LMLN and other Posters - I have been thinking about what you just wrote about and remembering as best I can about the good-bye threads we have seen in the last couple months. A couple of observations are making me wonder if SN isn't a better choice for several reasons.
1. I noticed when a member post they drank the SN, in very short order they report being dizzy and they are going to lie down. And that is the last we hear from them, even those who were posting a lot before the drink. So it makes me think unconsciousness comes rather quick, and the feature of N heretofore is that it makes you unconscious quick, and you die in your sleep. IF both knock you out quick, and you die after you sleep, the only difference may be the time it takes to die, though I read ranges on both methods. Making sure you aren't discovered takes away that concern. Anyway, now we can look at the next comparison.
2. Costs, I don't need to say much but we are talking hundreds of dollars less for SN
3. SN is not illegal to possess or get in the mail, N has all kinds of worries here, including having to give your out your name, ID, and address to the seller, the courier, Westerunion, the counter clerk, the postal service maybe.
4. I don't think any SN has ever been confiscated by authorities knocking on your door, but we know the havoc wreaked on N buyers round the world.
5. Taste / Vomiting - antiemetics are used for both so I don't need to discuss the vomiting, but from the goodbye postings, the taste of SN just doesn't sound as bad and is obviously doable given the number of CTB we see on SS forum. I read much more about SN, and it is not just the terrible taste we hear about, but now we think we have to drink 200 ml, where SN is 50 ml or 100 ml of liquid.
Bottom line, is I don't know what is best. I believed N would be, as the main selling point to me was that you quickly become unconscious and then death occurs after you sleep. With the unselfish efforts of SS members who posted their CTB I now think there is not much difference, they both knock you out, and then you die peacefully.
I am writing these random thoughts as I think of them. If anyone can point out something important I missed, please let me know because I am studying different methods.