have any major trauma or chronic illness and such. It's just that i'm fundamentally bad at life, it's not like I was set up for failure, as many people are
I'm fully aware that many people are born unwanted into some 3rd world country, maybe with some disabilites or chronic illnesses.
Even here, many people are going to CTB because they suffer from trauma, chronic pain or some other "external" factor in life.
But not me. I have a healthy body and was wanted by my parents, even though I do remember them mentioning that I was an accident (lol).
Regardless, I was met with love and care when I entered this world, and i'm thankful for that.
The world is mine to conquer!
Yet here i am, given everything yet unable to accomplish anything. I was never the best at anything, i never really even got good at anything.
It's because i'm fundamentally flawed.

I was always bad at school, i just didn't give a shit about it. Eventually when i barely gratuated from middle school, i almost instantly dropped out from vocational & high school after trying them both briefly.
I just don't care about school. Tbh, i'm also kinda bitter how everyone always say "school sucks so much", then why do you go there? I don't get it, if it really is that bad as you say, how on earth you get the motivation to study. Because i don't.
I often said to my mother "well, why don't you just start learning chinese if it's so easy to do things that you don't want to".
Of course they still have not learned chinese, because they don't want to.
School and 9-5 working feels the same for me.
And i know i'm shooting myself in the leg here, but maybe that gives you a good idea of how stubborn i am, which is why i need to die.
I cannot survive in this world.

I've always really shy so i never had a girlfriend. Missing out on love probably sucks for the most for me, but it's my and my fault only.
It's not like i'm writing this with hundreds of rejections in the past.
In fact, i've never actually even approached any girl.
I don't want to, i'm scared of rejection. I'd rather die than do that, which is what i'm doing today :P
Being a loser neet virgin, i obviously have met many people in the dark corners of the internet who are in the 'incel' community.
They often talk about how "height" is "everything". I wish it was like that, but it's not.
For the short guys who are insecure about their height, don't worry. I'm tall, but it doesn't matter a one bit when you're rotten from inside out.
Many many women would rather date an interesting & confident short guy than me.

Women like charismatic, interesting and confident guys who can talk about their dreams, goals and passions with a glint in their eye.
Nothing wrong with that, i'm not mad at women.. It's just sucks to be me, because i'm none of those.
I cannot ever be that, i have nothing to offer to anyone.

I discovered this site over a year ago, when i was at a very dark place in my life.
I was searching for methods when i stumbled upon this. I even ordered a rope and got scammed by a deepweb marketplace, so i kind of gave up.

I quickly found myself back in the escapism that has dominated almost my whole life: porn, video games, anime, and mindlessly scrolling through social media all day
But, most of all, I've daydreamed a lot. It's really difficult to explain, as it's so personal and detailed in my head that I cannot properly put it into words.
I've been daydreaming a lot since middle school.
But long story short: I've kinda have started to wake up from this 'daydream', and the brutal realization of my true identity and what my situation really is has hit me really hard.

So i guess my CTB could be labeled as somewhat 'impulsive', since i really didn't think i was actually going to die anytime soon until around the 20th of september.
That's when i started to become more active on this forum. Then, at the start of october, i fucked up my financial situation. Then it just finally really sank in.
I don't belong here.

Anyways, sorry for the ramblings, the plan is to take another 300mg of pregabalin (just took one) and 1mg of clonazepam at 12.00pm.
Then at around 16.00pm (UTC+2) to take the SN. I don't have meto, but YOLO.

Many people who deserve an exit much more than I do struggle to get it.
So i will not give you a middle finger.
I have 1kg of it, will take a shot after a shot until the whole bag is empty.

Just took 300mg of pregabalin about 2 hours ago, it has made me pretty calm.
But i noticed than right now i'm feeling more bitter and irrated rather than sad, anxious and scared.
Maybe this just shows my true colors.

I will be reporting my experience of taking it, and probably vomit out more of my thoughts in this thread throughout the day.

I wish i had something to offer to this world, maybe i would have gotten something in return.
I wish wasn't so insecure, shy, stubborn and shit
I wish I were better at connecting with people; I wish I could have experienced love.
Maybe in another universe.

So for now, Goodbye everyone.
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Mar 11, 2023
i understand the feeling of being bad at life, so much is a struggle... whatever may happen in your future, i wish you the best. goodnight dear.
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Vengeance Incarnate
Apr 13, 2022
Wishing you safe travels to the other side I also am bad at life and just needs to die to escape it, but wishing you the best
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february in alaska

february in alaska

wandering aimlessly
Sep 13, 2023
I appreciated seeing you around here over the last two months, and I'll miss seeing you around for the next few. I completely know what you mean about daydreaming and waking up to reality. Good luck on your journey, I hope you go peacefully. See you on the other side
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Oct 30, 2023
Goodbye. Will join you soon
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I am Clive
Oct 23, 2023
Damn, it's always rough reading things like this. Whether you succeed or not, I hope you find your peace and happiness wherever you go, even if that's nowhere at all.

May you reach the skies.
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Nihilistic Asian
Oct 31, 2023
Best of luck. I have the same scenario in regards to being shit at school. Wishing you a painless and quick death. I heard DMT releases into your system once you die so hopefully that gives comfort.
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Oct 1, 2018
Goodbye. If you have any doubts, please reconsider. The SN will last for years.
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Aug 26, 2023
how are you doing?

if you're still here you still have time to rethink this.
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Oct 18, 2023
I'm new here, but from what I've seen I'll miss you around here. Peaceful journey!
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Oct 19, 2023
Goodbye. I hope your passing is peaceful.
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loser · gone very soon
Aug 17, 2022
how are you doing?

if you're still here you still have time to rethink this.
I'm feeling kinda euphoric right now, the pregabalin is really a wonder drug.
Here is my thread about it, i definetly suggest if for anxiety.
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Aug 26, 2023
I'm feeling kinda euphoric right now, the pregabalin is really a wonder drug.
Here is my thread about it, i definetly suggest if for anxiety.
Did you already take the SN?
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Act 3 Scene 1
Jan 21, 2023
I'm sorry you've gotten to this point of deciding to CTB. I can really relate to really wanting to die despite having a fairly materially privileged upbringing. If you're sure you want to go, then I wish you luck. Goodbye, and safe travels.
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loser · gone very soon
Aug 17, 2022
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Time to wake up from the dream
Sep 21, 2023















Some of the experiences you mentioned are very similar to mine. The only thing I lack now is courage.
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Deleted member 65988

No, i take it at 16.00 UTC +2

Eating my last 'meal' right now, an ice cream bar
I wish you all the best, you've waited sometime for sn and even thought about hanging instead when the SN didn't ship. It never gets any easier to see one of these but I hope you find peace either way. Sad how there's been quite a few people going by SN over the last few weeks.
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loser · gone very soon
Aug 17, 2022
Some of the experiences you mentioned are very similar to mine. The only thing I lack now is courage.
Haha, i google-translated my post from the chinese quote of your post to finnish and it sounds so funny, but it's accurate.
Hard to to put it into words, hope you understand what i meant.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I wish you all the best and a pleasant journey. I hope you find peace! Safe travels and good luck!
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Send in the clowns.
Aug 18, 2023
@avaruus we haven't spoken personally but your story is so relatable to mine, starting from being really stubborn, being a tall guy and the escapism aspect of your personality. Also the part about working 9-5 job hit really hard. Actually I was gonna go today via SN too but some problems with family came up and I had to postpone. Wish you all the best with your plans and hopefully everything goes well, the transition is peaceful and fast and *fingers crossed* you don't have to take a backup glass because the first one did the job. I'm so glad I got to read your posts, glad you chose a more peaceful method too (not hanging). Peace, brother and I'll be joining you on the other side very soon 🙏
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It was an indescribable pain
Oct 2, 2023
The two of us can't be more different but I sympathize with your struggles, I wish you the best with your plans.
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Global Mod
Jun 28, 2023
I'm sorry that life has brought you to this decision. Your story sounds much like my high school and early college experience. If you're not 100% sure, please consider postponing until you are. I would have loved an opportunity to compare notes. If you change your mind or things don't work out as planned, feel free to PM me.

However, I will truly support your decision regardless of the path it takes you. And should you choose to leave this world, I hope you have a peaceful journey.
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May you find peace in living or dying
Oct 24, 2023
Hey @avaruus , the decision is ultimately yours, I support your decision and hope you find peace either way.

I feel compelled to say that in your current position, there is a lot of potential to live life enjoyably. I suffer a chronic illness that I'm in the process of exhausting my options for treating before I decide to ctb. Have you exhausted your options (e.g., treatment, medication)? The research shows that most people can and do learn to connect with their communities, romantic partners, etc. and as someone who has worked in the mental health field, I've seen it happen.

Anyways, reach out if you want to chat. You have the right to self-determination, but knowing what you've said in this thread and the trajectory I've seen other people in similar shoes go through, I think there are very high odds of you recovering, if you wanted to give it a try

Wishing you peace either way. I'll continue monitoring this thread :heart:
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Oct 19, 2023
If this attempt doesn't work out, have you considered partners? 1kg is a lot of SN
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loser · gone very soon
Aug 17, 2022
I feel compelled to say that in your current position, there is a lot of potential to live life enjoyably. I suffer a chronic illness that I'm in the process of exhausting my options for treating before I decide to ctb. Have you exhausted your options (e.g., treatment, medication)? The research shows that most people can and do learn to connect with their communities, romantic partners, etc. and as someone who has worked in the mental health field, I've seen it happen.
I'm sorry for you situation. I tried psychotherapy when i was 16, but it didn't go anywhere. Therapists cannot fix my life, only i can do that. But i can't.
I understand what you mean, many people probably can fix their life with help.

But it's just that you don't really know how bad it is for me.
For example, i could have probably postponed my rent payment last month with a simple call, but i couldn't do that.

I ordered an appointment for doctor to give me a "discharge" for my mandatory military service, but i didn't go there, i didn't cancel the appointment. I know there would be consequences for that, and i gladly paid the 60 euro "fine" that i got from that.

Like i said in my original post, i would literally throw away my long term happiness to save my self from short term pain. I'm too hedoinistic, my comfort zone is so incredebly small and tight.

That probably gives you an idea of how bad it is for me.

I will run away from responsibilites and uncomforable things until the walls of my comfort zone crush me, which it has now done.
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hyvää yötä ♊︎
Oct 27, 2023
I haven't been back for long but I'm going to miss your excellent cat avatar, which says it all - to me anyway.

It's nearly 3 in the morning where I am, and I am wishing you peace, relief.

Hyvää matkaa

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loser · gone very soon
Aug 17, 2022
If this attempt doesn't work out, have you considered partners? 1kg is a lot of SN
I've thought about it, i considered to give away the rest of my SN to some finnish people, but i think that would be a too much of a hassle.
I haven't been back for long but I'm going to miss your excellent cat avatar, which says it all - to me anyway.

It's nearly 3 in the morning where I am, and I am wishing you peace, relief.

Hyvää matkaa

Kiitos! Toivottavasti säkin löydät rauhan, oli se sitten elämästä tai kuolemasta. <3
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May you find peace in living or dying
Oct 24, 2023
I'm sorry for you situation. I tried psychotherapy when i was 16, but it didn't go anywhere. Therapists cannot fix my life, only i can do that. But i can't.
I understand what you mean, many people probably can fix their life with help.

But it's just that you don't really know how bad it is for me.
For example, i could have probably postponed my rent payment last month with a simple call, but i couldn't do that.

I ordered an appointment for doctor to give me a "discharge" for my mandatory military service, but i didn't go there, i didn't cancel the appointment. I know there would be consequences for that, and i gladly paid the 60 euro "fine" that i got from that.

Like i said in my original post, i would literally throw away my long term happiness to save my self from short term pain. I'm too hedoinistic, my comfort zone is so incredebly small and tight.

That probably gives you an idea of how bad it is for me.

I will run away from responsibilites and uncomforable things until the walls of my comfort zone crush me, which it has now done.
I won't try to change your mind then. I do encourage you to consider the number of joyful life years lost. Years that are a one time opportunity to experience. Medication or a different therapist are also options that could prove effective now that you have the insights of adulthood.

But, I'll bite my tongue now. Keep us posted once you take the SN and I bid you a peaceful journey <3 It was nice reading your posts in the short time I've been on this forum. You seem like a really cool guy :)

I'll be around to chat for the next hour so if you want to chat more in detail about the challenges you've been facing pm me.
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Sep 30, 2023
I'll be sorry to see you go, yet will be happy for you if you finally leave this cruel world and find the peace you deserve.
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Oct 19, 2023
So, they day has come. My SN came and i just finished rereading punpun yesterday so today is a beautiful day to CTB, haha (HAHAHA)

First of all, i want to thank everyone here. Without this site, I don't think I would have ever even discovered what SN is.
So thank you to each and everyone for the support and advice. I've had more social interactions on this forum in the past month than I've had in 3 years IRL.

Incase you don't know my 'story', i'm a 20 year old loser from Finland.
There isn't actually much i can tell about my 'story'. Because there really isn't one.
But i try to vent and vomit out my thoughts in here, sorry for the incoherent ramblings and bad grammar you're about to witness.

I was born to two loving and caring parents, with two lovely sisters, in one of the happiest countries on earth.
I don't really have any major trauma or chronic illness and such. It's just that i'm fundamentally bad at life, it's not like I was set up for failure, as many people are
I'm fully aware that many people are born unwanted into some 3rd world country, maybe with some disabilites or chronic illnesses.
Even here, many people are going to CTB because they suffer from trauma, chronic pain or some other "external" factor in life.
But not me. I have a healthy body and was wanted by my parents, even though I do remember them mentioning that I was an accident (lol).
Regardless, I was met with love and care when I entered this world, and i'm thankful for that.
The world is mine to conquer!
Yet here i am, given everything yet unable to accomplish anything. I was never the best at anything, i never really even got good at anything.
It's because i'm fundamentally flawed.

I was always bad at school, i just didn't give a shit about it. Eventually when i barely gratuated from middle school, i almost instantly dropped out from vocational & high school after trying them both briefly.
I just don't care about school. Tbh, i'm also kinda bitter how everyone always say "school sucks so much", then why do you go there? I don't get it, if it really is that bad as you say, how on earth you get the motivation to study. Because i don't.
I often said to my mother "well, why don't you just start learning chinese if it's so easy to do things that you don't want to".
Of course they still have not learned chinese, because they don't want to.
School and 9-5 working feels the same for me.
And i know i'm shooting myself in the leg here, but maybe that gives you a good idea of how stubborn i am, which is why i need to die.
I cannot survive in this world.

I've always really shy so i never had a girlfriend. Missing out on love probably sucks for the most for me, but it's my and my fault only.
It's not like i'm writing this with hundreds of rejections in the past.
In fact, i've never actually even approached any girl.
I don't want to, i'm scared of rejection. I'd rather die than do that, which is what i'm doing today :P
Being a loser neet virgin, i obviously have met many people in the dark corners of the internet who are in the 'incel' community.
They often talk about how "height" is "everything". I wish it was like that, but it's not.
For the short guys who are insecure about their height, don't worry. I'm tall, but it doesn't matter a one bit when you're rotten from inside out.
Many many women would rather date an interesting & confident short guy than me.

Women like charismatic, interesting and confident guys who can talk about their dreams, goals and passions with a glint in their eye.
Nothing wrong with that, i'm not mad at women.. It's just sucks to be me, because i'm none of those.
I cannot ever be that, i have nothing to offer to anyone.

I discovered this site over a year ago, when i was at a very dark place in my life.
I was searching for methods when i stumbled upon this. I even ordered a rope and got scammed by a deepweb marketplace, so i kind of gave up.

I quickly found myself back in the escapism that has dominated almost my whole life: porn, video games, anime, and mindlessly scrolling through social media all day
But, most of all, I've daydreamed a lot. It's really difficult to explain, as it's so personal and detailed in my head that I cannot properly put it into words.
I've been daydreaming a lot since middle school.
But long story short: I've kinda have started to wake up from this 'daydream', and the brutal realization of my true identity and what my situation really is has hit me really hard.

So i guess my CTB could be labeled as somewhat 'impulsive', since i really didn't think i was actually going to die anytime soon until around the 20th of september.
That's when i started to become more active on this forum. Then, at the start of october, i fucked up my financial situation. Then it just finally really sank in.
I don't belong here.

Anyways, sorry for the ramblings, the plan is to take another 300mg of pregabalin (just took one) and 1mg of clonazepam at 12.00pm.
Then at around 16.00pm (UTC+2) to take the SN. I don't have meto, but YOLO.

Many people who deserve an exit much more than I do struggle to get it.
So i will not give you a middle finger.
I have 1kg of it, will take a shot after a shot until the whole bag is empty.

Just took 300mg of pregabalin about 2 hours ago, it has made me pretty calm.
But i noticed than right now i'm feeling more bitter and irrated rather than sad, anxious and scared.
Maybe this just shows my true colors.

I will be reporting my experience of taking it, and probably vomit out more of my thoughts in this thread throughout the day.

I wish i had something to offer to this world, maybe i would have gotten something in return.
I wish wasn't so insecure, shy, stubborn and shit
I wish I were better at connecting with people; I wish I could have experienced love.
Maybe in another universe.

So for now, Goodbye everyone.
i understand how you feel about school, i've been in and out of 5 high schools when it's only 4 years. I hope you find the peace your looking for and good luck :)
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