Wow... the video is a bit long I didn't watch the whole thing. But damn this is horrible
I actually seen a video that was even worst than this. It was a guy in his car, who shot himself in the head to CTB, I believe it was even a shotgun, I can't remember the exact details 100%. But he accidentally missed where he was aiming, and instead completely blew his face off into unexplainable situation, but still survived, and was moaning in pain, while waiting for help in his car.
Some bystanders were able to capture it on video
Someone shared it maybe a year ago on this forum. If anyone knows what I'm referring to and has that video link, please share it here
Surviving this type of CTB is nightmare. If this girl's family really loved and cared for her, they should not be selfish, and help her apply for assisted suicide ASAP. She obviously DOES NOT want to live. So just cut it short and get it over with quick