Just wanting some peace
- Sep 24, 2020
- 40,923
It'd bring me so much peace to be able to painlessly cease existing.
It truly would bring me so much peace to be able to finally cease existing and never suffer ever again, all I hope and wish is for this cruel, futile existence to be no longer my problem and for all to finally be gone and forgotten about for me. I'll always prefer to die than be trapped in this existence of pointless suffering just waiting to die anyway, as long as I exist death truly will be all I hope for, I just hope to never exist again, to me existence truly is just cruelty and suffering all for the sake of it, it's all so terrible for me.
Being able to painlessly cease existing would bring me so much peace and solve everything for me as after all there is no suffering in what I see as ideal which is permanent non-existence, to cease existing truly would be the only relief for me, it's all I see as desirable, in an existence so cruel and torturous death really is all that can bring me peace and to painlessly cease existing is all I could ever hope for. I just want to never suffer ever again, I'll always find it deeply undesirable to exist no matter what and I suffer just from being conscious in this reality, it truly would bring me so much peace if I could have the option of a death like never waking again to save myself from all pointless, unnecessary suffering in this existence I was never meant for that I never would have chose and I suffer so much from how I cannot just have the option to painlessly die and never exist ever again, as long as I exist I'll only hope to sleep for all eternity.
It truly would bring me so much peace to be able to finally cease existing and never suffer ever again, all I hope and wish is for this cruel, futile existence to be no longer my problem and for all to finally be gone and forgotten about for me. I'll always prefer to die than be trapped in this existence of pointless suffering just waiting to die anyway, as long as I exist death truly will be all I hope for, I just hope to never exist again, to me existence truly is just cruelty and suffering all for the sake of it, it's all so terrible for me.
Being able to painlessly cease existing would bring me so much peace and solve everything for me as after all there is no suffering in what I see as ideal which is permanent non-existence, to cease existing truly would be the only relief for me, it's all I see as desirable, in an existence so cruel and torturous death really is all that can bring me peace and to painlessly cease existing is all I could ever hope for. I just want to never suffer ever again, I'll always find it deeply undesirable to exist no matter what and I suffer just from being conscious in this reality, it truly would bring me so much peace if I could have the option of a death like never waking again to save myself from all pointless, unnecessary suffering in this existence I was never meant for that I never would have chose and I suffer so much from how I cannot just have the option to painlessly die and never exist ever again, as long as I exist I'll only hope to sleep for all eternity.